Research article Special Issues

Finite difference schemes for a structured population model in the space of measures

  • Received: 28 July 2019 Accepted: 24 October 2019 Published: 31 October 2019
  • We present two finite-difference methods for approximating solutions to a structured population model in the space of non-negative Radon Measures. The first method is a first-order upwind-based scheme and the second is high-resolution method of second-order. We prove that the two schemes converge to the solution in the Bounded-Lipschitz norm. Several numerical examples demonstrating the order of convergence and behavior of the schemes around singularities are provided. In particular, these numerical results show that for smooth solutions the upwind and high-resolution methods provide a first-order and a second-order approximation, respectively. Furthermore, for singular solutions the second-order high-resolution method is superior to the first-order method.

    Citation: Azmy S. Ackleh, Rainey Lyons, Nicolas Saintier. Finite difference schemes for a structured population model in the space of measures[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2020, 17(1): 747-775. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2020039

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  • We present two finite-difference methods for approximating solutions to a structured population model in the space of non-negative Radon Measures. The first method is a first-order upwind-based scheme and the second is high-resolution method of second-order. We prove that the two schemes converge to the solution in the Bounded-Lipschitz norm. Several numerical examples demonstrating the order of convergence and behavior of the schemes around singularities are provided. In particular, these numerical results show that for smooth solutions the upwind and high-resolution methods provide a first-order and a second-order approximation, respectively. Furthermore, for singular solutions the second-order high-resolution method is superior to the first-order method.


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