
The Molecular Basis of Neural Memory. Part 7: Neural Intelligence (NI) versus Artificial Intelligence (AI)

  • Received: 30 April 2017 Accepted: 03 July 2017 Published: 15 July 2017
  • The link of memory to intelligence is incontestable, though the development of electronic artifacts with memory has confounded cognitive and computer scientists’ conception of memory and its relevance to “intelligence”. We propose two categories of “Intelligence”: (1) Logical (objective) — mathematics, numbers, pattern recognition, games, programmable in binary format. (2) Emotive (subjective) — sensations, feelings, perceptions, goals desires, sociability, sex, food, love. The 1st has been reduced to computational algorithms of which we are well versed, witness global technology and the internet. The 2nd relates to the mysterious process whereby (psychic) emotive states are achieved by neural beings sensing, comprehending, remembering and dealing with their surroundings.
    Many theories and philosophies have been forwarded to rationalize this process, but as neuroscientists, we remain dissatisfied. Our own musings on universal neural memory, suggest a tripartite mechanism involving neurons interacting with their surroundings, notably the neural extracellular matrix (nECM) with dopants [trace metals and neurotransmitters (NTs)]. In particular, the NTs are the molecular encoders of emotive states. We have developed a chemographic representation of such a molecular code.
    To quote Longuet-Higgins, “Perhaps it is time for the term ‘artificial intelligence’ to be replaced by something more modest and less provisional”. We suggest “artifact intelligence” (ARTI) or “machine intelligence” (MI), neither of which imply emulation of emotive neural processes, but simply refer to the ‘demotive’ (lacking emotive quality) capability of electronic artifacts that employ a recall function, to calculate algorithms.

    Citation: Gerard Marx, Chaim Gilon. The Molecular Basis of Neural Memory. Part 7: Neural Intelligence (NI) versus Artificial Intelligence (AI)[J]. AIMS Medical Science, 2017, 4(3): 241-260. doi: 10.3934/medsci.2017.3.241

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  • The link of memory to intelligence is incontestable, though the development of electronic artifacts with memory has confounded cognitive and computer scientists’ conception of memory and its relevance to “intelligence”. We propose two categories of “Intelligence”: (1) Logical (objective) — mathematics, numbers, pattern recognition, games, programmable in binary format. (2) Emotive (subjective) — sensations, feelings, perceptions, goals desires, sociability, sex, food, love. The 1st has been reduced to computational algorithms of which we are well versed, witness global technology and the internet. The 2nd relates to the mysterious process whereby (psychic) emotive states are achieved by neural beings sensing, comprehending, remembering and dealing with their surroundings.
    Many theories and philosophies have been forwarded to rationalize this process, but as neuroscientists, we remain dissatisfied. Our own musings on universal neural memory, suggest a tripartite mechanism involving neurons interacting with their surroundings, notably the neural extracellular matrix (nECM) with dopants [trace metals and neurotransmitters (NTs)]. In particular, the NTs are the molecular encoders of emotive states. We have developed a chemographic representation of such a molecular code.
    To quote Longuet-Higgins, “Perhaps it is time for the term ‘artificial intelligence’ to be replaced by something more modest and less provisional”. We suggest “artifact intelligence” (ARTI) or “machine intelligence” (MI), neither of which imply emulation of emotive neural processes, but simply refer to the ‘demotive’ (lacking emotive quality) capability of electronic artifacts that employ a recall function, to calculate algorithms.

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