Research article

CPTU identification of regular, sensitive, and organic clays towards evaluating preconsolidation stress profiles

  • Received: 05 August 2021 Accepted: 15 September 2021 Published: 13 October 2021
  • Soil classification by piezocone penetration tests (CPTU) is mainly accomplished using empirical soil behavior charts (SBT). While commonly-used SBT methods work well to separate fine-grained soils from granular coarse-grained soils, in many instances, the groupings often fail to properly identify different categories of clays, specifically: (a) "regular" clays that are inorganic and insensitive, (b) sensitive and quick clays; and (c) organic soils. Herein, a simple means of screening and sorting these three clay types is shown using three analytical CPTU expressions for evaluating the preconsolidation stress profile from net cone resistance, excess porewater pressure, and effective cone resistance. A number of case studies are utilized to convey the methodology.

    Citation: Shehab S Agaiby, Paul W Mayne. CPTU identification of regular, sensitive, and organic clays towards evaluating preconsolidation stress profiles[J]. AIMS Geosciences, 2021, 7(4): 553-573. doi: 10.3934/geosci.2021032

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  • Soil classification by piezocone penetration tests (CPTU) is mainly accomplished using empirical soil behavior charts (SBT). While commonly-used SBT methods work well to separate fine-grained soils from granular coarse-grained soils, in many instances, the groupings often fail to properly identify different categories of clays, specifically: (a) "regular" clays that are inorganic and insensitive, (b) sensitive and quick clays; and (c) organic soils. Herein, a simple means of screening and sorting these three clay types is shown using three analytical CPTU expressions for evaluating the preconsolidation stress profile from net cone resistance, excess porewater pressure, and effective cone resistance. A number of case studies are utilized to convey the methodology.


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