Research article Special Issues

The value co-creation behavior in learning communities: Comparing conventional learning and e-learning

  • Received: 31 May 2021 Accepted: 26 July 2021 Published: 26 August 2021
  • With the rapid development of ICT, the present world is experiencing rapid changes in the field of education. Implementation of e-learning and ICT in the education system could allow teachers to upgrade and improve their lectures. However, from the perspective of value co-creation behavior in learning communities, conventional learning and e-learning classrooms may encounter different opportunities and challenges. Thus, a more in-depth investigation would be needed. Based on the S-O-R framework, this study identifies self-directed learning as a stimulus, perceived benefits as the organism, and value co-creation behavior as the response. By applying the multi-criteria decision-making techniques of DEMATEL, ANP, and VIKOR, this study explores the causal effects, influential weights, and performance ranking of the primary constructs in the framework as criteria. This study's theoretical and practical implications are discussed, and ways of improving learning performance are suggested.

    Citation: Huan-Ming Chuang, Shahab S. Band, Mehdi Sookhak, Kenneth Pinandhito. The value co-creation behavior in learning communities: Comparing conventional learning and e-learning[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2021, 18(6): 7239-7268. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2021358

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  • With the rapid development of ICT, the present world is experiencing rapid changes in the field of education. Implementation of e-learning and ICT in the education system could allow teachers to upgrade and improve their lectures. However, from the perspective of value co-creation behavior in learning communities, conventional learning and e-learning classrooms may encounter different opportunities and challenges. Thus, a more in-depth investigation would be needed. Based on the S-O-R framework, this study identifies self-directed learning as a stimulus, perceived benefits as the organism, and value co-creation behavior as the response. By applying the multi-criteria decision-making techniques of DEMATEL, ANP, and VIKOR, this study explores the causal effects, influential weights, and performance ranking of the primary constructs in the framework as criteria. This study's theoretical and practical implications are discussed, and ways of improving learning performance are suggested.


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