Research article Special Issues

Sliding dynamics and bifurcations of a human influenza system under logistic source and broken line control strategy

  • Received: 08 November 2022 Revised: 01 January 2023 Accepted: 18 January 2023 Published: 06 February 2023
  • This paper proposes a non-smooth human influenza model with logistic source to describe the impact on media coverage and quarantine of susceptible populations of the human influenza transmission process. First, we choose two thresholds $ I_{T} $ and $ S_{T} $ as a broken line control strategy: Once the number of infected people exceeds $ I_{T} $, the media influence comes into play, and when the number of susceptible individuals is greater than $ S_{T} $, the control by quarantine of susceptible individuals is open. Furthermore, by choosing different thresholds $ I_{T} $ and $ S_{T} $ and using Filippov theory, we study the dynamic behavior of the Filippov model with respect to all possible equilibria. It is shown that the Filippov system tends to the pseudo-equilibrium on sliding mode domain or one endemic equilibrium or bistability endemic equilibria under some conditions. The regular/virtulal equilibrium bifurcations are also given. Lastly, numerical simulation results show that choosing appropriate threshold values can prevent the outbreak of influenza, which implies media coverage and quarantine of susceptible individuals can effectively restrain the transmission of influenza. The non-smooth system with logistic source can provide some new insights for the prevention and control of human influenza.

    Citation: Guodong Li, Wenjie Li, Ying Zhang, Yajuan Guan. Sliding dynamics and bifurcations of a human influenza system under logistic source and broken line control strategy[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2023, 20(4): 6800-6837. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2023293

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  • This paper proposes a non-smooth human influenza model with logistic source to describe the impact on media coverage and quarantine of susceptible populations of the human influenza transmission process. First, we choose two thresholds $ I_{T} $ and $ S_{T} $ as a broken line control strategy: Once the number of infected people exceeds $ I_{T} $, the media influence comes into play, and when the number of susceptible individuals is greater than $ S_{T} $, the control by quarantine of susceptible individuals is open. Furthermore, by choosing different thresholds $ I_{T} $ and $ S_{T} $ and using Filippov theory, we study the dynamic behavior of the Filippov model with respect to all possible equilibria. It is shown that the Filippov system tends to the pseudo-equilibrium on sliding mode domain or one endemic equilibrium or bistability endemic equilibria under some conditions. The regular/virtulal equilibrium bifurcations are also given. Lastly, numerical simulation results show that choosing appropriate threshold values can prevent the outbreak of influenza, which implies media coverage and quarantine of susceptible individuals can effectively restrain the transmission of influenza. The non-smooth system with logistic source can provide some new insights for the prevention and control of human influenza.


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