Research article Special Issues

FM-Unet: Biomedical image segmentation based on feedback mechanism Unet

  • Received: 08 March 2023 Revised: 27 April 2023 Accepted: 05 May 2023 Published: 15 May 2023
  • With the development of deep learning, medical image segmentation technology has made significant progress in the field of computer vision. The Unet is a pioneering work, and many researchers have conducted further research based on this architecture. However, we found that most of these architectures are improvements in the backward propagation and integration of the network, and few changes are made to the forward propagation and information integration of the network. Therefore, we propose a feedback mechanism Unet (FM-Unet) model, which adds feedback paths to the encoder and decoder paths of the network, respectively, to help the network fuse the information of the next step in the current encoder and decoder. The problem of encoder information loss and decoder information shortage can be well solved. The proposed model has more moderate network parameters, and the simultaneous multi-node information fusion can alleviate the gradient disappearance. We have conducted experiments on two public datasets, and the results show that FM-Unet achieves satisfactory results.

    Citation: Lei Yuan, Jianhua Song, Yazhuo Fan. FM-Unet: Biomedical image segmentation based on feedback mechanism Unet[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2023, 20(7): 12039-12055. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2023535

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  • With the development of deep learning, medical image segmentation technology has made significant progress in the field of computer vision. The Unet is a pioneering work, and many researchers have conducted further research based on this architecture. However, we found that most of these architectures are improvements in the backward propagation and integration of the network, and few changes are made to the forward propagation and information integration of the network. Therefore, we propose a feedback mechanism Unet (FM-Unet) model, which adds feedback paths to the encoder and decoder paths of the network, respectively, to help the network fuse the information of the next step in the current encoder and decoder. The problem of encoder information loss and decoder information shortage can be well solved. The proposed model has more moderate network parameters, and the simultaneous multi-node information fusion can alleviate the gradient disappearance. We have conducted experiments on two public datasets, and the results show that FM-Unet achieves satisfactory results.


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