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Homogenization of attractors to reaction–diffusion equations in domains with rapidly oscillating boundary: Critical case

  • Received: 27 October 2024 Revised: 21 November 2024 Accepted: 29 November 2024 Published: 10 December 2024
  • In the present paper, reaction–diffusion systems (RD-systems) with rapidly oscillating coefficients and righthand sides in equations and in boundary conditions were considered in domains with locally periodic oscillating (wavering) boundary. We proved a weak convergence of the trajectory attractors of the given systems to the trajectory attractors of the limit (homogenized) RD-systems in domain independent of the small parameter, characterizing the oscillation rate. We consider the critical case in which the type of boundary condition was preserved. For this aim, we used the approach of Chepyzhov and Vishik concerning trajectory attractors of evolutionary equations. Also, we applied the homogenization (averaging) method and asymptotic analysis to derive the limit (averaged) system and to prove the convergence. Defining the appropriate axillary functional spaces with weak topology, we proved the existence of trajectory attractors for these systems. Then, we formulated the main theorem and proved it with the help of auxiliary lemmata.

    Citation: Gaziz F. Azhmoldaev, Kuanysh A. Bekmaganbetov, Gregory A. Chechkin, Vladimir V. Chepyzhov. Homogenization of attractors to reaction–diffusion equations in domains with rapidly oscillating boundary: Critical case[J]. Networks and Heterogeneous Media, 2024, 19(3): 1381-1401. doi: 10.3934/nhm.2024059

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  • In the present paper, reaction–diffusion systems (RD-systems) with rapidly oscillating coefficients and righthand sides in equations and in boundary conditions were considered in domains with locally periodic oscillating (wavering) boundary. We proved a weak convergence of the trajectory attractors of the given systems to the trajectory attractors of the limit (homogenized) RD-systems in domain independent of the small parameter, characterizing the oscillation rate. We consider the critical case in which the type of boundary condition was preserved. For this aim, we used the approach of Chepyzhov and Vishik concerning trajectory attractors of evolutionary equations. Also, we applied the homogenization (averaging) method and asymptotic analysis to derive the limit (averaged) system and to prove the convergence. Defining the appropriate axillary functional spaces with weak topology, we proved the existence of trajectory attractors for these systems. Then, we formulated the main theorem and proved it with the help of auxiliary lemmata.


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