Research article Special Issues

Micro-expression recognition based on multi-scale 3D residual convolutional neural network

  • Received: 13 December 2023 Revised: 05 February 2024 Accepted: 06 February 2024 Published: 01 March 2024
  • In demanding application scenarios such as clinical psychotherapy and criminal interrogation, the accurate recognition of micro-expressions is of utmost importance but poses significant challenges. One of the main difficulties lies in effectively capturing weak and fleeting facial features and improving recognition performance. To address this fundamental issue, this paper proposed a novel architecture based on a multi-scale 3D residual convolutional neural network. The algorithm leveraged a deep 3D-ResNet50 as the skeleton model and utilized the micro-expression optical flow feature map as the input for the network model. Drawing upon the complex spatial and temporal features inherent in micro-expressions, the network incorporated multi-scale convolutional modules of varying sizes to integrate both global and local information. Furthermore, an attention mechanism feature fusion module was introduced to enhance the model's contextual awareness. Finally, to optimize the model's prediction of the optimal solution, a discriminative network structure with multiple output channels was constructed. The algorithm's performance was evaluated using the public datasets SMIC, SAMM, and CASME Ⅱ. The experimental results demonstrated that the proposed algorithm achieves recognition accuracies of 74.6, 84.77 and 91.35% on these datasets, respectively. This substantial improvement in efficiency compared to existing mainstream methods for extracting micro-expression subtle features effectively enhanced micro-expression recognition performance and increased the accuracy of high-precision micro-expression recognition. Consequently, this paper served as an important reference for researchers working on high-precision micro-expression recognition.

    Citation: Hongmei Jin, Ning He, Zhanli Li, Pengcheng Yang. Micro-expression recognition based on multi-scale 3D residual convolutional neural network[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2024, 21(4): 5007-5031. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2024221

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  • In demanding application scenarios such as clinical psychotherapy and criminal interrogation, the accurate recognition of micro-expressions is of utmost importance but poses significant challenges. One of the main difficulties lies in effectively capturing weak and fleeting facial features and improving recognition performance. To address this fundamental issue, this paper proposed a novel architecture based on a multi-scale 3D residual convolutional neural network. The algorithm leveraged a deep 3D-ResNet50 as the skeleton model and utilized the micro-expression optical flow feature map as the input for the network model. Drawing upon the complex spatial and temporal features inherent in micro-expressions, the network incorporated multi-scale convolutional modules of varying sizes to integrate both global and local information. Furthermore, an attention mechanism feature fusion module was introduced to enhance the model's contextual awareness. Finally, to optimize the model's prediction of the optimal solution, a discriminative network structure with multiple output channels was constructed. The algorithm's performance was evaluated using the public datasets SMIC, SAMM, and CASME Ⅱ. The experimental results demonstrated that the proposed algorithm achieves recognition accuracies of 74.6, 84.77 and 91.35% on these datasets, respectively. This substantial improvement in efficiency compared to existing mainstream methods for extracting micro-expression subtle features effectively enhanced micro-expression recognition performance and increased the accuracy of high-precision micro-expression recognition. Consequently, this paper served as an important reference for researchers working on high-precision micro-expression recognition.


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