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Theory article

A stochastic Gilpin-Ayala mutualism model driven by mean-reverting OU process with Lévy jumps

  • Received: 28 November 2023 Revised: 26 January 2024 Accepted: 08 February 2024 Published: 23 February 2024
  • By using the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck (OU) process to simulate random disturbances in the environment, and considering the influence of jump noise, a stochastic Gilpin-Ayala mutualism model driven by mean-reverting OU process with Lévy jumps was established, and the asymptotic behaviors of the stochastic Gilpin-Ayala mutualism model were studied. First, the existence of the global solution of the stochastic Gilpin-Ayala mutualism model is proved by the appropriate Lyapunov function. Second, the moment boundedness of the solution of the stochastic Gilpin-Ayala mutualism model is discussed. Third, the existence of the stationary distribution of the solution of the stochastic Gilpin-Ayala mutualism model is obtained. Finally, the extinction of the stochastic Gilpin-Ayala mutualism model is proved. The theoretical results were verified by numerical simulations.

    Citation: Meng Gao, Xiaohui Ai. A stochastic Gilpin-Ayala mutualism model driven by mean-reverting OU process with Lévy jumps[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2024, 21(3): 4117-4141. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2024182

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  • By using the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck (OU) process to simulate random disturbances in the environment, and considering the influence of jump noise, a stochastic Gilpin-Ayala mutualism model driven by mean-reverting OU process with Lévy jumps was established, and the asymptotic behaviors of the stochastic Gilpin-Ayala mutualism model were studied. First, the existence of the global solution of the stochastic Gilpin-Ayala mutualism model is proved by the appropriate Lyapunov function. Second, the moment boundedness of the solution of the stochastic Gilpin-Ayala mutualism model is discussed. Third, the existence of the stationary distribution of the solution of the stochastic Gilpin-Ayala mutualism model is obtained. Finally, the extinction of the stochastic Gilpin-Ayala mutualism model is proved. The theoretical results were verified by numerical simulations.

    As a common relationship among species, mutualism has been extensively studied by many experts and scholars. Mutualism models have also received a lot of attention in population dynamics [1,2,3]. For example, the Lotka-Volterra mutualism model, the most common model of interspecific relationships, has the following form [4]

    dxi(t)=xi(t)[riaiixi(t)+nj=1,jiaijxj(t)]dt,i=1,2,,n, (1.1)

    where xi(t) is the population size, ri is the intrinsic growth rate, aii>0 is the intraspecific competition coefficient, and aij>0(ji) is the effect of species j on species i. But, in the classical Lotka-Volterra mutualism model, the growth rate of each species is a linear function of the interacting species [5], which is unreasonable in real life. In order to describe the actual problem more accurately, Ayala and Gilpin et al. [5] proposed a nonlinear model in 1973

    dxi(t)=xi(t)[riaiixθii(t)+nj=1,jiaijxj(t)]dt,i=1,2,,n, (1.2)

    where θi denotes the positive parameter of the modified Lotka-Volterra mutualism model.

    However, in nature, no species is deterministic and will be affected by various environmental factors. To describe these random perturbations in the environment, we consider that the growth rate ri of species in model (1.2) is linearly disturbed by Gaussian white noise [6,7,8,9]


    For any time interval [0,t], let ˜ri(t) be the time average of ri(t). Then, we can get


    where N(,) is the one-dimensional Gaussian distribution.

    However, it is unreasonable to use a linear function of Gaussian white noise to simulate random perturbations in real life [10]. Obviously, the variance of the average growth rate ˜ri tends to at t0+. This causes an unreasonable result that the stochastic fluctuations in the growth rate ri(t) can become very large in a small time interval [11]. Therefore, some scholars have begun to consider the use of mean-reverting Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process to simulate random perturbations, that is, the intrinsic growth rate ri of model (1.2) has the form [12,13]

    dri(t)=βi[ˉriri(t)]dt+σidBi(t),i=1,2,,n, (1.3)

    where βi is the reversion rate, σi is the intensity of environmental fluctuation, ˉri is the mean recovery level, and βi,σi>0. The mean reversion of ri(t) to the constant level ˉri when βi>0 can be inferred from (1.3): if ri(t) has diffused above ˉri at some time, then the coefficient of the dt drift term is negative, so ri(t) will tend to move downwards immediately after, with the reverse holding if ri(t) is below ˉri at some time [14,15].

    Further, we can get the solution of the OU process (1.3). First, by multiplying eβit on both sides of (1.3) and then sorting, we can get




    Integrating from 0 to t on the both sides of above formula, we get


    Thus, we have

    ri(t)=ˉri+[ri(0)ˉri]eβit+σit0eβi(ts)dBi(s), (1.4)

    where ri(0) is the initial value of the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process ri(t). Then, we can get the expectation and variance of ri(t) as follows:


    Thus, ri(t) obeys the Gaussian distribution N(ˉri+[ri(0)ˉri]eβit,σ2i2βi(1e2βit)), and σit0eβi(ts)dBi(s) obeys the Gaussian distribution N(0,σ2i2βi(1e2βit)). From the mean of ri(t), it should be obvious to see the mean reversion feature: When ri(0) deviates from ˉri either upward or downward, the degree of deviation decays at the rate of eβit and approaches ˉri. When t+, the asymptotic mean and variance are ˉri and σ2i2βi, respectively, which can be understood as stationary, long-run equilibrium mean and variance.

    But, in real life, in addition to small environmental disturbances such as white noise, there are also sudden environmental disturbances that cause significant changes in the survival status of species [16], such as earthquakes, hurricanes, epidemics, and so on [17,18]. These phenomena cannot be described by white noise, and the introduction of Lévy jumps in the basic model is a reasonable way to describe these phenomena [17,18]. So, we construct the following stochastic Gilpin-Ayala mutualism model driven by the mean-reverting OU process with Lévy jumps,

    {dxi(t)=xi(t)[(ri(t)aiixθii(t)+nj=1,jiaijxj(t))dt+Zγi(z)N(dt,dz)]dri(t)=βi[ˉriri(t)]dt+σidBi(t),,i=1,2,,n, (1.5)

    where xi(t),i=1,2,,n is the left limit of xi(t), modified parameter θi1,i=1,2,,n, and Bi(t),i=1,2,,n are independent standard Brownian motions defined on the probability space (Ω,F,{F}t0,P). N is a Poisson counting measure with characteristic measure v with v(Z)<, and Z is a measurable subset of (0,). ˜N represents a compensating random measure of Poisson random measure N, defined as ˜N(dt,dz)=N(dt,dz)v(dz)dt. In order to satisfy the corresponding biological significance, we assume that for all zZ, the jump diffusion coefficients γi(z)>1,i=1,2,,n.

    The model studied in this paper is improved on the basis of the classical Lotka-Volterra model, which no longer assumes linear exponential growth of the population and uses the mean reversion OU process to simulate small perturbations in the environment. This is a more reasonable method than assuming that the population parameters are linearly disturbed by Gaussian white noise. Furthermore, we also take into account the sudden disturbance of the population, so we introduce Lévy jumps to construct the model (1.5) studied in this paper. As far as we know, there are relatively few studies on such models, so it is very meaningful to study the properties of model (1.5).

    For convenience, the following definitions are taken in this article:

    For the sequence cij(1i,jn), we let


    For a symmetric matrix A of order n, we define


    Assumption 2.1. For any k{1,2,...,n}, there exists a constant c>0, and the following inequalities hold:


    Assumption 2.2. For matrix A=(0a12a1na210a2nan1an20), there is


    Remark 2.1. Assumption 2.1 indicates that the interference intensity of Lévy noise on the system should not be too large. Assumption 2.2 shows that although system (1.5) is a mutualism system, the intensity of intraspecific competition is still greater than the intensity of interactions between species. Otherwise, if the interference intensity of Lévy noise to the system is too large and the interaction intensity of species is greater than the intraspecific competition intensity, the solution of the system may explode in finite time.

    Theorem 2.1. If Assumptions 2.1 and 2.2 hold, for any initial value (x(0),r(0))=(x1(0),,xn(0),r1(0),,rn(0))Rn+×Rn, there exists a unique solution (x(t),r(t))=(x1(t),,xn(t),r1(t),,rn(t)) of model (1.5) on t0, and it remains in Rn+×Rn with probability one.

    Proof. Noting that all the coefficients of model (1.5) satisfy the local Lipschitz condition, for any initial value (x(0),r(0)), the system has a unique local solution (x(t),r(t)) on t[0,τe), where τe is the explosion time of the solution. Therefore, to prove the solution (x(t),r(t)) is global, it is needed to prove τe= with probability one only. Hence, we take a sufficiently large p0>0 such that each component of (x(0),er(0)) falls within [1p0,p0]. For each integer p0 greater than p, we define the stopping time

    τp=inf{t[0,τe):xi(t)(1p,p)oreri(t)(1p,p),forsomei=1,2,,n}. (2.1)

    Obviously, τp is monotonically increasing as p increases. For convenience, let τ=limpτp, then ττe holds with probability one. Therefore, if τ=, then τe=. In the following, we use proof by contradiction to prove τ=. Suppose τ= does not hold with probability one, then there exist constants T>0 and ε(0,1) such that P(τT)>ε. So, there exists p1p0 such that

    P(τpT)ε,forallpp1. (2.2)

    Defining a C2-function V on Rn+×Rn


    When xi>0, we have the inequality xi1lnxi,1in, so V is a nonnegative function.

    Using the Itˆo formula, we can get

    dV=LVdt+ni=1σir3idBi(t)+ni=1Z[xiγi(z)ln(1+γi(z))]˜N(dt,dz), (2.3)


    LV=ni=1(xi1)(riaiixθii+nj=1,jiaijxj)+ni=1βir3i(ˉriri)+ni=132σ2ir2i+ni=1Z[xiγi(z)ln(1+γi(z))]v(dz). (2.4)

    Then, there exists a constant N>0 such that

    LVni=1aiixθi+1i+ni=1aiixθii+ni=1nj=1,jiaijxixj+ni=1rixini=1ri+ni=1βiˉrir3ini=1βir4i+ni=132σ2ir2i+ni=1Zxiγi(z)v(dz)ni=1Zln(1+γi(z))v(dz)ni=1aiixθi+1i+ni=1aiixθii+ni=112λ+max(A+AT)x2i+ni=1|ri|xi+ni=1|ri|+ni=1βiˉrir3ini=1βir4i+ni=132σ2ir2i+ni=1xiZ|γi(z)|v(dz)+ni=1Z|ln(1+γi(z))|v(dz)N. (2.5)

    Substituting Eq (2.5) into (2.3), we have

    dVNdt+ni=1σir3idBi(t)+ni=1Z[xiγi(z)ln(1+γi(z))]˜N(dt,dz). (2.6)

    Taking the integral from 0 to τpT on both sides of Eq (2.6) and taking the expectation, we obtain

    EV(x(τpT),r(τpT))V(x(0),r(0))+NE(τpT)V(x(0),r(0))+NT. (2.7)

    When pp1, let Ωp={τpT}. From Eq (2.2), we can obtain P(Ωp)ε, and from the definition of τp, for each ωΩp such that one of xi(τp,ω),eri(τp,ω)(i=1,2,,n) is equal to p or 1p so that V(x(τp,ω),r(τp,ω)) is not less than (p1lnp),(1p1+lnp), or 14(lnp)4, we have


    According to Eq (2.7), we can get


    where IΩp(ω) represents the indicator function of Ωp. Let p. Then, >V((x(0),r(0))+NT=, and thus we have a contradiction. Therefore, τ= holds with probability one. Theorem 2.1 is proved.

    Assumption 3.1. For any q>0, there is


    Remark 3.1. Assumption 3.1 indicates that, in the mutualism system (1.5), for any species in the system, the intensity of intraspecific competition is greater than the sum of the weighted average of interspecific competition intensity, otherwise the system may not have a bounded qth moment.

    Theorem 3.1. If Assumptions 2.1 and 3.1 hold, for any initial value (x(0),r(0))=(x1(0),,xn(0),r1(0),,rn(0))Rn+×Rn, the solution (x(t),r(t))=(x1(t),,xn(t),r1(t),,rn(t)) of model (1.5) has the property that


    for any q>0, where κ(q) is a continuous function with respect to q. That is to say, the qth moment of the solution (x(t),r(t)) is bounded.

    Proof. For any q2, defining a nonnegative C2-function V : Rn+×RnR+


    Applying the Itˆo formula to the function V, we obtain





    LVni=1aiixθi+qi+ni=1nj=1,jiaij(qxq+1iq+1+xq+1jq+1)+ni=1|ri|xqi+ni=1βiˉrir2q1ini=1βir2qi+ni=12q12σ2ir2q2i+ni=1xqiqZ|(1+γi(z))q1|v(dz)=ni=1aiixθi+qi+ni=1nj=1,ji(qq+1aij+1q+1aji)xq+1i+ni=1|ri|xqi+ni=1βiˉrir2q1ini=1βir2qi+ni=12q12σ2ir2q2i+ni=1xqiqZ|(1+γi(z))q1|v(dz). (3.1)

    Let η=qmin{β1,β2,βn}. Using the Itˆo formula again, we have

    d(eηtV)=ηeηtVdt+eηtdV=ηeηtVdt+eηt(LVdt+ni=1Z((xi+xiγi(z))qqxqiq)˜N(dt,dz)+ni=1σir2q1idBi(t))=eηt(ηV+LV)dt+eηt(ni=1Z((xi+xiγi(z))qqxqiq)˜N(dt,dz)+ni=1σir2q1idBi(t)). (3.2)

    Integrating from 0 to t on both sides of Eq (3.2) and taking the expected value, we obtain

    E(eηtV)=V(x(0),r(0))+Et0eηs(ηV+LV)ds. (3.3)

    Combining this with Eq (3.1), we have

    ηV+LVni=1ηxqiq+ni=1ηr2qi2qni=1aiixθi+qi+ni=1nj=1,ji(qaijq+1+ajiq+1)xq+1i+ni=1|ri|xqi+ni=1βiˉrir2q1ini=1βir2qi+ni=12q12σ2ir2q2i+ni=1xqiqZ|(1+γi(z))q1|v(dz)sup(x,r)Rn+×Rn{ni=1ηxqiq+ni=1ηr2qi2qni=1aiixθi+qi+ni=1nj=1,ji(qaijq+1+ajiq+1)xq+1i+ni=1|ri|xqi+ni=1βiˉrir2q1ini=1βir2qi+ni=12q12σ2ir2q2i+ni=1xqiqZ|(1+γi(z))q1|v(dz)}:=κ1(q). (3.4)

    Substituting Eq (3.4) into (3.3), we get





    lim suptE[xqi(t)]qlim suptEV(x(t),r(t))qlim supt(V(x(0),r(0))eηt+eηt1ηeηtκ1(q))=qκ1(q)η:=κ2(q),i=1,2,,n.

    This means E[xqi(t)]κ2(q),i=1,2,,n,t0,q2. According to Hölder's inequality, for any ˜q(0,2), we obtain


    Let κ(q)=max{κ2(q),(κ2(2))˜q2}. Then,


    Theorem 3.1 is proved.

    Remark 3.1. Similar to the proof of Theorem 3.1, we have E[ri(t)]2qQ(q),i=1,2,,n,q>0.

    In this section, we give sufficient conditions for the existence of the stationary distribution of the solution of model (1.5), which reflects the persistence of species over long periods of time and is an important asymptotic property of population development. Many scholars have also studied the stability of the system. For example, Shao [19,20] studied the asymptotic stability in the distribution of stochastic predator-prey system with S-type distributed time delays, regime switching, and Lévy jumps, and also studied the stationary distribution of predator-prey models with Beddington-DeAngelis function response and multiple delays in a stochastic environment, and used different methods to analyze the stability of the systems according to the different disturbances on the models; Liu et al. [21] gave sufficient conditions for the distribution stability of a two-prey one-predator model with Lévy jumps. Before giving the theorem of the existence of stationary distributions, we give several lemmas.

    Assumption 4.1. aiinj=1,jiaji>0,βi>1,i=1,2,,n.

    Remark 4.1. Assumption 4.1 shows that the impact of intraspecific competition intensity on population density is greater than the sum of the growing-promoting effects of other species on the species, and the reversion rate of the intrinsic growth rate under the interference of OU processes should not be too small. Otherwise, the system may not have a stationary distribution.

    Lemma 4.1. Let Xa(t)=(x1(t),,xn(t),r1(t),,rn(t)) and X˜a(t)=(˜x1(t),,˜xn(t),˜r1(t),,˜rn(t)) be solutions of model (1.5) with initial values of a=(x1(0),,xn(0),r1(0),,rn(0))D and ˜a=((˜x1(0),,˜xn(0),˜r1(0),,˜rn(0))D, where D is any compact subset of Rn+×Rn. If Assumptions 2.1 and 4.1 hold, then the following equation holds:


    Proof. Defining a function W


    Then, we obtain

    d+W=ni=1(sgn(xi˜xi)d(lnxiln˜xi)+sgn(ri˜ri)d(ri˜ri))=ni=1sgn(xi˜xi)[(ri˜ri)aii(xθii˜xθii)+nj=1,jiaij(xj˜xj)]dt+ni=1sgn(ri˜ri)[βi(ri˜ri)]dtni=1aii|xθii˜xθii|dt+ni=1nj=1,jiaij|xj˜xj|dtni=1(βi1)|ri˜ri|dt. (4.1)

    Taking the integral on both sides of Eq (4.1) and taking the expectation, we obtain


    Noting EW(t)0, we then have

    ni=1aiit0E|xθii˜xθii|dsni=1nj=1,jiaijt0E|xj˜xj|ds+ni=1(βi1)t0E|ri˜ri|dsW(0). (4.2)

    Let θi=1,i=1,2,,n. Then,


    Thus, according Assumption 4.1, we have


    Therefore, according (4.2), we get


    Then, we have


    According to model (1.5), there are


    Therefore, E(xi(t)) and E(ri(t)),i=1,2,,n, are continuously differentiable. According to Theorem 3.1 and Remark 3.1, we have


    So, E(xi(t)),E(ri(t)),i=1,2,,n, are uniformly continuous. According to the Barbalat lemma, it can be concluded that limt+E|xi˜xi|=0,limt+E|ri˜ri|=0,a.s., and therefore Lemma 4.1 is proven.

    Here, in order to prove the following lemma, we introduce the following symbols. Define B(\mathbb{R}_+^n \times \mathbb{R}^n) as the set of all probability measures on \mathbb{R}_+^n \times \mathbb{R}^n , and for any two measures p_1, p_2\in B , define the metric d_H as

    \begin{aligned} d_H(p_1,p_2) = \sup\limits_{h\in H}\left | \int_{\mathbb{R}_+^n \times \mathbb{R}^n} h(x)p_1(\mathrm{d}x)- \int_{\mathbb{R}_+^n \times \mathbb{R}^n} h(x)p_2(\mathrm{d}x)\right | , \end{aligned}

    where H = \left \{ h:\mathbb{R}_+^n \times \mathbb{R}^n \to\mathbb{R} \mid \left | h(x)-h(y) \right | \le \left | x-y \right |, \left | h(\cdot) \right | \le 1 \right \}.

    Lemma 4.2. If Assumptions 2.1 and 4.1 hold, for any a\in \mathbb{R}_+^n \times \mathbb{R}^n , \left \{ p(t, a, \cdot) \mid t\ge 0 \right \} is the Cauchy sequence in the space B(\mathbb{R}_+^n \times \mathbb{R}^n) with metric d_H .

    Proof. For any fixed a\in \mathbb{R}_+^n \times \mathbb{R}^n , we only need to prove for any \varepsilon > 0 that there is a T > 0 such that

    \begin{aligned} d_H\left ( p(t+s,a,\cdot ) ,p(t,a , \cdot ) \right ) \le \varepsilon , \forall t \ge T,s > 0. \end{aligned}

    This is equivalent to prove

    \begin{equation} \begin{aligned} \sup _{h \in H}\left | \mathbb{E}h(X^{a}(t+s))-\mathbb{E}h(X^{a}(t)) \right | \le \varepsilon , \forall t \ge T,s > 0. \end{aligned} \end{equation} (4.3)

    For any h \in H, t, s > 0 , we have

    \begin{equation} \begin{aligned} \left | \mathbb{E} h(X^{a}(t+s))- \mathbb{E} h(X^{a}(t))\right | & = \left | \mathbb{E}\left [ \mathbb{E}(h(X^{a}(t+s)) \mid \mathcal{F}_s \right ] - \mathbb{E} h(X^{a}(t))\right | \\& = \left | \int_{\mathbb{R}_+^n \times \mathbb{R}^n} \mathbb{E} h(X^{z_0}(t))p(s,a,\mathrm{d}z_0 ) - \mathbb{E} h(X^{a}(t)) \right | \\&\le \int_{\mathbb{R}_+^n \times \mathbb{R}^n} \left | \mathbb{E} h(X^{z_0}(t))- \mathbb{E} h(X^{a}(t)) \right | p(s,a,\mathrm{d}z_0 ) \\&\le 2p(s,a,\bar{D}_\mathbb{R} ^c ) +\int_{\bar{D}_\mathbb{R}} \left | \mathbb{E} h(X^{z_0}(t))- \mathbb{E} h(X^{a}(t)) \right | \times p(s,a,\mathrm{d}z_0 ), \end{aligned} \end{equation} (4.4)

    where \bar{D}_\mathbb{R} = \left \{ a\in \mathbb{R}_+^n \times \mathbb{R}^n \mid \left | a \right |\le R \right \}, \bar{D}_\mathbb{R} ^c = (\mathbb{R}_+^n \times \mathbb{R}^n)-\bar{D}_\mathbb{R} . According to Chebyshev's inequality, the transition probability \left \{ p(t, a, \mathrm{d}z_0 \mid t\ge 0) \right \} is compact, i.e., for any \varepsilon > 0 , there exists a compact subset D = D(\varepsilon, a) over \mathbb{R}_+^n \times \mathbb{R}^n such that p(t, a, D)\ge 1-\varepsilon, \forall t\ge 0 , where R is sufficiently large and we have

    \begin{equation} \begin{aligned} p(s,a,\bar{D}_\mathbb{R} ^c ) < \dfrac{\varepsilon}{4} ,\forall s\ge 0. \end{aligned} \end{equation} (4.5)

    According to Lemma 4.1, there exists T > 0 such that

    \begin{equation} \begin{aligned} \sup\limits_{h\in H}\left | \mathbb{E} h(X^{z_0}(t))- \mathbb{E} h(X^{a}(t)) \right | < \dfrac{\varepsilon }{2} ,\forall t > T,z_0\in \bar{D}_\mathbb{R} . \end{aligned} \end{equation} (4.6)

    Substituting Eqs (4.5) and (4.6) into (4.4), we have

    \begin{equation} \begin{aligned} \left | \mathbb{E} h(X^{a}(t+s))- \mathbb{E} h(X^{a}(t))\right | < \varepsilon ,\forall t\ge T,s > 0 . \end{aligned} \end{equation} (4.7)

    Since h is arbitrary, inequality (4.3) holds.

    Lemma 4.3 [22]. Let M(t), t\ge 0 , be a local martingale with initial value M(0) = 0 . If \lim\limits _{t \to +\infty} \rho _{M}(t) < \infty , then \lim\limits _{t \to +\infty}\dfrac{M(t)}{t} = 0 where \rho _{M}(t) = \int_{0}^{t} \dfrac{\mathrm{d}\left \langle M, M \right \rangle (s) }{(1+s)^2}, t\ge 0 , and \left \langle M, M \right \rangle (t) is the quadratic variational process of M(t) .

    Lemma 4.4. If Assumption 2.1 holds, the solutions of model (1.5) follow that

    \begin{equation} \begin{aligned} \limsup\limits_{t \to \infty}\dfrac{\ln x_i(t)}{t} \le 0, i = 1,2,\cdots,n, a.s.. \end{aligned} \end{equation} (4.8)

    Proof. Defining a function W(t) = \left(\sum\limits_{i = 1}^n x_i(t)\right)^q = w(t)^q, q\ge 1 , using the \mathrm{It\hat{o} } formula, we can get

    \begin{aligned} LW& = q\left(\sum\limits_{i = 1}^n x_i(t)\right)^{q-1}\sum\limits_{i = 1}^{n}\left [ r_ix_i-a_{ii}x_i^{\theta_i+1}+\sum\limits_{j = 1,j \ne i}^{n}a_{ij}x_ix_j \right ] +\sum\limits_{i = 1}^{n}x_i^q\int_{Z}\left [ (1+\gamma_i(z))^q-1 \right ] v(\mathrm{d} z) \\&\le qw^{q-1}\left ( \sum\limits_{i = 1}^{n}\left |r_i \right |x_i+\sum\limits_{i = 1}^{n} \frac{1}{2} \lambda_{max}^{+}(A+A^T)x_i^2\right ) +\sum\limits_{i = 1}^{n}cx_i^{q} \\&\le qw^{q}\sum\limits_{i = 1}^{n}\left |r_i \right |+ qn\frac{1}{2}\left | \lambda_{max}^{+}(A+A^T) \right | w^{q+1}+ncw^q \\&\le \sum\limits_{i = 1}^{n}\ \dfrac{q}{2q+1} \left |r_i \right |^{2q+1}+ n \dfrac{2q^2}{2q+1}w^{q+\frac{1}{2} }+qn\frac{1}{2}\left | \lambda_{max}^{+}(A+A^T) \right | w^{q+1}+ncw^{q}. \end{aligned}

    Let \theta > 0 be sufffciently small and satisfy m\theta \le t \le (m + 1)\theta, m = 1, 2, ... . It follows that

    \begin{aligned} \mathbb{E} \left [ \sup\limits_{m\theta \le t \le (m+1)\theta } w^q(t)\right ] = \mathbb{E} \left [ w^q(m\theta) \right ] +I, \end{aligned}


    \begin{aligned} I& = \mathbb{E} \left [ \sup\limits_{m\theta \le t \le (m+1)\theta } \left | \int_{m\theta}^t LW\mathrm{d}s \right | \right ] \\&\le \mathbb{E} \left [ \sup\limits_{m\theta \le t \le (m+1)\theta } \left | \int_{m\theta}^t \left ( \sum\limits_{i = 1}^{n}\ \dfrac{q}{2q+1} \left |r_i \right |^{2q+1}+\dfrac{2nq^2}{2q+1}w^{q+\frac{1}{2} }+\frac{qn}{2}\left | \lambda_{max}^{+}(A+A^T) \right | w^{q+1}+ncw^{q} \right ) \mathrm{d}s \right | \right ] \\&\le \dfrac{2nq^2}{2q+1}\mathbb{E}\left [ \int_{m\theta }^{(m+1)\theta } w ^{q+\frac{1}{2} }(s)\mathrm{d}s \right ] +\frac{qn}{2}\left | \lambda_{max}^{+}(A+A^T) \right | \mathbb{E}\left [ \int_{m\theta }^{(m+1)\theta } w ^{q+1}(s)\mathrm{d}s \right ] +nc\mathbb{E}\left [ \int_{m\theta }^{(m+1)\theta } w^q(s) \mathrm{d}s \right ] \\&\quad +\sum\limits_{i = 1}^{n}\dfrac{q}{2q+1} \mathbb{E}\left [ \int_{m\theta }^{(m+1)\theta } \left |r_i(s) \right |^{2q+1} \mathrm{d}s \right ] \\&\le \dfrac{2nq^2}{2q+1}\theta\mathbb{E}\left [ \sup\limits_{m\theta \le t \le (m+1)\theta } w ^{q+\frac{1}{2} } (t)\right ] +\frac{qn\theta}{2}\left | \lambda_{max}^{+}(A+A^T) \right |\mathbb{E}\left [ \sup\limits_{m\theta \le t \le (m+1)\theta } w ^{q+1 } (t)\right ]+nc\theta\mathbb{E}\left [ \sup\limits_{m\theta \le t \le (m+1)\theta } w^q (t) \right ] \\&\quad +\dfrac{q}{2q+1}\theta \sum\limits_{i = 1}^{n}\mathbb{E}\left [ \sup\limits_{m\theta \le t \le (m+1)\theta } \left |r_i(t) \right |^{2q+1}\right ] . \end{aligned}

    Choose \theta sufffciently small such that I < h(q) . Therefore,

    \begin{aligned} \mathbb{E} \left [ \sup\limits_{m\theta \le t \le (m+1)\theta } w^q(t)\right ] \le 2h(q). \end{aligned}

    Let \varepsilon be an arbitrary positive constant. Based on Chebyshev's inequality, it follows that

    \begin{aligned} \mathbb{P} \left \{ \sup\limits_{m\theta \le t \le (m+1)\theta } w^q(t) > (m\theta)^{1+\varepsilon} \right \} \ge \frac{2h(q)}{(m\theta)^{1+\varepsilon }} ,m = 1,2,\cdots . \end{aligned}

    By the Borel–Cantelli lemma, there exists an integer-valued random variable m_0(\omega) such that for almost all \omega \in \Omega , when m \ge m_0 , we have

    \begin{aligned} \sup\limits_{m\theta \le t \le (m+1)\theta } w^q(t) \le (m\theta)^{1+\varepsilon } . \end{aligned}

    Hence, for almost all \omega \in \Omega , if m \ge m_0 and m \theta \le t \le (m+1)\theta , we have

    \begin{aligned} \limsup\limits_{t \to \infty }\dfrac{\ln w^q(t)}{\ln t} \le \limsup\limits_{t \to \infty }\dfrac{(1+\varepsilon )\ln(m\theta)}{\ln (m\theta)}. \end{aligned}

    Letting \varepsilon \to 0 , we have

    \begin{aligned} \limsup\limits_{t \to \infty }\dfrac{\ln w^q(t)}{\ln t} \le 1, a.s. , \end{aligned}


    \begin{aligned} \limsup\limits_{t \to \infty }\dfrac{\ln w(t)}{\ln t} \le \dfrac{1}{q} , a.s. . \end{aligned}


    \begin{aligned} \limsup\limits_{t \to \infty }\dfrac{\ln w(t)}{t} \le \limsup\limits_{t \to \infty }\dfrac{\ln w(t)}{\ln t} \times \limsup\limits_{t \to \infty }\dfrac{\ln t}{ t} \le 0, \end{aligned}

    and it follows that

    \begin{aligned} \limsup\limits_{t \to \infty}\dfrac{\ln x_i(t)}{t} \le 0, i = 1,2,\cdots,n, a.s.. \end{aligned}

    Lemma 4.5. If Assumption 2.1 holds, \bar{r}_i+\limsup\limits_{t \to \infty}\dfrac{1}{t}\int_{0}^{t}\int_{Z}\ln(1+\gamma_i(z))v(\mathrm{d} z)\mathrm{d} s > 0, i = 1, 2, \cdots, n , then populations x_i(t) are weak persistent, a.s..

    Proof. According to the definition of weak persistence, we need to prove \limsup\limits_{t \to \infty}x_i(t) > 0, i = 1, 2, \cdots, n . If the conclusion is not true, then \mathbb{P} (U) > 0 , where U = \left \{ \omega:\limsup\limits_{t \to \infty}x_i(t, \omega) = 0, i = 1, 2, \cdots, n\right \} . Applying the \mathrm{It\hat{o} } formula to \ln x_i(t) and integrating from 0 to t , we have

    \begin{equation} \begin{aligned} &\dfrac{\ln x_i(t) }{t} = \dfrac{\ln x_i(0)}{t} +\dfrac{1}{t} \int_{0}^{t} \left ( r_i-a_{ii}x_i^{\theta _i}+\sum\limits_{j = 1,j\ne i}^{n}a_{ij}x_j\right ) \mathrm{d}s +\dfrac{1}{t}\int_{0}^{t}\int_Z\ln \left (1+\gamma _i(z) \right )v(\mathrm{d}z)\mathrm{d}s +\dfrac{M_i(t)}{t} , \\&(i = 1,2,\cdots,n), \end{aligned} \end{equation} (4.9)


    \begin{aligned} M_i(t) = \int_{0}^{t}\int_Z\ln \left (1+\gamma _i(z) \right )\tilde{N} (\mathrm{d}s,\mathrm{d}z),i = 1,2,\cdots,n. \end{aligned}

    By Assumption 2.1 ,

    \begin{aligned} \left \langle M_i,M_i \right \rangle(t) = \int_{0}^{t}\int_Z\left [ \ln \left (1+\gamma _i(z) \right )\right ] ^2v(\mathrm{d}z)\mathrm{d}s < ct,i = 1,2,\cdots,n. \end{aligned}

    From Lemma 4.3, we obtain

    \begin{aligned} \lim\limits _{t \to \infty} \dfrac{M_i(t)}{t} = 0,i = 1,2,\cdots,n. \end{aligned}

    On the one hand, combining the strong law of large numbers [22] and the definition of the Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process, we have

    \begin{aligned} \lim\limits _{t \to \infty} \dfrac{1}{t} \int_{0}^{t}r_i(s)\mathrm{d} s = \bar{r}_i,i = 1,2,\cdots,n. \end{aligned}

    If for all \omega \in U , \limsup\limits_{t \to \infty}x_i(t, \omega) = 0, i = 1, 2, \cdots, n , combining with Eq (4.9) we have

    \begin{aligned} 0 \ge \limsup\limits_{t \to \infty}\dfrac{\ln x_i(t,\omega)}{t} = \bar{r}_i +\limsup\limits_{t \to \infty}\dfrac{1}{t}\int_{0}^{t}\int_{Z}\ln(1+\gamma_i(z))v(\mathrm{d} z)\mathrm{d} s > 0,i = 1,2,\cdots,n. \end{aligned}

    As this contradicts the assumption \mathbb{P} (U) > 0 , then \limsup\limits_{t \to \infty}x_i(t) > 0, i = 1, 2, \cdots, n .

    Theorem 4.1. If Assumptions 2.1 and 4.1 hold, \bar{r}_i +\limsup\limits_{t \to \infty}\dfrac{1}{t}\int_{0}^{t}\int_{Z}\ln(1+\gamma_i(z))v(\mathrm{d} z)\mathrm{d} s > 0, i = 1, 2, \cdots, n , and then model (1.5) has a unique ergodic stationary distribution.

    Proof. To prove Theorem 4.1, first prove that there is a probability measure \eta (\cdot)\in B such that for any a\in \mathbb{R}_+^n \times \mathbb{R}^n , the transition probability p(t, a, \cdot) for X^{a}(t) converges weakly to \eta (\cdot) .

    According to Proposition 2.5 [23], weak convergence of probability measures is the concept of a metric, i.e., p(t, a, \cdot) weakly converging to \eta (\cdot) is equivalent to the existence of a metric d such that \lim\limits_{t \to +\infty} d\left (p(t, a, \cdot), \eta (\cdot) \right) = 0 .

    So, we only need to prove that, for any a\in \mathbb{R}_+^n \times \mathbb{R}^n , there is

    \begin{aligned} \lim\limits_{t \to +\infty} d_H\left (p(t,a,\cdot ), \eta (\cdot ) \right ) = 0. \end{aligned}

    From Lemma 4.2, \left \{ p(t, 0, \cdot \mid t\ge 0) \right \} is the Cauchy sequence in the space B(\mathbb{R}_+^n \times \mathbb{R}^n) of the metric d_H . So, there is a unique \eta (\cdot)\in B such that

    \begin{aligned} \lim\limits_{t \to +\infty} d_H\left (p(t,0,\cdot), \eta (\cdot ) \right ) = 0. \end{aligned}

    By Lemma 4.1 and the triangle inequality, we have

    \begin{aligned} \lim\limits_{t \to +\infty} d_H\left (p(t,a,\cdot ), \eta (\cdot ) \right ) \le \lim\limits_{t \to +\infty}\left [ d_H\left (p(t,a, \cdot),p(t,0, \cdot) \right ) +d_H\left (p(t,0, \cdot), \eta (\cdot ) \right ) \right ] = 0. \end{aligned}

    That is, the distribution of X(t) weakly converges to \eta .

    By the Kolmogorov-Chapman equation, we know that \eta is constant. From Corollary 3.4.3 [24], it follows that \eta is strongly mixed. From Theorem 3.2.6 [24], we know that \eta is ergodic.

    In this section, we give sufficient conditions for species extinction. For convenience, model (1.5) is written in matrix form as

    \begin{equation} \begin{aligned} \left\{\begin{matrix} \mathrm{d}x(t) = diag(x_1(t^-),x_2(t^-),\cdots ,x_n(t^-)) \left [ \left(r(t)-Sx^{\theta } (t^-)+Ax(t^-)\right )\mathrm{d}t +\int_{Z}\gamma (z)N(\mathrm{d}t,\mathrm{d}z)\right]\hfill\hfill \\ \mathrm{d}r(t) = diag(\beta_1,\beta_2,\cdots ,\beta_n) [\bar{r}-r(t)]\mathrm{d}t+\sigma \mathrm{d}B(t),\hfill\hfill \end{matrix}\right. \end{aligned} \end{equation} (5.1)


    \begin{aligned} &x(t^-) = (x_1(t^-),x_2(t^-),\cdots ,x_n(t^-))^T,r(t) = (r_1(t),r_2(t),\cdots ,r_n(t))^T,S = diag(a_{11},a_{22},\cdots,a_{nn}),\\& x^{\theta}(t^-) = (x_1^{\theta_1}(t^-),x_2^{\theta_2}(t^-),\cdots ,x_n^{\theta_n}(t^-))^T, A = (a_{jh})_{n\times n}(a_{jj} = 0),\gamma (z) = (\gamma_1(t),\gamma_2(t),\cdots ,\gamma_n(t))^T,\\& \bar{r} = (\bar{r}_1,\bar{r}_2,\cdots,\bar{r}_n)^T, \sigma(z) = (\sigma_1(t),\sigma_2(t),\cdots ,\sigma_n(t))^T. \end{aligned}

    Assumption 5.1. There exists a set of positive constants c_1, c_2, \cdots, c_n such that

    \begin{aligned} \lambda_{\max}^+\left ( \dfrac{1}{2} (CA+A^TC)-CS \right ) \le 0 \end{aligned}

    holds, where C = diag(c_1, c_2, \cdots, c_n).

    Remark 5.1. In Assumption 5.1, the introduction of the constant c_i, i = 1, 2, \cdots, n, indicates that the intraspecific competition intensity of the i -th population and the interspecific interaction intensity of the i -th population to the other n-1 species changes by c_i times. If c_i \ge 1 , the intraspecific competition intensity and interspecific competition intensity increase by c_i times; if c_i < 1 , it is weakened by c_i times. Assumption 5.1 means that, under the action of c_i , the intraspecific competition intensity of each species is greater than the average of the action intensity of the species on other species and the action intensity of other species on the species. Otherwise, the population might not go extinct.

    Theorem 5.1. If Assumptions 2.1 and 5.1 hold, for any initial value (x(0), r(0))\in \mathbb{R}_+^n \times \mathbb{R}^n , the solution (x(t), r(t)) of system (5.1) has the property that

    \begin{aligned} \limsup\limits_{t\to \infty}\dfrac{\ln\left | x(t) \right | }{t} \le \max\limits_{1\le i \le n }\bar{r}_i+\max\limits_{1\le i \le n }\left\{a_{ii}(\theta _i-1)\theta _i^{-\frac{\theta _i}{\theta _i-1} }\right \}+\limsup\limits_{t\to \infty} \dfrac{1}{t}\int_{0}^{t}\int_{Z}{\ln}(1+ \check{\gamma}(z) )v(\mathrm{d}z )\mathrm{d}s, a.s.. \end{aligned}

    In particular, if \max\limits_{1\le i \le n }\bar{r}_i+\max\limits_{1\le i \le n }\left\{a_{ii}(\theta _i-1)\theta _i^{-\frac{\theta _i}{\theta _i-1} }\right \}+\limsup\limits_{t\to \infty} \dfrac{1}{t}\int_{0}^{t}\int_{Z}{\ln}(1+ \check{\gamma}(z))v(\mathrm{d}z)\mathrm{d}s < 0 , it implies \lim\limits_{t\to \infty}\left | x(t) \right | = 0 , and then x(t) is extinct, a.s..

    Proof. Define a Lyapunov function

    \begin{aligned} V(x) = c^Tx = \sum\limits_{i = 1}^{n}c_ix_i, x \in \mathbb{R}_+^n, \end{aligned}

    where c = (c_1, c_2, \cdots, c_n)^T .

    Applying the \mathrm{It\hat{o} } formula, we can get

    \begin{aligned} \mathrm{d}V(x) = x^TC\left [ r(t)-Sx^{\theta }(t)+Ax(t) \right ] \mathrm{d}t+\int_Zx^TC\gamma(z)N(\mathrm{d}t,\mathrm{d}z). \end{aligned}

    Using the \mathrm{It\hat{o} } formula for \ln V(x) again, we have

    \begin{aligned} \mathrm{d}\ln V(x)& = \dfrac{1}{V}\cdot x^TC\left [ r(t)-Sx^{\theta }(t)+Ax(t) \right ] \mathrm{d}t+\int_Z\left [ \ln (V(x)+x^TC\gamma(z))-\ln V(x)\right ] N(\mathrm{d}t,\mathrm{d}z) \\& = \dfrac{1}{V}\cdot x^TC\left [ r(t)-Sx^{\theta }(t)+Sx(t)-Sx(t)+Ax(t) \right ] \mathrm{d}t+\int_Z\left [ \ln (V(x)+x^TC\gamma(z)) \right.\\&\quad\left. -\ln V(x)\right ] N(\mathrm{d}t,\mathrm{d}z), \end{aligned}


    \begin{aligned} \dfrac{1}{V}\cdot x^TCr(t) \le \max\limits_{1\le i \le n }r_i(t), \end{aligned}
    \begin{aligned} \dfrac{1}{V}\cdot x^TC\left [ -Sx^{\theta }(t)+Sx(t) \right ] \le \max\limits_{1\le i \le n }\left\{a_{ii}(\theta _i-1)\theta _i^{-\frac{\theta _i}{\theta _i-1} }\right \}, \end{aligned}

    where we use the fact -a_{ii}x_i^{\theta_i}+a_{ii}x_i \le a_{ii}(\theta _i-1)\theta _i^{-\frac{\theta _i}{\theta _i-1} }, i = 1, 2, \cdots, n , and

    \begin{aligned} \dfrac{1}{V}\cdot x^TC\left[-Sx(t)+Ax(t) \right ] \le \dfrac{\lambda_{\max}^+\left ( \dfrac{1}{2} (CA+A^TC)-CS \right )\left | x(t) \right | }{\hat{c} } \le 0, \end{aligned}
    \begin{aligned} \int_Z\left [ \ln (V(x)+x^TC\gamma(z)) -\ln V(x)\right ]N(\mathrm{d}t,\mathrm{d}z) \le \int_Z \ln (1+\check{\gamma}(z)) N(\mathrm{d}t,\mathrm{d}z). \end{aligned}

    Substituting the above four inequalities into \mathrm{d}\ln V(x) , we get

    \begin{aligned} \mathrm{d}\ln V(x) &\le \max\limits_{1\le i \le n }r_i(t)+ \max\limits_{1\le i \le n }\left\{a_{ii}(\theta _i-1)\theta _i^{-\frac{\theta _i}{\theta _i-1} }\right \}+\int_Z \ln (1+\check{\gamma}(z)) v(\mathrm{d}z)\mathrm{d}t+\int_Z \ln (1+\check{\gamma}(z)) \tilde{N} (\mathrm{d}t,\mathrm{d}z). \end{aligned}

    Integrating from 0 to t , we have

    \begin{equation} \begin{aligned} \ln V(x(t))- \ln V(x(0))& \le \int_{0}^{t}\max\limits_{1\le i \le n }r_i(s)\mathrm{d}s+\int_{0}^{t} \max\limits_{1\le i \le n }\left\{a_{ii}(\theta _i-1)\theta _i^{-\frac{\theta _i}{\theta _i-1} }\right \}\mathrm{d}s\\&\quad+\int_{0}^{t}\int_Z \ln (1+\check{\gamma}(z)) v(\mathrm{d}z)\mathrm{d}s+M(t),\\ \end{aligned} \end{equation} (5.2)


    \begin{aligned} M(t) = \int_{0}^{t}\int_Z\ln (1+\check{\gamma}(z)\tilde{N} (\mathrm{d}s,\mathrm{d}z). \end{aligned}

    By Assumption 2.1,

    \begin{aligned} \left \langle M,M\right \rangle(t) = \int_{0}^{t}\int_Z\left [ \ln (1+\check{\gamma}(z) ) \right ] ^2 v(\mathrm{d}z) \mathrm{d}s < ct. \end{aligned}

    From Lemma 4.3, we achieve

    \begin{aligned} \lim\limits _{t \to \infty} \dfrac{M(t)}{t} = 0. \end{aligned}

    On the one hand, combining the strong law of large numbers [22] and the definition of the Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process, we have

    \begin{aligned} \lim\limits _{t \to \infty} \dfrac{1}{t} \int_{0}^{t}r_i(s)\mathrm{d} s = \bar{r}_i , i = 1,2,\cdots ,n . \end{aligned}


    \begin{aligned} \lim\limits _{t \to \infty} \dfrac{1}{t} \int_{0}^{t}\max\limits_{1\le i \le n }r_i(s)\mathrm{d} s\le \max\limits_{1\le i \le n }\lim\limits _{t \to \infty} \dfrac{1}{t} \int_{0}^{t}r_i(s)\mathrm{d} s = \max\limits_{1\le i \le n }\bar{r}_i. \end{aligned}

    According to Eq (5.2), we obtain

    \begin{equation} \begin{aligned} \dfrac{\ln V(x(t))- \ln V(x(0))}{t}&\le \dfrac{1}{t} \int_{0}^{t}\max\limits_{1\le i \le n }r_i(s)\mathrm{d} s+\dfrac{1}{t} \int_{0}^{t}\max\limits_{1\le i \le n }\left\{a_{ii}(\theta _i-1)\theta _i^{-\frac{\theta _i}{\theta _i-1} }\right \}\mathrm{d}s\\&\quad+\dfrac{1}{t}\int_{0}^{t}\int_Z \ln (1+\check{\gamma}(z)) v(\mathrm{d}z)\mathrm{d}s+\dfrac{1}{t}M(t). \end{aligned} \end{equation} (5.3)

    Taking the upper limit on both sides of Eq (5.3), we get

    \begin{aligned} \limsup\limits_{t\to \infty}\dfrac{1}{t}\ln V(x(t))& \le \max\limits_{1\le i \le n }\bar{r}_i+\max\limits_{1\le i \le n }\left\{a_{ii}(\theta _i-1)\theta _i^{-\frac{\theta _i}{\theta _i-1} }\right \}+\limsup\limits_{t\to \infty}\dfrac{1}{t}\int_{0}^{t}\int_Z \ln (1+\check{\gamma}(z)) v(\mathrm{d}z)\mathrm{d}s, a.s.. \end{aligned}

    When \max\limits_{1\le i \le n }\bar{r}_i+\max\limits_{1\le i \le n }\left\{a_{ii}(\theta _i-1)\theta _i^{-\frac{\theta _i}{\theta _i-1} }\right \}+\limsup\limits_{t\to \infty}\dfrac{1}{t}\int_{0}^{t}\int_Z \ln (1+\check{\gamma}(z)) v(\mathrm{d}z)\mathrm{d}s < 0 , it implies \lim\limits_{t\to \infty} \left | x(t) \right | = 0 , then x(t) is extinct, a.s.. Theorem 5.1 is proved.

    Remark 5.1. Lemma 4.5 and Theorems 4.1 and 5.1 have very important biological explanations. From the theoretical results obtained, it can be seen that when \bar{r}_i+\limsup\limits_{t\to \infty}\dfrac{1}{t}\int_{0}^{t}\int_Z \ln (1+\gamma_i(z)) v(\mathrm{d}z)\mathrm{d}s > 0, i = 1, 2, \cdots, n , population x_i(t), i = 1, 2, \cdots, n, will be weakly persistent, and if the parameters of model (1.5) satisfy the conditions of Assumption 4.1, the system has a stationary distribution, which indicates the persistence of population growth. When \max\limits_{1\le i \le n }\bar{r}_i+\max\limits_{1\le i \le n }\left\{a_{ii}(\theta _i-1)\theta _i^{-\frac{\theta _i}{\theta _i-1} }\right \}+\limsup\limits_{t\to \infty}\dfrac{1}{t}\int_{0}^{t}\int_Z \ln (1+\check{\gamma}(z)) v(\mathrm{d}z)\mathrm{d}s < 0 , and the parameters of model (1.5) satisfy the conditions of Assumption 5.1, population x(t) = (x_1(t), \cdots, x_n(t)) will be extinct. That is, for every 1\le i \le n , when \bar{r}_i+\limsup\limits_{t\to \infty}\dfrac{1}{t}\int_{0}^{t}\int_Z \ln (1+\gamma_i(z)) v(\mathrm{d}z)\mathrm{d}s < -a_{ii}(\theta _i-1)\theta _i^{-\frac{\theta _i}{\theta _i-1} } , population x_i(t), i = 1, 2, \cdots, n, will be extinct. So, the survival and extinction of the biological population of model (1.5) completely depend on the value of \bar{r}_i+\limsup\limits_{t\to \infty}\dfrac{1}{t}\int_{0}^{t}\int_Z \ln (1+\gamma_i(z)) v(\mathrm{d}z)\mathrm{d}s .

    Remark 5.2. In the following we analyze the effects of white noise simulated by the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck (OU) process on species survival and extinction. Since the OU process acts on the intrinsic growth rate r_i, i = 1, 2, \cdots, n , if model (1.5) is not affected by jump noise, the model takes the following form:

    \begin{aligned} \left\{\begin{matrix} \mathrm{d} x_i(t) = x_i(t)\left [ r_i(t)-a_{ii}x_i^{\theta _i}(t)+\sum\limits_{j = 1,j\ne i}^{n} a_{ij}x_j(t) \right ]\mathrm{d}t \hfill\hfill\\ \mathrm{d}r_i\left ( t \right ) = \beta _i\left [ \bar{r}_i-r_i(t) \right ] \mathrm{d}t+\sigma _i\mathrm{d}B_i(t) , \hfill\hfill \end{matrix}\right.,i = 1,2,\cdots,n. \end{aligned}

    Using a similar method as above, it can be proved that when \bar{r}_i > 0, i = 1, 2, \cdots, n , populations x_i(t), i = 1, 2, \cdots, n, are weakly persistent; when \max\limits_{1\le i \le n }\bar{r}_i+\max\limits_{1\le i \le n }\left\{a_{ii}(\theta _i-1)\theta _i^{-\frac{\theta _i}{\theta _i-1} }\right \} < 0 , population x(t) = (x_1(t), \cdots, x_n(t)) will be extinct. That is, when \bar{r}_i < -a_{ii}(\theta _i-1)\theta _i^{-\frac{\theta _i}{\theta _i-1} }, i = 1, 2, \cdots, n , populations x_i(t), i = 1, 2, \cdots, n, are extinct. Thus, when the system is only disturbed by OU process, the survival and extinction of the population is only related to the value of the average growth rate \bar{r}_i, i = 1, 2, \cdots, n, of the population.

    When \bar{r}_i > 0, i = 1, 2, \cdots, n , the species only disturbed by the OU process are weakly persistent. If the system is affected by jump noise and satisfies \bar{r}_i+\limsup\limits_{t\to \infty}\dfrac{1}{t}\int_{0}^{t}\int_Z \ln (1+\gamma_i(z)) v(\mathrm{d}z)\mathrm{d}s < -a_{ii}(\theta _i-1)\theta _i^{-\frac{\theta _i}{\theta _i-1} }, i = 1, 2, \cdots, n , the species are extinct. When \bar{r}_i < -a_{ii}(\theta _i-1)\theta _i^{-\frac{\theta _i}{\theta _i-1} }, i = 1, 2, \cdots, n , the species that are only disturbed by the OU process are extinct, but if there are jump noises such that \bar{r}_i+\limsup\limits_{t\to \infty}\dfrac{1}{t}\int_{0}^{t}\int_Z \ln (1+\gamma_i(z)) v(\mathrm{d}z)\mathrm{d}s > 0, i = 1, 2, \cdots, n , the species are weakly persistent. Therefore, it can be obtained that jump noise can make the survival system extinct and the extinction system survive.

    Remark 5.3. In the following we analyze the effect of the jump diffusion coefficient \gamma_i(z), i = 1, 2, \cdots, n, on population survival and extinction. If \gamma_i(z) < \; 0, i = 1, 2, \cdots, n , then \limsup\limits_{t\to \infty}\dfrac{1}{t}\int_{0}^{t}\int_Z \ln (1+\gamma_i(z)) v(\mathrm{d}z)\mathrm{d}s < 0, i = 1, 2, \cdots, n , means that jump noise could accelerate the extinction; if \gamma_i(z) > 0, i = 1, 2, \cdots, n , then \limsup\limits_{t\to \infty}\dfrac{1}{t}\int_{0}^{t}\int_Z \ln (1+\gamma_i(z)) v(\mathrm{d}z)\mathrm{d}s > 0, i = 1, 2, \cdots, n , means that jump noise is beneficial to the survival of the population.

    In order to verify the above theoretical results on the stochastic Gilpin-Ayala mutualism model (1.5), we use the Euler-Maruyama method [25] and the R language, and select appropriate parameters for numerical verification. The combination of parameters is shown in Table 1, and the data is from [11,26,27,28,29]. Consider the following stochastic Gilpin-Ayala mutualism model for two populations:

    \begin{equation} \begin{aligned} \left\{\begin{matrix} \mathrm{d}x_1 (t ) = x_1(t^-)\left [ \left ( r_1(t)-a_{11}x_1^{\theta_1 }(t^-)+a_{12}(t)x_2(t^-) \right )\mathrm{d}t +\int_{Z} \gamma _1 (z) N(\mathrm{d}t,\mathrm{d}z) \right ] \hfill\hfill\\ \mathrm{d}x_2( t ) = x_2(t^-)\left [ \left ( r_2(t)-a_{22}x_2^{\theta_2 }(t^-)+a_{21}(t)x_1(t^-)\right )\mathrm{d}t +\int_{Z} \gamma _2(z )N(\mathrm{d}t,\mathrm{d}z)\right ] \hfill\hfill\\ \mathrm{d}r_1( t ) = \beta _1\left [ \bar{r}_1-r_1(t) \right ] \mathrm{d}t +\sigma _1\mathrm{d}B_1(t) \hfill\hfill\\ \mathrm{d}r_2 ( t ) = \beta _2\left [ \bar{r}_2-r_2(t) \right ] \mathrm{d}t +\sigma _2\mathrm{d}B_2(t),\hfill\hfill \end{matrix} \right. \end{aligned} \end{equation} (6.1)

    Example 6.1. Letting v(Z) = 1 , and take the initial value of model (6.1) as x_1(0) = 0.11, x_2(0) = 0.2, r_1(0) = 0.2, r_2(0) = 0.1 , choosing the combination \mathcal{A}_1 as the parameter values of model (6.1), and using the R language for numerical simulation, Figure 1 is obtained. By calculating, we have

    \begin{aligned} &\dfrac{1}{2}\lambda_\mathrm{max} ^+(A+A^T)-a_{11}\approx 0.15-0.5 = -0.35 < 0,\\& \dfrac{1}{2}\lambda_\mathrm{max} ^+(A+A^T)-a_{22}\approx 0.15-0.4 = -0.25 < 0. \end{aligned}

    Then, Assumption 2.2 is satisfied. According to Theorem 2.1, the global solution of the stochastic Gilpin-Ayala population model (6.1) exists.

    Table 1.  Several combinations of biological parameters of model (6.1).
    Combinations Value
    \mathcal{A}_1 a_{11}=0.5, a_{12}=0.2, a_{21}=0.1, a_{22}=0.4, \theta _1=1, \theta _2=1, \gamma _1=0.4, \gamma _2=0.2, \beta_1=2, \beta_2=2, \bar{r}_1=0.3, \bar{r}_2=0.2, \sigma _1=0.5, \sigma _2=0.3
    \mathcal{A}_2 a_{11}=0.55, a_{12}=0.22, a_{21}=0.21, a_{22}=0.46, \theta _1=1.2, \theta _2=1.5, \gamma _1=0.4, \gamma _2=0.2, \beta_1=2, \beta_2=2, \bar{r}_1=0.3, \bar{r}_2=0.2, \sigma _1=0.5, \sigma _2=0.3, q=2
    \mathcal{A}_3 a_{11}=0.28, a_{12}=0.12, a_{21}=0.18, a_{22}=0.26, \theta _1=1.3, \theta _2=2, \gamma _1=0.25, \gamma _2=0.2, \beta_1=1.3, \beta_2=1.3, \bar{r}_1=0.3, \bar{r}_2=0.3, \sigma _1=0.6, \sigma _2=0.7
    \mathcal{A}_4 a_{11}=0.4, a_{12}=0.16, a_{21}=0.12, a_{22}=0.5, \theta _1=2, \theta _2=2, \gamma _1=0.1, \gamma _2=0.2, \beta_1=2, \beta_2=2, \bar{r}_1=-0.35, \bar{r}_2=-0.3, \sigma _1=0.5, \sigma _2=0.3

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    Figure 1.  Global solution of stochastic system (6.1) with stochastic noises (\sigma_1, \sigma_2) = (0.5, 0.3) : (a), (b) are the global solution of x_1(t) and x_2(t) in three cases; (c), (d) are the global solution of r_1(t) and r_2(t) in two cases. The relevant parameters are determined by the combination \mathcal{A}_1 .

    The red lines in Figure 1(a), (b) represent the solutions of populations x_1, x_2 in a deterministic environment without any disturbance. It can be seen that the development trend of the population is a smooth curve, and the population will not explode due to the limitation of environmental resources. The blue lines in Figure 1(a), (b) show the variation trend of the populations x_1, x_2 whose growth rate is disturbed by the OU process. The green lines in Figure 1(a), (b) represent the global solution of the population under the disturbance of the OU process and Lévy noise, and since the jump noise values are both positive, it indicates that the jump noise plays a role in promoting the population growth. Combined with the figure, it can be found that, compared with the other two situations, the population number also increases significantly at the same time under the positive Lévy jump interference. Lévy jumps represent some disturbances in the environment that cause sudden changes in the survival condition of the population. For example, when t = 16, t = 22 in Figure 1(a), (b), we can also see that the population number changes suddenly, which indicates the effect of Lévy jumps on the population.

    The red lines in Figure 1(c), (d) represent intrinsic growth rates r_1, r_2 , while the blue lines in Figure 1(c), (d) represent population growth rates disturbed by the OU process, indicating that the interference of random environmental factors will make the growth rate r_1(t), r_2(t) fluctuate randomly under the interference of the OU process.

    Example 6.2. Letting v(Z) = 1 , taking the initial value of model (6.1) as x_1(0) = 0.11, x_2(0) = 0.2, r_1(0) = 0.2, r_2(0) = 0.1 , choosing the combination \mathcal{A}_2 as the parameter values of model (6.1), and using the R language for numerical simulation, Figure 2 is obtained. By calculating, we obtain

    \begin{aligned} &\left ( \dfrac{q}{q+1} a_{12}+ \dfrac{1}{q+1} a_{21}\right ) -a_{11}\approx-0.34 < 0 ,\\& \left ( \dfrac{q}{q+1} a_{21}+ \dfrac{1}{q+1} a_{12}\right ) -a_{22}\approx -0.25 < 0. \end{aligned}

    Then, Assumption 3.1 is satisfied. The numerical simulation results show that \mathbb{E} (x_1^q), \mathbb{E}(x_2^q) are less than \kappa (q) , so \mathbb{E} (x_1^q)\le \kappa (q), \mathbb{E}(x_2^q)\le \kappa(q), q > 0 hold, and Theorem 3.1 is verified.

    Figure 2.  Moment boundedness of solution of stochastic system (6.1) with q = 2 . The relevant parameters are determined by the combination \mathcal{A}_2 .

    From the biological point of view, since the environmental resources are limited, no biological population can grow indefinitely, so we hope that the system solution is ultimately bounded. In Figure 2, letting q = 2 , we have \mathbb{E} (x^2_1)\le \kappa (2), \mathbb{E}(x^2_2)\le \kappa(2) , which indicates that the final second moment of the population is bounded, which conforms to the laws of survival in the real world.

    Example 6.3. Letting v(Z) = 1 , taking the initial value of model (6.1) as x_1(0) = 0.11, x_2(0) = 0.2, r_1(0) = 0.2, r_2(0) = 0.2 , choosing the combination \mathcal{A}_3 as the parameter values of model (6.1), and using the R language for numerical simulation, Figure 3 is obtained. By calculating, we get

    \begin{aligned} &a_{11}-a_{21} = 0.28-0.18 = 0.1 > 0,a_{22}-a_{12} = 0.26-0.12 = 0.14 > 0, \\&\bar{r}_1+\limsup\limits_{t\to \infty}\dfrac{1}{t}\int_{0}^{t}\int_Z \ln (1+\gamma_1(z)) v(\mathrm{d}z)\mathrm{d}s \approx 0.3+0.223\approx 0.523 > 0, \\&\bar{r}_2+\limsup\limits_{t\to \infty}\dfrac{1}{t}\int_{0}^{t}\int_Z \ln (1+\gamma_2(z)) v(\mathrm{d}z)\mathrm{d}s\approx 0.3+0.18 \approx 0.48 > 0. \end{aligned}

    Then, Assumption 4.1 and the conditions of weak persistent are satisfied. Figure 3(a), (c) represent the solution of x_1(t), x_2(t) , and Figure 3(b), (d) represent the histogram of the solution of x_1(t), x_2(t) . According Theorem 4.1, model (6.1) has a stationary distribution \eta(\cdot) .

    Figure 3.  Existence of stationary distribution. Left-hand panels show the simulations of the solutions x_1(t) and x_2(t) of stochastic system (6.1). Right-hand panels show the frequency histograms of x_1(t) and x_2(t) of stochastic system (6.1).

    As can be seen from Figure 3(a), (c), the values of population x_1(t) are mostly between 1.5–3, and the values of population x_2(t) of are mostly between 1.3–2.5, mainly concentrated in the middle region. Figure 3(b), (d) is the frequency histogram of populations x_1(t), x_2(t) , shows a trend that high in the middle and low at both ends, and obeys normal distribution approximately. This indicates that if Assumption 4.1 and \bar{r}_i+\limsup\limits_{t\to \infty}\dfrac{1}{t}\int_{0}^{t}\int_Z \ln (1+\gamma_i(z)) v(\mathrm{d}z)\mathrm{d}s > 0, i = 1, 2, hold, the populations will continue to grow steadily over time, the population size will not change dramatically, and the different populations of the system will coexist harmoniously.

    Example 6.4. Letting v(Z) = 1 , taking the initial value of model (6.1) as x_1(0) = 0.1, x_2(0) = 0.1, r_1(0) = 0.2, r_2(0) = 0.1 , choosing the combination \mathcal{A}_4 as the parameter values of model (6.1), and using the R language for numerical simulation, Figure 4 is obtained.

    Figure 4.  Extinction of stochastic system (6.1) with \gamma_1(z) = 0.1, \gamma_2(z) = 0.2 . Populations x_1(t) and x_2(t) are extinct in the two cases. The relevant parameters are determined by the combination \mathcal{A}_4 .

    According to the selected parameters, matrix A is \begin{pmatrix} 0 & 0.16\\ 0.12 & 0 \end{pmatrix} , matrix S is \begin{pmatrix} 0.4 & 0\\ 0 & 0.5 \end{pmatrix} , and taking C = I \in \mathbb{R}^{2\times 2} , then

    \begin{aligned} \lambda_{\max}^+\left ( \dfrac{1}{2} (CA+A^TC)-CS \right )\approx -0.3 \le 0. \end{aligned}


    \begin{aligned} \max\limits_{1\le i \le n }\bar{r}_i+\max\limits_{1\le i \le n }\left\{a_{ii}(\theta _i-1)\theta _i^{\frac{\theta _i}{\theta _i-1} }\right \}+\limsup\limits_{t\to \infty}\dfrac{1}{t}\int_{0}^{t}\int_Z \ln (1+\check{\gamma}(z)) v(\mathrm{d}z)\mathrm{d}s\approx -0.007 < 0, \end{aligned}

    and then Assumption 5.1 is satisfied. According to Theorem 5.1, the stochastic Gilpin-Ayala population model (6.1) is extinct.

    According Remark 5.2, when \max\limits_{1\le i \le n }\bar{r}_i+\max\limits_{1\le i \le n }\left\{a_{ii}(\theta _i-1)\theta _i^{-\frac{\theta _i}{\theta _i-1} }\right \} < 0 , the populations x_1(t), x_2(t) are extinct when the populations disturbed only by the OU process. The red lines in Figure 4(a), (b) show the populations x_1(t), x_2(t) whose growth rate is disturbed by the OU process. When populations are disturbed only by the OU process, populations x_1(t), x_2(t) are extinct at t = 20 . The green lines in Figure 4(a), (b) represent the global solution of the population under the disturbance of the OU process and Lévy noise, population x_1(t) is extinct at t = 30 and population x_2(t) is extinct at t = 45 . In this example, we let \gamma_1(z) = 0.1, \gamma_2(z) = 0.2 , and according Remark 5.3, this indicates that when the Lévy noise value is greater than 0, the population growth is promoted, and the positive Lévy noise will delay the extinction of the population.

    In this paper, we study the dynamic behaviors of a stochastic Gilpin-Ayala mutualism model (1.5) driven by the mean-reverting OU process with Lévy jumps. The existence and uniqueness of the global solution, the moment boundedness of the solution, the existence of the stationary distribution and extinction of the stochastic Gilpin-Ayala mutualism model (1.5) are proved and verified by numerical examples. The existence and uniqueness of the global solution and the moment boundedness of the solution show that, the population shows a fluctuating growth trend under the interference of various random factors, and for any q > 0 , populations x_i(t) (i = 1, 2, \cdots, n) have bounded q -th moments. The existence of the stationary distribution and extinction of the solution show that when \bar{r}_i +\limsup\limits_{t \to \infty}\dfrac{1}{t}\int_{0}^{t}\int_{Z}\ln(1+\gamma_i(z))v(\mathrm{d} z)\mathrm{d} s > 0, i = 1, 2, \cdots, n , model (1.5) has a stationary distribution \eta (\cdot) , which indicates the persistence of population growth, and the populations x(t) will be extinct when the conditions given by the assumption are satisfied.

    However, in model (1.5), only the influence of the OU process and Lévy jumps on the survival of the population were considered. But, in the real world, there are many environmental factors that affect the population, such as rainfall, drought, seasonal changes, etc..These are the questions we will be working on in the future.

    The authors declare they have not used Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools in the creation of this article.

    This study was supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (11401085), Heilongjiang Province Postdoctoral Funding Program (LBH-Q21059), Fundamental Research Projects of Chinese Central Universities (2572021DJ04).

    The authors declare there is no conflict of interest.

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