Research article

Cascaded robust control of mechanical ventilator using fractional order sliding mode control

  • Received: 07 October 2021 Accepted: 22 November 2021 Published: 03 December 2021
  • A mechanical ventilator is an important medical equipment that assists patients who have breathing difficulties. In recent times a huge percentage of COVID-19 infected patients suffered from respiratory system failure. In order to ensure the abundant availability of mechanical ventilators during COVID-19 pandemic, most of the manufacturers around the globe utilized open source designs. Patients safety is of utmost importance while using mechanical ventilators for assisting them in breathing. Closed loop feedback control system plays vital role in ensuring the stability and reliability of dynamical systems such as mechanical ventilators. Ideal characteristics of mechanical ventilators include safety of patients, reliability, quick and smooth air pressure buildup and release.Unfortunately most of the open source designs and mechanical ventilator units with classical control loops cannot achieve the above mentioned ideal characteristics under system uncertainties. This article proposes a cascaded approach to formulate robust control system for regulating the states of ventilator unit using blower model reduction techniques. Model reduction allows to cascade the blower dynamics in the main controller design for airway pressure. The proposed controller is derived based on both integer and non integer calculus and the stability of the closed loop is ensured using Lyapunov theorems. The effectiveness of the proposed control method is demonstrated using extensive numerical simulations.

    Citation: Nasim Ullah, Al-sharef Mohammad. Cascaded robust control of mechanical ventilator using fractional order sliding mode control[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2022, 19(2): 1332-1354. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2022061

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  • A mechanical ventilator is an important medical equipment that assists patients who have breathing difficulties. In recent times a huge percentage of COVID-19 infected patients suffered from respiratory system failure. In order to ensure the abundant availability of mechanical ventilators during COVID-19 pandemic, most of the manufacturers around the globe utilized open source designs. Patients safety is of utmost importance while using mechanical ventilators for assisting them in breathing. Closed loop feedback control system plays vital role in ensuring the stability and reliability of dynamical systems such as mechanical ventilators. Ideal characteristics of mechanical ventilators include safety of patients, reliability, quick and smooth air pressure buildup and release.Unfortunately most of the open source designs and mechanical ventilator units with classical control loops cannot achieve the above mentioned ideal characteristics under system uncertainties. This article proposes a cascaded approach to formulate robust control system for regulating the states of ventilator unit using blower model reduction techniques. Model reduction allows to cascade the blower dynamics in the main controller design for airway pressure. The proposed controller is derived based on both integer and non integer calculus and the stability of the closed loop is ensured using Lyapunov theorems. The effectiveness of the proposed control method is demonstrated using extensive numerical simulations.


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