In this paper we consider an optimal control for an equation that models a crucial step in the tumor development, the angiogenesis. We show the existence of an optimal control, we characterize the optimal control as a solution of the optimality system and we show the uniqueness of the optimal control for short times.
Citation: M. Delgado, I. Gayte, C. Morales-Rodrigo. Optimal control of a chemotaxis equation arising in angiogenesis[J]. Mathematics in Engineering, 2022, 4(6): 1-25. doi: 10.3934/mine.2022047
In this paper we consider an optimal control for an equation that models a crucial step in the tumor development, the angiogenesis. We show the existence of an optimal control, we characterize the optimal control as a solution of the optimality system and we show the uniqueness of the optimal control for short times.
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