Research article Special Issues

Modified Marine Predators Algorithm hybridized with teaching-learning mechanism for solving optimization problems

  • Received: 18 June 2022 Revised: 24 August 2022 Accepted: 01 September 2022 Published: 29 September 2022
  • Marine Predators Algorithm (MPA) is a newly nature-inspired meta-heuristic algorithm, which is proposed based on the Lévy flight and Brownian motion of ocean predators. Since the MPA was proposed, it has been successfully applied in many fields. However, it includes several shortcomings, such as falling into local optimum easily and precocious convergence. To balance the exploitation and exploration ability of MPA, a modified marine predators algorithm hybridized with teaching-learning mechanism is proposed in this paper, namely MTLMPA. Compared with MPA, the proposed MTLMPA has two highlights. Firstly, a kind of teaching mechanism is introduced in the first phase of MPA to improve the global searching ability. Secondly, a novel learning mechanism is introduced in the third phase of MPA to enhance the chance encounter rate between predator and prey and to avoid premature convergence. MTLMPA is verified by 23 benchmark numerical testing functions and 29 CEC-2017 testing functions. Experimental results reveal that the MTLMPA is more competitive compared with several state-of-the-art heuristic optimization algorithms.

    Citation: Yunpeng Ma, Chang Chang, Zehua Lin, Xinxin Zhang, Jiancai Song, Lei Chen. Modified Marine Predators Algorithm hybridized with teaching-learning mechanism for solving optimization problems[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2023, 20(1): 93-127. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2023006

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  • Marine Predators Algorithm (MPA) is a newly nature-inspired meta-heuristic algorithm, which is proposed based on the Lévy flight and Brownian motion of ocean predators. Since the MPA was proposed, it has been successfully applied in many fields. However, it includes several shortcomings, such as falling into local optimum easily and precocious convergence. To balance the exploitation and exploration ability of MPA, a modified marine predators algorithm hybridized with teaching-learning mechanism is proposed in this paper, namely MTLMPA. Compared with MPA, the proposed MTLMPA has two highlights. Firstly, a kind of teaching mechanism is introduced in the first phase of MPA to improve the global searching ability. Secondly, a novel learning mechanism is introduced in the third phase of MPA to enhance the chance encounter rate between predator and prey and to avoid premature convergence. MTLMPA is verified by 23 benchmark numerical testing functions and 29 CEC-2017 testing functions. Experimental results reveal that the MTLMPA is more competitive compared with several state-of-the-art heuristic optimization algorithms.


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