Research article

Spatiotemporal analysis of drought occurrence in the Ouergha catchment, Morocco

  • Received: 19 November 2022 Revised: 03 March 2023 Accepted: 22 March 2023 Published: 04 May 2023
  • Although the spatiotemporal characterization of droughts is a key step in the design and implementation of practical measures to mitigate their impacts, it is hampered by the lack of hydro-climatic data with sufficient spatial density and duration. This study aimed to assess the trends and spatial patterns of drought occurrence in the Ouergha catchment in northern Morocco, which has been identified as a hot spot for climate change and variability. The study combined data from various sources, including the North Atlantic Oscillation Index (NAOi); Western Mediterranean Oscillation Index (WeMOi); a meteorological index (SPI), calculated using precipitation data; a hydrological index (SDI), calculated using precipitation data; and satellite images to calculate the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Normalized Difference Moisture Index (NDMI) from 1984/85 to 2016/17. The results showed that the adopted statistical analyses were effective in detecting the linearity and trend of drought in the Ouergha catchment scale. The correlations between various indices were moderate to strong between NAOi and SPI, WeMoi and SPI, as well as SPI and SDI, while the Mann-Kendall tests indicate an increasing trend of drought intensity in the catchment. During dry events, vegetation cover and moisture were maintained due to the presence of dam reserves. Overall, the study provides empirical evidence that confirms the severe drought conditions experienced in the Ouergha catchment. The unique set of data adds to the growing body of knowledge about drought in the region and underscores the urgency of preserving dam resources for sustainable use during future droughts.

    Citation: Kaoutar MOUNIR, Isabelle LA JEUNESSE, Haykel SELLAMI, Abdessalam ELKHANCHOUFI. Spatiotemporal analysis of drought occurrence in the Ouergha catchment, Morocco[J]. AIMS Environmental Science, 2023, 10(3): 398-423. doi: 10.3934/environsci.2023023

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  • Although the spatiotemporal characterization of droughts is a key step in the design and implementation of practical measures to mitigate their impacts, it is hampered by the lack of hydro-climatic data with sufficient spatial density and duration. This study aimed to assess the trends and spatial patterns of drought occurrence in the Ouergha catchment in northern Morocco, which has been identified as a hot spot for climate change and variability. The study combined data from various sources, including the North Atlantic Oscillation Index (NAOi); Western Mediterranean Oscillation Index (WeMOi); a meteorological index (SPI), calculated using precipitation data; a hydrological index (SDI), calculated using precipitation data; and satellite images to calculate the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Normalized Difference Moisture Index (NDMI) from 1984/85 to 2016/17. The results showed that the adopted statistical analyses were effective in detecting the linearity and trend of drought in the Ouergha catchment scale. The correlations between various indices were moderate to strong between NAOi and SPI, WeMoi and SPI, as well as SPI and SDI, while the Mann-Kendall tests indicate an increasing trend of drought intensity in the catchment. During dry events, vegetation cover and moisture were maintained due to the presence of dam reserves. Overall, the study provides empirical evidence that confirms the severe drought conditions experienced in the Ouergha catchment. The unique set of data adds to the growing body of knowledge about drought in the region and underscores the urgency of preserving dam resources for sustainable use during future droughts.


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