Research article

On the equilibrium strategy of linear-quadratic time-inconsistent control problems

  • Received: 08 October 2024 Revised: 11 February 2025 Accepted: 14 February 2025 Published: 11 March 2025
  • MSC : 49K15, 49N10, 91B50

  • The paper investigates the open-loop equilibrium strategy for linear-quadratic time-inconsistent control problems. It derives an equilibrium maximum principle for this strategy and establishes the equivalence among the open-loop equilibrium strategy, two-point boundary value problems, and the equilibrium Riccati equation. Additionally, examples are provided to illustrate the essential differences among the open-loop equilibrium strategy, the closed-loop equilibrium strategy, and the optimal control.

    Citation: Wei Ji. On the equilibrium strategy of linear-quadratic time-inconsistent control problems[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2025, 10(3): 5480-5494. doi: 10.3934/math.2025253

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  • The paper investigates the open-loop equilibrium strategy for linear-quadratic time-inconsistent control problems. It derives an equilibrium maximum principle for this strategy and establishes the equivalence among the open-loop equilibrium strategy, two-point boundary value problems, and the equilibrium Riccati equation. Additionally, examples are provided to illustrate the essential differences among the open-loop equilibrium strategy, the closed-loop equilibrium strategy, and the optimal control.

    The history of the time-inconsistent problem can be traced back to the research of Hume [1] and Smith [2]. However, it was not until 1955 that Strotz [3] first established a mathematical formulation for the hyperbolic discounting Ramsey problem. Since then, extensive studies on time-inconsistent problems have emerged due to their importance and wide-ranging applications. Bj¨ork et al. [4,5,6] explored time-inconsistent stochastic control and its application in finance and economics in both discrete and continuous time; they derived the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman (HJB) equations using systematic methods and obtained verification theorems. Ekeland et al. [7,8] researched feedback equilibrium control for time-inconsistent problems as well as time-consistent portfolio management. Yong and collaborators [9,10,11,12,13] studied time-inconsistent optimal control problems within the framework of game theory, obtaining results related to time-consistent equilibrium control by discretizing time intervals. L¨u et al. [14,15] examined stochastic linear-quadratic time-inconsistent control problems with both definite and indefinite cost functional. Hu et al. [16,17] investigated the existence and uniqueness of open-loop equilibrium control for stochastic linear-quadratic time-inconsistent control problems by employing a flow of forward and backward stochastic differential equations. Ni et al. [18] researched mixed equilibrium strategies for linear-quadratic time-inconsistent control problems.

    Recently, Peng and collaborators [19,20] explored the equivalence between the equilibrium control of deterministic linear-quadratic time-inconsistent problems, the solvability of the two-point boundary value problems, and the Riccati-type equations in a closed-loop framework. They established the existence and uniqueness of time-consistent equilibrium control for deterministic linear-quadratic time-inconsistent models by discussing the solvability of Riccati-type equations. Additionally, related studies [21,22] have also been conducted in the context of open-loop.

    It is well known that the Pontryagin-type maximum principle serves as one of the most important tools for solving classical control problems (time-consistent control problems). Furthermore, suppose the linear-quadratic control problem admits both closed-loop and open-loop optimal control, and that the open-loop optimal control has a closed-loop representation. This implies that the representation must stem from the closed-loop optimal control [23,24,25,26]. Consequently, it is natural to pose the following questions: (1) Does an equilibrium maximum principle, similar to the Pontryagin maximum principle, exist for time-inconsistent control problems? (2) If the linear-quadratic time-inconsistent control problem allows for both open-loop and closed-loop equilibrium strategies, and the open-loop equilibrium strategy has a closed-loop representation, does this mean it arises from the closed-loop equilibrium strategy? (3) What is the connection between the open-loop equilibrium strategy, the closed-loop equilibrium strategy for time-inconsistent problems, and the optimal solution for the control problem?

    In this paper, we primarily focus on the equilibrium maximum principle for the open-loop equilibrium strategy in linear-quadratic time-inconsistent control problems. We explore the equivalence among the open-loop equilibrium strategy, two-point boundary value problems, and equilibrium Riccati equations. Additionally, we provide examples to highlight the essential difference between the open-loop and closed-loop equilibrium strategies in time-inconsistent control problems and the optimal control in classical control problems. Our approach is inspired by recent developments in linear-quadratic time-inconsistent differential games and control problems [19,21,22].

    The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: In Section 2, we formulate the mathematical model for the linear-quadratic time-inconsistent control problem and present some necessary assumptions and notations that will be frequently used throughout the paper. Section 3.1 is dedicated to deriving the equilibrium maximum principle for the open-loop equilibrium strategy. In Section 3.2, we characterize the relationships between the open-loop equilibrium strategy, two-point boundary value problems, and the equilibrium Riccati equation. Section 4 addresses the relationships among the open-loop equilibrium, the closed-loop equilibrium for time-inconsistent control problems, and optimal control in classical control problems.

    Let L0>0. The following function spaces and notations are to be used throughout this article:

    C([0,L0];R)={χ:[0,L0]Rχ is continuous},
    C1([0,L0];R)={χ:[0,L0]RDχandχare continuous},
    Θ(ν)=M1(ν,ν)B(ν)P(ν),for anyν[0,L0],
    ϕA(ν,μ)=exp{μνA(ι)dι},for anyν,μ[0,L0],
    Φ(ν,μ)=exp{μν(A(ι)B(ι)Θ(ι))dι},for anyν,μ[0,L0],
    :the transpose of a matrix or vector.

    For any (ν,z)[0,L0]×Rn, we research the following linear control system:

    {˙Z(μ)=A(μ)Z(μ)+B(μ)u(μ),μ(ν,L0],Z(ν)=z, (2.1)

    with an LQ cost functional

    F(ν,z;u())=L0ν(Q(ν,μ)Z(μ),Z(μ)+M(ν,μ)u(μ),u(μ))dμ+G(ν)Z(L0),Z(L0). (2.2)

    Here, A(), B(), Q(,), M(,), G() are appropriate matrix-valued functions. We are making the following hypotheses.

    (S1) AL1([0,L0];Rn×n), BL2([0,L0];Rn×m).

    (S2) MC([0,L0]×[0,L0];Rm×m) is a positive definite matrix-valued functions.

    (S3) QC1([0,L0]×[0,L0];Rn×n) and GC1([0,L0];Rn×n) are symmetric matrix-valued functions.

    (S4) For 0νμL0, G(ν), Q(ν,μ), Mν(ν,μ), ˙G(ν), and Qν(ν,μ) are positive semi-definite. Here, Mν(ν,μ)=Mν(ν,μ),˙G(ν)=dGdν(ν),Qν(ν,μ)=Qν(ν,μ).

    It is obvious that for any (ν,z)[0,L0]×Rn and u()L2([0,L0];Rm), the linear control system (2.1) admits a unique solution under (S1). Specifically, we define ϕA(ν,μ) as a matrix solution of the differential equation ddμZ(μ)=A(μ)Z(μ) with ϕA(ν,ν)=In×n in this paper. Further, if (S2) and (S3) are also assumed, then the LQ cost functional (2.2) is well defined for any zRn, μ,ν[0,L0] and u()L2([0,L0];Rm).

    Problem(I). For any initial pair (ν,z), we want to find an ˉu() L2([0,L0];Rm) such that the cost functional F(ν,z;u()) is minimized.

    Note that the coefficients Q, M, and G in the objective functional (2.2) explicitly depend on the initial time ν. This implies that the cost functional will change over time, leading to time-inconsistency, which makes it quite different from classical optimal control problems. We refer to Problem (Ⅰ) as linear-quadratic time-inconsistent control problem.

    Let ˉu()L2([0,L0];Rm) be a given control, and ˉZ() be the state trajectory corresponding to the control ˉu and fixed initial pair (0,z0), i.e., ˉZ()Zˉu0,z0(). We then present the following definition.

    Definition 2.1. [16] The control ˉu()L2([0,L0];Rm) is called an open-loop equilibrium strategy if

    limε0F(ν,ˉZ(ν);uε,ν,c())F(ν,ˉZ(ν);ˉu())ε0,(ν,c)[0,L0)×Rm, (2.3)


    uε,ν,c(μ)={c,μ(ν,ν+ε],ˉu(μ),μ[0,ν](ν+ε,L0], (2.4)

    and cRm is a constant vector. The corresponding control trajectory ˉZ() and (ˉZ(),ˉu()) are called an equilibrium strategy trajectory and equilibrium strategy pair, respectively.

    We first state the following equilibrium maximum principle, which gives a set of necessary conditions for equilibrium strategy in the sense of open-loop.

    Theorem 3.1. Suppose (S1)–(S3) hold. Let (ˉZ(),ˉu()) be an open-loop equilibrium strategy pair of Problem (I). Then, there exists a ω():[0,L0]Rn satisfying the following integral equation:

    ω(ν)=ϕA(L0,ν)G(ν)ˉZ(L0)+L0νϕA(τ,ν)Q(ν,τ)ˉZ(τ)dτ, (3.1)

    and such that

    M(ν,ν)ˉu(ν)+B(ν)ω(ν)=0,ν[0,L0]. (3.2)

    Proof. Suppose that the Problem (Ⅰ) has an open-loop equilibrium strategy pair (ˉZ(),ˉu()), we then define

    ˜ω(ν)=ϕA(L0,ν)G(ν)ˉZ(L0)+L0νϕA(τ,ν)Q(ν,τ)ˉZ(τ)dτ. (3.3)

    For any fixed ν[0,L0) and any ε(0,1) with ν+εL0, it follows from the definition of the perturbation control (2.4) that the control system (2.1) with uε,ν,c have a unique solution Zuε,ν,cC([0,L0];Rn) given by

    Zuε,ν,c(μ)=ˉZ(μ)+[0,μ][ν,ν+ε]ϕA(μ,τ)B(τ)(cˉu(τ))dτˉZ(μ)+Zε(μ) (3.4)

    for all μ[0,L0]. We then have

    Zε()0 in C([0,L0];Rn) as ε0. (3.5)

    It follows from (2.2), (3.3)–(3.5) that


    which yields that

    limε0F(ν,ˉZ(ν);uε,ν,c)F(ν,ˉZ(ν);ˉu)ε=2B(ν)L0νϕA(τ,ν)Q(ν,τ)ˉZ(τ)dτ+M(ν,ν)(c+ˉu(ν)),cˉu(ν)+2B(ν)ϕA(L0,ν)G(ν)ˉZ(L0),cˉu(ν), (3.6)

    where ν[0,L0].

    We can have

    ˜ω(ν)=ϕA(L0,ν)G(ν)ˉZ(L0)+L0νϕA(τ,ν)Q(ν,τ)ˉZ(τ)dτ. (3.7)

    Using (ˉZ(),ˉu()) as an open-loop equilibrium strategy pair, we then have

    B(ν)˜ω(ν)+M(ν,ν)ˉu(ν)=0,ν[0,L0]. (3.8)

    Combining (3.8) and (2.1), we then have

    {˙ˉZ(ν)=A(ν)ˉZ(μ)B(ν)M1(ν,ν)B(ν)˜ω(ν),ˉZ(0)=z0. (3.9)

    Thus, the differential equation (3.9) admits a unique solution ˉZ() given by

    ˉZ(ν)=ϕA(ν,0)z0ν0ϕA(ν,τ)B(τ)M1(τ,τ)B(τ)ω(τ)dτ. (3.10)

    Substituting (3.10) into (3.7), we can have (3.1). This implies that ω() is a solution of (3.1); we thus complete the proof.

    In this subsection, we investigate the equivalence among the open-loop equilibrium strategy, two-point boundary value problems, and equilibrium Riccati equations. We first introduce the following two-point boundary value problems:

    {ˉZ(ν)=ϕA(ν,0)z0ν0ϕA(ν,τ)B(τ)M1(τ,τ)B(τ)ω(τ)dτ,ω(ν)=ϕA(L0,ν)G(ν)ˉZ(L0)+L0νϕA(τ,ν)Q(ν,τ)ˉZ(τ)dτ,ν[0,L0], (3.11)

    and the equilibrium Riccati equations

    {˙P(ν)+P(ν)A(ν)+A(ν)P(ν)+˜Q(ν,ν)Θ(ν)M(ν,ν)Θ(ν)=0,ν[0,L0],P(L0)=G(L0). (3.12)

    Theorem 3.2. Suppose (S1)–(S3) hold. Then, the Problem (I) admits an open-loop equilibrium strategy, if and only if, the two-point boundary value problems (3.11) admits a solution in C([0,L0];Rn)×C([0,L0];Rn) for all ν[0,L0].

    Proof. We assert that the necessary condition is satisfied according to Theorem 3.1. Next, we will establish sufficiency. Let the two-point boundary problem (3.11) have a solution (ˉZ,ω)C([0,L0];Rn)×C([0,L0];Rn). By introducing the control function ˉu as defined in (3.2), we claim that ˉu serves as an equilibrium strategy. Following a similar derivation process as in (3.6), it follows (3.7) that

    limε0F(ν,ˉZ(ν);uε,ν,c)F(ν,ˉZ(ν);ˉu)ε=M(ν,ν)(c+M1(ν,ν)B(ν)ω(ν)),c+M1(ν,ν)B(ν)ω(ν) for all ν[0,L0].

    It follows from the assumption (S2) and the above equation that

    limε0F(ν,ˉZ(ν);uε,ν,c)F(ν,ˉZ(ν);ˉu)ε0 for all ν[0,L0].

    Consequently, ˉu is an open-loop equilibrium strategy of the linear-quadratic time-inconsistent control problems.

    Theorem 3.3. Let (S1)–(S4) hold. Then, P()C([0,L0];Rn×n) is a solution of the equilibrium Riccati equations (3.12), if and only if, the two-point boundary value problems (3.11) admits a solution (ˉZ(),ω())C([0,L0];Rn)×C([0,L0];Rn) be given by

    {ˉZ(ν)=Φ(ν,0)z0,ω(ν)=P(ν)ˉZ(ν),ν[0,L0]. (3.13)

    Proof. Let P be a solution of the equilibrium Riccati equations (3.12); then we can define


    It is clear that ˜Z and ˜ω are continuous and differentiable. Taking the first order derivative on ˜Z and ˜ω, we then have

    {˙˜Z(ν)=A(ν)˜Z(ν)B(ν)M1(ν,ν)B(ν)˜ω(ν),ν[0,L0],˜Z(0)=z0, (3.14)


    {˙˜ω(ν)=˙P(ν)˜Z(ν)+P(ν)˙˜Z(ν),ν[0,L0],˜ω(L0)=G(L0)˜Z(L0). (3.15)

    Observer that


    Result in

    ˜ω(ν)=ϕA(L0,ν)G(L0)˜Z(L0)+L0νϕA(τ,ν)˜Q(τ,τ)˜Z(τ)dτ=ϕA(L0,ν)G(L0)˜Z(L0)L0νϕA(τ,ν)ϕA(L0,τ)˙G(τ)Φ(L0,τ)˜Z(τ)dτ+L0νϕA(τ,ν)[Q(τ,τ)L0τϕA(μ,τ)Qν(τ,μ)Φ(μ,τ)dμ]˜Z(τ)dτ=ϕA(L0,ν)[G(L0)L0ν˙G(τ)dτ]˜Z(L0)+L0νϕA(τ,ν)Q(τ,τ)˜Z(τ)dτL0νL0τϕA(τ,t)ϕA(μ,τ)Qν(τ,μ)Φ(μ,τ)˜Z(τ)dμdτ. (3.16)



    Invoking this into (3.16), we obtain that

    ˜ω(ν)=ϕA(L0,ν)G(ν)˜Z(L0)+L0νϕA(μ,ν)Q(ν,μ)˜Z(μ)dμ. (3.17)

    By combining (3.14) and (3.17), we demonstrate that (˜Z,˜ω) is a solution to the two-point boundary value problem (3.11). This concludes the proof of necessity.

    On the other hand, if (ˉZ,ω) is a solution of the two-point boundary value problems (3.11) and (ˉZ,ω) is given by (3.13). We can have

    ω(t)=(ϕA(T,ν)G(ν)Φ(L0,0)+L0νϕA(τ,ν)Q(ν,τ)Φ(τ,0)dτ)z0,ν[0,L0]. (3.18)


    ω(ν)=P(ν)Φ(ν,0)z0,ν[0,L0]. (3.19)

    It follows (3.18) and (3.19) that

    P(ν)=ϕA(L0,ν)G(ν)Φ(L0,ν)+L0νϕA(τ,ν)Q(ν,τ)Φ(τ,ν)dτ,ν[0,L0]. (3.20)

    This implies that P is continuous and differential. Therefore, taking the first-order derivative on both sides of ω(ν)=P(ν)ˉZ(ν), we can obtain that

    ˙ω(ν)=˙P(ν)ˉZ(ν)+P(ν)˙ˉZ(ν),ν[0,L0]. (3.21)

    Therefore, it is clear that P satisfies the equilibrium Riccati equations (3.12) based on (3.11) and (3.21). Thus, we complete the proof.

    The closed-loop representation of an open-loop optimal control can be derived from a closed-loop control for classical linear-quadratic control problems. We will now establish a similar result for linear-quadratic time-inconsistent control problems. For convenience, we introduce the following notations:

    b(ν)=B(ν)Ω(ν),ν[0,L0], (4.1)


    Ω(ν)=L0ν(ϕA(μ,ν)Φ(μ,ν))Q(ν,μ)Φ(μ,ν)ˉZ(ν)dμL0νΦ(μ,ν)Θ(μ)M(ν,μ)Θ(μ)Φ(μ,ν)ˉZ(ν)dμ+(ϕA(L0,ν)Φ(L0,ν))G(ν)Φ(L0,ν)ˉZ(ν),ν[0,L0]. (4.2)

    We now present the following lemma.

    Lemma 4.1. [19] Let (S1)–(S4) hold. Then, the following equilibrium Riccati equations

    {˙P(ν)+P(ν)A(ν)+A(ν)P(ν)+Q(ν,ν)Θ(ν)M(ν,ν)Θ(ν)L0νΦ(μ,ν)Θ(μ)Mν(ν,μ)Θ(μ)Φ(μ,ν)dμL0νΦ(μ,ν)Qν(ν,μ)Φ(μ,ν)dμΦ(L0,ν)˙G(ν)Φ(L0,ν)=0,ν[0,L0],P(L0)=G(L0) (4.3)

    admits a unique symmetric positive semi-definite solution PC([0,L0];Rn×n).

    Proposition 4.1. Let (S1)–(S4) hold. Then, the closed-loop representation of an open-loop equilibrium strategy must be the outcome from a closed-loop equilibrium strategy if and only if


    Proof. Since (S1)–(S4) hold, we know that there is a solution P to the equilibrium Riccati equation (4.3) as shown in [19]. Therefore, we can define the following function:

    ˉu(ν,z)=Θ(ν)z,(ν,z)[0,L0]×Rn. (4.4)

    Clearly, ˉu(,) of (4.4) is a unique closed-loop equilibrium control of linear-quadratic time-inconsistent control problems by [19]. Let (0,z0) be fixed; we make the notations as below:

    {ˉu(ν)=Θ(ν)ˉZ(ν),ν[0,L0],ˉZ(ν)=Φ(ν,0)z0,t[0,L0]. (4.5)

    It follows from (4.5) that ˉZC([0,L0];Rn) given by (3.3).


    uε,ν,c(μ,z)={c,μ(ν+ε],ˉu(μ,z),μ[0,ν](ν+ε,L0], (4.6)

    with Zε1() satisfy the equations

    {˙Zε1(μ)=A(μ)Zε1(μ)+B(μ)uε,ν,c(μ,Zε1(μ)),μ(0,L0],Zε1(0)=z0. (4.7)

    This implies that

    Zε1(μ)={Φ(μ,0)z0=ˉZ(μ),μ[0,ν],ϕA(μ,ν)ˉZ(ν)+μνϕA(μ,ι)B(ι)cdι,μ(ν,ν+ε],Φ(μ,ν+ε)Zε1(ν+ε),μ(ν+ε,L0]. (4.8)

    Next, let

    uε,ν,c(μ)={c,μ(ν,ν+ε],ˉu(μ),μ[0,ν](ν+ε,L0], (4.9)

    with Zε2(μ) solving the following equations:

    {˙Zε2(μ)=A(μ)Zε2(μ)+B(μ)uε,ν,c(μ),μ(0,L0],Zε2(0)=z0. (4.10)


    Zε2(μ)={Φ(μ,0)z0=ˉZ(μ),μ[0,ν],ϕA(μ,ν)ˉZ(ν)+μνϕA(μ,ι)B(ι)cdι=Zε1(μ),μ(ν,ν+ε]ϕA(μ,ν+ε)Zε2(ν+ε)+μν+εϕA(μ,ι)B(ι)ˉu(ι)dι,μ(ν+ε,L0]. (4.11)


    Yε1(μ)=Zε1(μ)ˉZ(μ),0νμL0. (4.12)

    Result in

    Yε1(μ)={0,μ[0,ν],μνϕA(μ,ι)B(ι)(cˉu(ι))dι,μ(ν,ν+ε]Φ(μ,ν+ε)(Zε1(ν+ε)ˉZ(ν+ε)),μ(ν+ε,L0]. (4.13)


    Zε1(ν+ε)ˉZ(ν+ε)=ν+ενϕA(μ,ν+ε)B(ι)(v+Θ(ι)ˉZ(ι))dι. (4.14)

    This yields that

    limε0Zε1(ν+ε)ˉZ(ν+ε)ε=B(ν)(c+Θ(ν)ˉZ(ν)),a.e.ν[0,L0]. (4.15)


    Yε2(μ)=Zε2(μ)ˉZ(μ),0νμL0. (4.16)

    This deduces

    Yε2(μ)={0,μ[0,ν],μνϕA(μ,ι)B(ι)(cˉu(ι))dι,μ(ν,ν+ε]ϕA(μ,ν+ε)(Zε2(ν+ε)ˉZ(ν+ε)),μ(ν+ε,L0]. (4.17)


    Zε2(μ)Zε1(μ)=Yε2(μ)Yε1(μ)={0,μ[0,ν],μνϕA(μ,ι)B(ι)(cˉu(ι))dι,μ(ν,ν+ε],(ϕA(μ,ν+ε)Φ(μ,ν+ε))(Zε1(ν+ε)ˉZ(ν+ε)),μ(ν+ε,L0]. (4.18)

    Next, we have

    F(ν,ˉZ(ν);uε,ν,c())=ν+εν(Q(ν,μ)Zε2(μ),Zε2(μ)+M(ν,μ)c,c)dμ+L0ν+ε(Q(ν,μ)Zε2(μ),Zε2(μ)+M(ν,μ)ˉu(μ),ˉu(μ))dμ+G(ν)Zε2(L0),Zε2(L0)=F(ν,ˉZ(ν);uε,ν,c(,))+˜F(ε), (4.19)




    limε0˜F(ε)ε=2L0νQ(ν,μ)ˉZ(μ),(ϕA(μ,ν)Φ(μ,ν))B(ν)(c+Θ(ν)ˉZ(ν))+2L0νM(ν,μ)Θ(μ)ˉZ(μ),Θ(μ)Φ(μ,ν)B(ν)(c+Θ(ν)ˉZ(ν))dν+2G(ν)ˉZ(L0),(ϕA(L0,ν)Φ(L0,ν))B(ν)(c+Θ(ν)ˉZ(ν))=2L0ν((ϕA(μ,ν)Φ(μ,ν))Q(ν,μ)Φ(μ,ν)ˉZ(μ))dμ,B(ν)(c+Θ(ν)ˉZ(ν))2L0ν(Φ(μ,ν)Θ(μ)M(ν,μ)Θ(μ)Φ(μ,ν)ˉZ(ν))dμ,B(ν)(c+Θ(ν)ˉZ(ν))+2(ϕA(L0,ν)Φ(L0,ν))G(ν)Φ(L0,ν)ˉZ(ν),B(ν)(c+Θ(ν)ˉZ(ν))=2b(ν),c+Θ(ν)ˉZ(ν). (4.20)

    In summary, we have

    limε0F(ν,ˉZ(ν);uε,ν,c())F(ν,ˉZ(ν);ˉu())ε=limε0{F(ν,ˉZ(ν);uε,ν,c1())F(t,ˉZ(ν);ˉu())ε+˜F(ε)ε}=M(ν,ν)(c+Θ(ν)ˉZ(ν)),c+Θ(ν)ˉZ(ν)+2b(ν),c+Θ(ν)ˉZ(ν)=M(ν,ν)(c+Θ(ν)ˉZ(ν)+M1(ν,ν)b(ν)),c+Θ(ν)ˉZ(ν)+M1(ν,ν)b(ν)M1(ν,ν)b(ν),b(ν)M1(ν,ν)b(ν),b(ν),a.e.ν[0,L0]. (4.21)

    This implies that the ˉu() is an open-loop equilibrium strategy if and only if b(ν)=0. We thus complete the proof that ˉu() is an open-loop equilibrium strategy if and only if Ω(ν)=0 almost every ν[0,L0] by (S1).

    Remark 4.1. Note that above (4.2), Ω(ν)=0 is not true for almost every ν[0,L0] in general, which implies that the closed-loop structure associated with an open-loop equilibrium strategy fails to be valid in almost all cases.

    We now provide an example to illustrate that, in general, a closed-loop representation of an open-loop equilibrium strategy does not emerge from a closed-loop equilibrium strategy. This highlights the fundamental difference between time-inconsistent control problems and classical control problems.

    Example 4.1. In Problem (Ⅰ), let A=B=1, Q=0, M(ν,μ)=μ2+ν+12, G(ν)=13ν3+2ν2+ν+524 and L0=12. Then,

    Qν(ν,μ)=0,Mν(ν,μ)=1,˙G(ν)=ν2+4ν+1, for anyν,μ[0,L0].

    Let P(ν)=M(ν,ν); then the equilibrium Riccati equation (4.3) yields that

    {˙P(ν)+P(ν)˙G(ν)L0νMν(ν,μ)dμ=0,0νμ12,P(12)=G(12). (4.22)

    Solving the above ordinary differential equation, we then have


    for all ν[0,L0].

    Next, plug A,B,Q,M, and G into (3.12), we then have

    ˜P(ν)=e12ν(13ν3+2ν2+ν+524). (4.23)



    for all ν[0,12].

    Before presenting the relationship between the open-loop equilibrium strategy of time-inconsistent control problems and the optimal control of classical control problems, we will first introduce a lemma related to optimal control problems.

    In cost functional (2.2), let ν[0,L0] be fixed or

    Q(ν,μ)=Q(μ,μ),M(ν,μ)=M(μ,μ),G(ν)=G,for anyν,μ[0,L0],

    then Problem (Ⅰ) is reduced to a classical control problem. We introduce the following result for the optimal control problem.

    Lemma 4.2. [26] Suppose (S1)–(S4) hold and ν[0,L0] is fixed. Then, the classical optimal control problem is uniquely solvable at each μ[ν,L0], if and only if, the following Riccati equation

    {Pμ(μ;ν)+P(μ;ν)A(μ)+A(μ)P(μ;ν)+Q(ν,μ)P(μ;ν)B(μ)M1(ν,μ)B(μ)P(μ;ν)=0,P(L0;ν)=G(ν) (4.24)

    is uniquely solvable on [ν,L0].

    Example 4.2. In Problem (Ⅰ), let A=B=1, Q=0, G(ν)=L20+ν, and M(ν,μ)=(μ2+ν)22(μ2+μ+ν) for any 0ν<μL0. Then,

    Qν(ν,μ)=0,˙G(ν)=1, for anyν,μ[0,L0].

    On the one hand, if the initial pair (ν,z)[0,L0]×Rn is fixed, then Problem (Ⅰ) is an optimal control problem; we thus have the following Riccati equation:

    {Pμ(μ;ν)+P(μ;ν)A(μ)+A(μ)P(μ;ν)+Q(ν,μ)P(μ;ν)B(μ)M1(ν,μ)B(μ)P(μ;ν)=0,μ[ν,L0),P(L0;ν)=G(ν). (4.25)

    Plug A, B, Q, G, Qν, ˙G, and M into (4.25), we have

    {Pμ(μ;ν)+2P(μ;ν)P(μ;ν)2(μ2+μ+ν)(μ2+ν)2P(μ;ν)=0,μ[ν,L0),P(L0;ν)=L20+ν. (4.26)

    Solving the above Eq (4.26), we then have

    P(μ;ν)=μ2+ν (4.27)

    for any μ[ν,L0).

    On the other hand, for any ν[0,L0], substitute A, B, Q, G, Qν, ˙G and M into the equilibrium Riccati equation (3.12), then we can obtain that

    {˙P(ν)+2P(ν)P(ν)2(ν2+ν+ν)(ν2+ν)2P(ν)exp{L0ν}exp{L0ν(12(ι2+2ι)(ι2+ι)2P(ι))dι}=0,ν[0,L0),P(L0)=L20+L0. (4.28)

    In (4.27), let μ=ν, we have

    P(ν)=ν2+ν. (4.29)

    Plug P(ν) into the main equation of (4.28); we have the left-hand of the main equation of (4.28) is equivalent to

    1(1+ν)2(1+L0)2, (4.30)

    which implies that 1(1+ν)2(1+L0)20for anyν[0,L0). Thus, P(ν)=ν2+ν is not a solution of Eq (4.28).

    The example above demonstrates that there is no essential connection between the open-loop equilibrium strategy and optimal control. This suggests that the existence of an equilibrium strategy for time-inconsistent control problems does not derive the existence of optimal control for classical control problems, and vice versa.

    Under the open-loop framework, we derive the equilibrium maximum principle for time-inconsistent linear-quadratic control problems. By appropriately introducing the two-point boundary value problems and the equilibrium HJB equations associated for time-inconsistent linear-quadratic control problems, we establish the equivalence among the existence of open-loop equilibrium controls, the solvability of the two-point boundary value problems, and the solvability of the equilibrium HJB equations. Finally, two examples demonstrate the essential differences between the open-loop equilibrium of time-inconsistent problems and both the closed-loop equilibrium and the optimal control in classical settings: (1) The closed-loop representation of the open-loop equilibrium in time-inconsistent problems cannot yield a closed-loop equilibrium, which fundamentally diverges from classical results. (2) The existence of an open-loop equilibrium does not guarantee the existence of an optimal control in classical frameworks.

    The author declares they have not used Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools in the creation of this article.

    The author was supported by the Doctoral Research Start-Up Foundation of Guiyang University (No. GYU-KY-[2024]) and the Natural Science Research Foundation of Education Department of Guizhou Province (No. OJJ[2024]190).

    The author declares there is no competing interest.

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