Research article

Computational analysis of cutting parameters based on gradient Voronoi model of cancellous bone

  • Received: 29 June 2022 Revised: 31 July 2022 Accepted: 04 August 2022 Published: 15 August 2022
  • Bone cutting is a complicated surgical operation. It is very important to establish a kind of gradient porous bone model in vitro which is close to human bone for the research of bone cutting. Due to the existing bone cutting researches are based on solid bone model, which is quite different from human bone tissue structure. Therefore, Voronoi method was used to establish a gradient porous bone model similar to real bone tissue to simulate the process of bone drilling in this paper. High temperature and large cutting force during bone drilling can cause serious damage to bone tissue. Urgent research on bone drilling parameters is necessary to reduce cutting temperature and cutting force. The finite element analysis (FEA) of Voronoi bone models with different gradients is carried out, and a Voronoi model which is similar to real bone tissue is obtained and verified by combining the cutting experiment of pig bone. Then orthogonal experiments are designed to optimize the cutting parameters of Voronoi bone model. The range method is used to analyze the influence weights of cutting speed, feed speed and tip angle on cutting temperature and cutting force, and the least square method was used to predict the cutting temperature and cutting force, respectively. The gradient porous bone model constructed by Voronoi method was studied in detail in this paper. This study can provide theoretical guidance for clinical bone drilling surgery, and the prediction model of bone drilling has practical significance.

    Citation: Wei Lin, Fengshuang Yang. Computational analysis of cutting parameters based on gradient Voronoi model of cancellous bone[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2022, 19(11): 11657-11674. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2022542

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  • Bone cutting is a complicated surgical operation. It is very important to establish a kind of gradient porous bone model in vitro which is close to human bone for the research of bone cutting. Due to the existing bone cutting researches are based on solid bone model, which is quite different from human bone tissue structure. Therefore, Voronoi method was used to establish a gradient porous bone model similar to real bone tissue to simulate the process of bone drilling in this paper. High temperature and large cutting force during bone drilling can cause serious damage to bone tissue. Urgent research on bone drilling parameters is necessary to reduce cutting temperature and cutting force. The finite element analysis (FEA) of Voronoi bone models with different gradients is carried out, and a Voronoi model which is similar to real bone tissue is obtained and verified by combining the cutting experiment of pig bone. Then orthogonal experiments are designed to optimize the cutting parameters of Voronoi bone model. The range method is used to analyze the influence weights of cutting speed, feed speed and tip angle on cutting temperature and cutting force, and the least square method was used to predict the cutting temperature and cutting force, respectively. The gradient porous bone model constructed by Voronoi method was studied in detail in this paper. This study can provide theoretical guidance for clinical bone drilling surgery, and the prediction model of bone drilling has practical significance.


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