Research article Special Issues

Geographical network model for COVID-19 spread among dynamic epidemic regions

  • Received: 11 December 2021 Revised: 25 January 2022 Accepted: 08 February 2022 Published: 23 February 2022
  • Pandemic due to SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) has affected to world in several aspects: high number of confirmed cases, high number of deaths, low economic growth, among others. Understanding of spatio-temporal dynamics of the virus is helpful and necessary for decision making, for instance to decide where, whether and how, non-pharmaceutical intervention policies are to be applied. This point has not been properly addressed in literature since typical strategies do not consider marked differences on the epidemic spread across country or large territory. Those strategies assume similarities and apply similar interventions instead. This work is focused on posing a methodology where spatio-temporal epidemic dynamics is captured by means of dividing a territory in time-varying epidemic regions, according to geographical closeness and infection level. In addition, a novel Lagrangian-SEIR-based model is posed for describing the dynamic within and between those regions. The capabilities of this methodology for identifying local outbreaks and reproducing the epidemic curve are discussed for the case of COVID-19 epidemic in Jalisco state (Mexico). The contagions from July 31, 2020 to March 31, 2021 are analyzed, with monthly adjustments, and the estimates obtained at the level of the epidemic regions present satisfactory results since Relative Root Mean Squared Error RRMSE is below 15% in most of regions, and at the level of the whole state outstanding with RRMSE below 5%.

    Citation: Roman Zúñiga Macías, Humberto Gutiérrez-Pulido, Edgar Alejandro Guerrero Arroyo, Abel Palafox González. Geographical network model for COVID-19 spread among dynamic epidemic regions[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2022, 19(4): 4237-4259. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2022196

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  • Pandemic due to SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) has affected to world in several aspects: high number of confirmed cases, high number of deaths, low economic growth, among others. Understanding of spatio-temporal dynamics of the virus is helpful and necessary for decision making, for instance to decide where, whether and how, non-pharmaceutical intervention policies are to be applied. This point has not been properly addressed in literature since typical strategies do not consider marked differences on the epidemic spread across country or large territory. Those strategies assume similarities and apply similar interventions instead. This work is focused on posing a methodology where spatio-temporal epidemic dynamics is captured by means of dividing a territory in time-varying epidemic regions, according to geographical closeness and infection level. In addition, a novel Lagrangian-SEIR-based model is posed for describing the dynamic within and between those regions. The capabilities of this methodology for identifying local outbreaks and reproducing the epidemic curve are discussed for the case of COVID-19 epidemic in Jalisco state (Mexico). The contagions from July 31, 2020 to March 31, 2021 are analyzed, with monthly adjustments, and the estimates obtained at the level of the epidemic regions present satisfactory results since Relative Root Mean Squared Error RRMSE is below 15% in most of regions, and at the level of the whole state outstanding with RRMSE below 5%.


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