Research article Special Issues

Video-based person re-identification with complementary local and global features using a graph transformer

  • Received: 08 March 2024 Revised: 16 June 2024 Accepted: 05 July 2024 Published: 23 July 2024
  • In recent years, significant progress has been made in video-based person re-identification (Re-ID). The key challenge in video person Re-ID lies in effectively constructing discriminative and robust person feature representations. Methods based on local regions utilize spatial and temporal attention to extract representative local features. However, prior approaches often overlook the correlations between local regions. To leverage relationships among different local regions, we have proposed a novel video person Re-ID representation learning approach based on a graph transformer, which facilitates contextual interactions between relevant region features. Specifically, we construct a local relation graph to model intrinsic relationships between nodes representing local regions. This graph employs the architecture of a transformer for feature propagation, iteratively refining region features and considering information from adjacent nodes to obtain partial feature representations. To learn compact and discriminative representations, we have further proposed a global feature learning branch based on a vision transformer to capture the relationships between different frames in a sequence. Additionally, we designed a dual-branch interaction network based on multi-head fusion attention to integrate frame-level features extracted by both local and global branches. Finally, the concatenated global and local features, after interaction, are used for testing. We evaluated the proposed method on three datasets, namely iLIDS-VID, MARS, and DukeMTMC-VideoReID. Experimental results demonstrate competitive performance, validating the effectiveness of our proposed approach.

    Citation: Hai Lu, Enbo Luo, Yong Feng, Yifan Wang. Video-based person re-identification with complementary local and global features using a graph transformer[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2024, 21(7): 6694-6709. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2024293

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  • In recent years, significant progress has been made in video-based person re-identification (Re-ID). The key challenge in video person Re-ID lies in effectively constructing discriminative and robust person feature representations. Methods based on local regions utilize spatial and temporal attention to extract representative local features. However, prior approaches often overlook the correlations between local regions. To leverage relationships among different local regions, we have proposed a novel video person Re-ID representation learning approach based on a graph transformer, which facilitates contextual interactions between relevant region features. Specifically, we construct a local relation graph to model intrinsic relationships between nodes representing local regions. This graph employs the architecture of a transformer for feature propagation, iteratively refining region features and considering information from adjacent nodes to obtain partial feature representations. To learn compact and discriminative representations, we have further proposed a global feature learning branch based on a vision transformer to capture the relationships between different frames in a sequence. Additionally, we designed a dual-branch interaction network based on multi-head fusion attention to integrate frame-level features extracted by both local and global branches. Finally, the concatenated global and local features, after interaction, are used for testing. We evaluated the proposed method on three datasets, namely iLIDS-VID, MARS, and DukeMTMC-VideoReID. Experimental results demonstrate competitive performance, validating the effectiveness of our proposed approach.


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