In this paper, a family of potential wells are introduced by means of the modified depths of the potential wells. These potential wells are employed to study the initial-boundary value problem for a wave equation. The expression of the depths of the potential wells is derived. Global existence and finite time blow-up of weak solutions with the subcritical initial energy and the critical initial energy are obtained, respectively. Moreover, some numerical simulations of the depths of the potential wells are carried out.
Citation: Yang Liu, Wenke Li. A family of potential wells for a wave equation[J]. Electronic Research Archive, 2020, 28(2): 807-820. doi: 10.3934/era.2020041
In this paper, a family of potential wells are introduced by means of the modified depths of the potential wells. These potential wells are employed to study the initial-boundary value problem for a wave equation. The expression of the depths of the potential wells is derived. Global existence and finite time blow-up of weak solutions with the subcritical initial energy and the critical initial energy are obtained, respectively. Moreover, some numerical simulations of the depths of the potential wells are carried out.
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