Enhancement of chemotherapy using oncolytic virotherapy: Mathematical and optimal control analysis

  • Received: 27 March 2018 Accepted: 10 July 2018 Published: 01 December 2018
  • MSC : Primary: 49K15; Secondary: 92B05

  • Oncolytic virotherapy has been emerging as a promising novel cancer treatment which may be further combined with the existing therapeutic modalities to enhance their effects. To investigate how virotherapy could enhance chemotherapy, we propose an ODE based mathematical model describing the interactions between tumour cells, the immune response, and a treatment combination with chemotherapy and oncolytic viruses. Stability analysis of the model with constant chemotherapy treatment rates shows that without any form of treatment, a tumour would grow to its maximum size. It also demonstrates that chemotherapy alone is capable of clearing tumour cells provided that the drug efficacy is greater than the intrinsic tumour growth rate. Furthermore, virotherapy alone may not be able to clear tumour cells from body tissue but would rather enhance chemotherapy if viruses with high viral potency are used. To assess the combined effect of virotherapy and chemotherapy we use the forward sensitivity index to perform a sensitivity analysis, with respect to chemotherapy key parameters, of the virus basic reproductive number and the tumour endemic equilibrium. The results from this sensitivity analysis indicate the existence of a critical dose of chemotherapy above which no further significant reduction in the tumour population can be observed. Numerical simulations show that a successful combinational therapy of the chemotherapeutic drugs and viruses depends mostly on the virus burst size, infection rate, and the amount of drugs supplied. Optimal control analysis was performed, by means of the Pontryagin's maximum principle, to further refine predictions of the model with constant treatment rates by accounting for the treatment costs and sides effects. Results from this analysis suggest that the optimal drug and virus combination correspond to half their maximum tolerated doses. This is in agreement with the results from stability and sensitivity analyses.

    Citation: Joseph Malinzi, Rachid Ouifki, Amina Eladdadi, Delfim F. M. Torres, K. A. Jane White. Enhancement of chemotherapy using oncolytic virotherapy: Mathematical and optimal control analysis[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2018, 15(6): 1435-1463. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2018066

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  • Oncolytic virotherapy has been emerging as a promising novel cancer treatment which may be further combined with the existing therapeutic modalities to enhance their effects. To investigate how virotherapy could enhance chemotherapy, we propose an ODE based mathematical model describing the interactions between tumour cells, the immune response, and a treatment combination with chemotherapy and oncolytic viruses. Stability analysis of the model with constant chemotherapy treatment rates shows that without any form of treatment, a tumour would grow to its maximum size. It also demonstrates that chemotherapy alone is capable of clearing tumour cells provided that the drug efficacy is greater than the intrinsic tumour growth rate. Furthermore, virotherapy alone may not be able to clear tumour cells from body tissue but would rather enhance chemotherapy if viruses with high viral potency are used. To assess the combined effect of virotherapy and chemotherapy we use the forward sensitivity index to perform a sensitivity analysis, with respect to chemotherapy key parameters, of the virus basic reproductive number and the tumour endemic equilibrium. The results from this sensitivity analysis indicate the existence of a critical dose of chemotherapy above which no further significant reduction in the tumour population can be observed. Numerical simulations show that a successful combinational therapy of the chemotherapeutic drugs and viruses depends mostly on the virus burst size, infection rate, and the amount of drugs supplied. Optimal control analysis was performed, by means of the Pontryagin's maximum principle, to further refine predictions of the model with constant treatment rates by accounting for the treatment costs and sides effects. Results from this analysis suggest that the optimal drug and virus combination correspond to half their maximum tolerated doses. This is in agreement with the results from stability and sensitivity analyses.

    1. Introduction

    Combination therapy strategies have shown significant promise for treating cancers that are resistant to conventional modalities. Oncolytic virotherapy (OV) is an emerging treatment modality that uses replication competent viruses to destroy cancers [23,43,28,31]. Their tumour specific properties allow for viral binding, entry, and replication [33]. Various studies have investigated combination strategies with OV and chemotherapeutic drugs to optimize both viral oncolysis and the effect of the added therapy [8,33,42]. Oncolytic viruses can greatly enhance the cytotoxic mechanisms of chemotherapeutics [36]. Furthermore, chemotherapeutic drugs lyse fast multiplying cells and, in general, virus infected tumour cells quickly replicate [5]. In most combination studies with chemotherapy drugs, apoptosis was increased but viral replication was not enhanced [33,49,3]. For example, Nguyen et al. [33] gave an account of the mechanisms through which drugs can successfully be used in a combination with oncolytic viruses. They, however, noted that the success of this combination depended on several factors including the type of oncolytic virus (OV)-drug combination used, the timing, frequency, dosage, and cancer type targeted. A review of recent clinical studies by Binz and Urlrich [8] shows the classification of possible combination of drugs and oncolytic viruses. Oncolytic virotherapy is still ongoing clinical trials [49,3], and some virus-drug combos, for example talimogene laherparepvec, have been approved for the treatment of melanoma [51].

    While, there is a growing body of scientific research showing that combination therapies are the cutting edge for cancer treatment, the design of an optimal protocol remains an open question. The chemo-viro therapy combination is no exception. Despite a noticeable success in the clinical and experimental studies to investigate and characterise the treatment of cancer with chemotherapeutics-virus combinations, much is still not understood about chemovirotherapy. Some of the main open questions in designing an optimal chemovirotherapy treatment are figuring out the right dose combination, the most effective method of drug infusion, and the important treatment characteristics [26].

    Mathematical modelling and optimal control theory have over the years played an important role in answering such important research questions which would cost much to set up experimentally. Several mathematical studies including [16,29,38] have addressed the dynamics of oncolytic virotherapy treatment. For example, Ursher [50] gave a summary of some mathematical models for chemotherapy. Tian [47] presented a mathematical model that incorporates burst size for oncolytic virotherapy. His analysis showed that there are two threshold burst size values and below one of them the tumour always grows to its maximum size. His study affirmed that a tumour can be greatly reduced to low undetectable cell counts when the burst size is large enough. A recent study by Malinzi et al. [30] showed that that chemotherapy alone was not able to deplete tumour cells from body tissue but rather in unison with oncolytic viruses could possibly reduce the tumour concentration to a very low undetectable state. Other similar mathematical models on virotherapy include [31,53,54,34,1].

    In this paper, we address the question on: "what is the optimal chemotherapeutic drug and virus dosage combination for the elimination of tumour cells in body tissue?" To this end, we develop a mathematical model and optimal control problem that account for the combination of cancer treatment using chemotherapy and virotherapy. The paper is organised as follows. Section 2 is devoted to the model description and the underlying assumptions. In Section 3, we analyse three sub-models: without-treatment model, chemotherapy-only model, and the oncolytic virotherapy-only model. The analysis of the whole model, that is, the chemotherapeutic drug combined with the virus therapy is detailed in Section 4. In Section 5, we investigate an optimal control problem with a quadratic objective function to determine the optimal dosage combination of the chemotherapy drug and the virotherapy. The numerical simulations illustrating our theoretical results are presented in Section 6. We conclude with a discussion in Section 7.

    2. Model Formulation

    In this section, we propose and formulate our new mathematical model describing the growth of an avascular solid tumour under the effect of both chemotherapy and oncolytic virotherapy treatments. The model considers six state variables summarized in Table 1. We first start by stating the underlying model assumptions in Subsection 2.1, followed by the model equations and their detailed description in Subsection 2.2.

    Table 1. The model variables.
    Variable Description Units
    U(t) Uninfected tumour density cells per mm3
    I(t) Virus infected tumour cell density cells per mm3
    V(t) Free virus particles virions per mm3
    Ev(t) Virus specific immune response cells per mm3
    ET(t) Tumour specific immune response cells per mm3
    C(t) Drug concentration grams per millilitre (g/ml)
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    2.1. Model description and assumptions

    To model the effects of the chemo-virotherapy on the tumour, we consider the dynamics of the following interacting cell populations: tumour cells (both uninfected and virus-infected cells), immune cells (both virus and tumour specific immune responses), the free virus and the drug concentrations. Based on the discussion above and the scientific literature on the interactions between the uninfected and the virus-infected tumour cells in the presence of the oncolytic virotherapy and chemotherapy treatments, the following assumptions are made in setting up the model:

    1. Without treatment, the tumour grows logistically with a carrying capacity K [47].

    2. Virus infection, chemotherapeutic drug response to the tumour, chemokine production and immune cells proliferation are considered to be of Michaelis-Menten form to account for saturation [15,2,40].

    3. The model accounts for both virus and tumour specific immune responses [22].

    4. Virus production is a function of virus burst size and the death of infected immune cells. The number of viruses therefore increases as infected tumour cells density multiplies [47].

    5. We consider both virus and tumour specific immune responses. Virus-specific immune response is proportional to the infected tumour cell numbers whilst the tumour specific immune response is taken to be of Michaelis-Menten form to account for saturation in the immune proliferation [24].

    6. We consider a case where drug infusion per day is constant. The constant infusion rate may relate to a situation where a patient is put on an intravenous injection or a protracted venous infusion and the drug is constantly pumped into the body. This form of drug dissemination is used on cancer patients who stay in the hospital for a long period of time. Higher doses of certain anti-cancer drugs may however lead to hepatic veno-occlusive disease, a condition where the liver is obstructed as a result of using high-dose chemotherapy [12,55]. Another more realistic consideration would be to use periodic infusion [7,48]. This would lead to a periodic system of equations for which standard theory on periodic systems applies (see for example [37]). This case is, however, not dealt with in this work, and will be studied in a future work.

    2.2. Model equations

    The proposed mathematical model consists of the following system of six differential equations (1)-(6):

    dUdt=αU(1U+IK)βUVKu+UνUUETδUUCKc+C (1)
    dIdt=βUVKu+UδIνIETIτEVIδIICKc+C (2)
    dVdt=bδIβUVKu+UγV (3)
    dEVdt=ϕIδVEV (4)
    dETdt=βT(U+I)κ+(U+I)δTET (5)
    dCdt=g(t)ψC (6)

    The model variables and parameters, their meaning and base values are summarised in Table 1 and Table 2respectively.

    Table 2. The model parameters, their description and base values.
    Symbol Description Value & units Ref.
    K Tumour carrying capacity 106 cells per mm3 per day [4]
    α Tumour growth rate 0.206 cells per mm3 per day [4]
    β Infection rate of tumour cells 0.0010.1 cells per mm3 per day [4]
    δ Infected tumour cells death 0.5115 day1 [4]
    γ Rate of virus decay 0.01 day1 [4]
    b Virus burst size 01000 virions per mm3 per day [11]
    ψ Rate drug decay 4.17 millilitres per mm3 per day [39]
    δU Lysis rate of U by the drug 50 cells per mm3 per day [39]
    δI Lysis rate of I by the drug 60 cells per mm3 per day [39]
    ϕ EV production rate 0.7 day1 [9]
    βT ET production rate 0.5 cells per mm3 per day [19,27]
    δv,δT immune decay rates 0.01 day1 [19,27]
    Ku,Kc,κ Michaelis--Menten constants 105 cells per mm3 per day [25]
    νU Lysis rate of U by ET 0.08 cells per mm3 per day est
    νI Lysis rate of I by ET 0.1 cells per mm3 per day est
    τ Lysis rate of I by EV 0.2 cells per mm3 per day est
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    The initial conditions for the model are:

    U(0)=U0,I(0)=I0,V(0)=V0,EV(0)=EV0,ET(0)=ET0,C(0)=C0, (7)

    where the constants U0, I0, V0, EV0, ET0, and C0 denote the initial concentrations of the uninfected tumour, virus infected tumour, free virus particles, virus specific immune, tumour specific immune, and the chemotherapeutic drug respectively. They are assumed to be nonnegative to make sense biologically. A detailed description of the model follows.

    In Eqs. (1) & (2), the terms αU(1U+IK) represents tumour growth. The term βUV/(Ku+U) describes infection of tumour cells by the virus where β is the infection rate. Drug effect to the uninfected and infected tumour cells is respectively described by the terms δUUC/(Kc+C) and δIIC/(Kc+C) where δU and δI are lysis induced rates. Ku and Kc are Michaelis-Menten constants and relate to killing rates when the virus and the drug are half-maximal [15,2,40]. The term νUUET represents tumour specific immune response where νU is the uninfected lysis rate by tumour specific immune cells. Infected tumour cells have a lifespan 1/δ and are killed by both tumour and virus specific immune cells. These are described by the terms νIETI and τEVI where δ is the natural death rate, νI and τ are respectively lysis rates of tumour cells by the tumour specific and virus specific immune cells.

    In Eq. (3), the term bδI represents virus proliferation where b is the virus burst size and δ is the infected tumour cell death rate. The term βUV/(Ku+U) represents loss of free virus due to infection of the uninfected tumour cells. Virus deactivation in body tissue is represented by the term γV where γ is the rate of decay.

    In Eqs. (4) & (5), ϕI is the virus specific immune production and δvEv represents its deactivation where δv is the decay rate. The term βT(U+I)/(k+(U+I)) represents tumour-specific immune response where βT is the rate of production and k is a Michaelis constant. Tumour-specific immune decay is described by the term δTET where δT is the rate of decay.

    In Eq. (6), the time dependent function g(t) represents drug infusion into the tumour and ψC describes drug decay where ψ is the rate of decay.

    3. Mathematical analysis

    To better understand the dynamics of the proposed model, we begin by examining the model's behaviour about the steady states. This analysis is crucial for identifying the conditions necessary to achieve a tumour-free state. We first show that the model is well posed in a biologically feasible domain, and then proceed with a stability analysis of the model with constant drug infusion. We then analyse the model in the case of no treatment, with chemotherapy alone, and with oncolytic virotherapy alone. The case of the chemotherapeutic drug combined with the virus therapy is detailed as well.

    3.1. Well-posedness

    Before we proceed with the mathematical analysis, we need to show that the model is well posed in a biologically feasible domain. The model describes the temporal evolution of cell populations, therefore, the cell densities should remain non negative and bounded. The well-posedness theorem is stated below and the proofs are given in Appendix 7.

    Theorem 3.1.  (ⅰ) There exists a unique solution to the system of equations (1)-(6) in the region D=(U,I,V,EV,ET,C)R6+.

    (ⅱ) If U(0)0, I(0)0, V(0)0, EV(0)0,ET(0)0 and C(0)0, then U(t)0, I(t)0, V(t)0, EV(t)0, ET(t)0 and C(t)0 for all t0.

    (ⅲ) The trajectories evolve in an attracting region Ω={(U,I,V,EV,ET,C)DU(t)+I(t)K, V(t)b/γ, EV(t)ϕ/δV,ETβT/δT,C(t)C}, where C is the maximum drug concentration and depends on the infusion method.

    (ⅳ) The domain Ω is positive invariant for the model Equations (1)-(6) and therefore biologically meaningful for the cell concentrations.

    We will analyse the model quantitative behaviour in the domain Ω.

    3.2. Without-treatment model

    To investigate the efficacy of each treatment, their combination as well as the immune response to tumour cells, we first study the model without any form of treatments. The model system of eqs. (1)-(6) without treatment reduces to the following system describing the interactions of the uninfected tumour with the tumour specific immune cells:

    dUdt=αU(1UK)νUUET,dETdt=βTUκ+UδTET. (8)

    Proposition 1. The model (8) has two biologically meaningful steady states: a tumour-free state, X1=(U=0,ET=0), which is unstable and a tumour endemic state,

    X2=[U=K2α(αακKM)+K2α(αακKM)2+4α2κK,ET=βTδT(Uκ+U)], (9)

    where M=νUβT/δT, which is locally asymptotically stable.

    Proof. Equating Eqs. (8) to zero yields:

    αKU2+(ακK+Mα)Uακ=0 (10)
    ET=βTδT(Uκ+U) (11)

    From which if U=0 then ET=0. The eigenvalues of the Jacobian matrix of the model (8) evaluated at (0,0) are λ1=α and λ2=δT. One positive and the other negative. Implying that the tumour free equilibrium is unstable. Compare Equation (10) to aU2+bU+c=0. We observe that c:=ακ<0 implying that Δ=b24ac:=(α(ακK+M))2+4α2κK>0 and therefore there is only one positive root of the quadratic equation (10) and its given by


    The characteristic polynomial of the Jacobian matrix evaluated at X2 is given by

    P(x)=x2+P1x+P0. (12)

    We prove in Appendix 7, using Routh-Hurwitz criterion, that P1>0 and P0>0 and thus the endemic steady state, X2, is locally asymptotically stable.

    Biological interpretation: Proposition 1 suggests that, without any form of treatment, the tumour-free state is always unstable and the endemic state is stable implying that the tumour would not be eliminated from the body.

    Next, the model (1)-(6) is studied with only chemotherapy to investigate the effect of the chemotherapeutic drug on tumour cells.

    3.3. Chemotherapy-only model

    We consider a case where drug infusion per day is constant, that is, g(t)=q. The model with chemo-only, that is I=V=EV=0, reduces to:

    dUdt=αU(1UK)νUUETδUUCKc+C,dETdt=βTUκ+UδTET,dCdt=qψC. (13)

    Proposition 2. The chemo-only model (13) has two biologically meaningful steady states: a tumour-free sate, C1=(U=0,ET=0,C=qψ), which is stable if αKu>q(δUα)ψ and a tumour endemic state,

    C2=[U=K2α(α(ακK+L+M))+K2α(α(ακK+L+M))2+4ακK(αL)ET=βTδT(Uκ+U)andC=qψ], (14)



    The endemic state, C2, is stable if the conditions (36) in Appendix 7 are satisfied.

    Proof. Setting Equations in (13) to zero gives:

    αU(1UK)νUUETδUUCKc+C=0, (15)
    βTUκ+UδTETU=0,C=qψ, (16)

    from which if U=0 then C1=(U=0,ET=0,C=qψ). The eigenvalues of the Jacobian of (13) evaluated at C1 are λ1=ψ, λ2=δT and λ3=αδUq/ψKu+q/ψ implying that for λ3 to be negative, then αKu>q(δUα)ψ. If U0 then from Equation (15),


    which when solved, and using the same analysis as in Proposition 14, gives the expressions in Equation (32). The characteristic polynomial of the Jacobian matrix evaluated at C2 is given in Equation (32). It directly follows from Routh-Hurwitz criterion that the tumour endemic state, C2, is locally asymptotically stable if the conditions (36) are fulfilled.

    Biological interpretation: Proposition 2 suggests that a tumour can be eradicated by chemotherapy from the body tissue if the tumour growth rate is less than the drug efficacy (α<δU). Otherwise, it would continue to grow uncontrollably.

    Since drug dosage, q, must not exceed the Maximum Tolerable Dose (MTD), denoted by qMTD, we further derive the following result in Proposition 3:

    Proposition 3.  1. If δU<α, the tumour-free state will always be unstable for any q<qMTD.

    2. If δU>α:

    (ⅰ) If qMTD<αψKuδUα:=q, then the tumour-free state is unstable for all q<qMTD.

    (ⅱ) If qMTDq, then the tumour-free state is locally asymptotically stable for all q[q,qMTD].

    Proof. 1.From the condition for stability in Proposition 2, if δU<α then αKu>qψδUα, which violates the condition for stability.

    2. If δU>α:

    (ⅰ) If qMTD<αψKuδUα:=q, yet the drug dosage, q, can not be larger than the MTD, qMTD, implying that the condition for stability in Proposition 2 is still violated.

    (ⅱ) If qMTD>q, and q[q,qMTD] then the stability condition if fulfilled.

    Biological interpretation: Proposition 3 suggests the followings:

    1. For a chemotherapeutic drug that is not highly efficient (δU<α) the tumour cannot be eradicated.

    2. If the efficacy, δU, which is also the lysis rate measured in number of uninfected tumour cells lysed per mm3 per day, is high enough but with:

    (ⅰ) a very toxic drug, then one cannot give enough dose to eradicate the tumour

    (ⅱ) a drug which is less toxic, then one can afford to give a dose which is not larger than the MTD and yet which allows for the condition for stability.

    3.4. Virotherapy-only model

    To determine the effect of virotherapy on tumour cells, we now study the model with only virotherapy treatment. The model (1)-(6) with only virotherapy treatment, that is, C=0, reduces to:

    dUdt=αU(1U+IK)βUVKu+UνUUET,dIdt=βUVKu+UδIνIETIτEVI,dVdt=bδIβUVKu+UγV,dEVdt=ϕIδVEV,dETdt=βT(U+I)κ+(U+I)δTET. (17)

    Proposition 4. The virotherapy-only model (17) has three biologically meaningful steady states: a tumour-free state V1=(U=0,I=0,V=0,ET=0,EV=0) which is unstable, a virus-free state

    V2=[U=K2α(αακKM)+K2α(αακKM)2+4α2κK,I=0, V=0,ET=βTδT(Uκ+U), EV=0] (18)

    and a tumour endemic state V3=(U,I,V,ET,EV).

    Proof. The above expressions are obtained when model equations in (17) are equated to zero. The eigenvalues of the Jacobian matrix evaluated at V1 are λ1=α, λ2=δ, λ3=γ, λ4=δT and λ5=δV with one positive and the others negative implying that the tumour-free state, V1, is unstable.

    Biological interpretation: Proposition 4 suggests that virotherapy on its own is not capable of eliminating tumour cells.

    4. Chemovirotherapy

    To assess the effects of the combination therapy of virotherapy and chemotherapy, we use the forward sensitivity index to perform a sensitivity analysis of the virus basic reproductive number and the tumour endemic equilibrium with respect to the chemotherapy key parameters. We now proceed to study the whole model system (1)-(6) with constant drug infusion, that is, g(t)=q. We first derive the model's basic reproduction number, R0, and calculate its elasticity indices with respect to the model parameters to identify which of them are most sensitive during tumour infection. Finally, we calculate sensitivity indices of the endemic total tumour density with respect to drug infusion.

    4.1. Basic reproduction ratio

    A basic reproductive number, in our case, can be defined as the average number of new tumour infections generated by one infected cell, via cell lysis, during virotherapy in a completely susceptible cell population [52]. In general, if R0>1, then, on average, the number of new infections resulting from one infected cell is greater than one. Thus, viral infections will persist in tumour cell populations. If R0<1, then, on average, the number of new infections generated by one infected cell in virotherapy is less than one. This implies that the viral infections will eventually disappear from the cell populations. This threshold can as well be used to depict parameters which are most important during tumour infection. We calculate R0 using the next- generation matrix approach described in [52]. Firstly, we prove that the conditions A1A5 in Appendix 7 are satisfied by the model Equations (1)-(6).

    Theorem 4.1. The basic reproduction ratio, R0, for constant drug infusion g(t)=q, is given by

    R0 =bβδU(Kc+C)γ[(Kc+C)(νIET+δ)+δIC](Ku+U), (19)

    where U, C and ET are all given in Equation (14).

    The proof of Theorem 4.1 can be found in Appendix 7. Next, we calculate elasticity indices of R0 in response to model parameters to ascertain which them are most critical during chemovirotherapy treatment.

    4.2. Sensitivity of the basic reproduction ratio

    Definition 4.2. The Sensitivity and elasticity indices of the basic reproduction ratio, R0, with respect to model parameter p are respectively given by Sp=R0p and ep=R0ppR.

    Table 3 shows the sensitivity and elasticity indices obtained with the use of Sage. From the Table one can note that a 1% increase in virus burst size, b, and infection rate, β, leads to a 1% increase in R0, whereas a 1% increase in the virus decay rate, γ, leads to a 1% reduction in R0. The indices indicate that R0 is most sensitive to virus burst size, infection and decay rates. Figure 1 is a graphical representation of the indices. Figure 2 (a) shows the variation of elasticity of R0 with respect to drug dosage. The figure indicates that increasing the amount of drug infused reduces R0 and thus reduces the number of tumour cells. From the figure we can further infer that values of the drug dosage, q, from 40 mg/l to 100 mg/l have a less significant impact on R0.

    Table 3. Sensitivity and elasticity indices of R0 with respect to model parameters.
    Parameter Sensitivity index Elasticity index
    b Sb=9.88 eb=1
    β Sβ=988.4 eβ=1
    γ Sγ=9884 eγ=1
    δ Sδ=2.2325 eδ=0.011553
    α Sα=2.4372 eα=5.1×1012
    δU SδU=1.004×107 eδU=5.1×1012
    δI SδI=90.32 eδI=0.011553
    Kc SKc=0.2048x eKc=0.0000414
    Ku SKu=1.01×106 eKu=2.05×1010
    ψ Sψ=0.004 eψ=0.000414
    q Sq=0.008 eq=0.000414
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    Figure 1. Visual representation of the elasticity indices of R0 with respect to model parameters. The bar graph shows that the virus burst size, infection and decay rates b, β & γ have the highest elasticity indices with virus decay being negatively correlated to R0.
    Figure 2. Plots of the elasticity indices, eq, and ΓU+Iq against the drug dosage q. Both Figures (a) and (b) depict that increasing the amount of drug infused reduces viral multiplication thus reducing the sensitivity indices. The figures further suggest that values of q from 40 to 100 mg/l have minimal negative impact on viral replication.

    4.3. Sensitivity of endemic equilibria

    Sensitivity indices of the endemic equilibria is informative about the establishment of the disease. Here, we calculate sensitivity indices of the endemic total tumour density with respect to drug infusion. The gist is to determine the relative change in the tumour equilibria when the amount of drug infused is changed and thus infer the feasible amount of the drug that should be infused. The sensitivity index of the total tumour endemic equilibria U+I with response to drug infusion q is given by

    ΓU+Iq=(U+I)qqU+I=UU+IΓU+IU+IΓI. (20)

    where ΓU and ΓI are calculated from the formula in Equation (41) derived in Appendix 7. It is worth noting that the endemic equilibrium of the full chemotherapy model (1)-(6) can not explicitly be determined in terms of the parameters and therefore we numerically computed the equilibrium values.

    We used high values of the tumour reproduction rate and virus burst size, that is α=0.8 cells/mm3/day and b=50 virions/mm3/day so that R0>1. We calculated ΓU+I for several values of q. Table 4 shows selected indices for different amounts of the drug infused with their corresponding basic reproduction ratios. Figure 2 (b) is a plot of total tumour sensitivity index with respect to drug infusion. The figure suggests that the feasible amount of drug that should be infused in a patient lies between 50 mg/l and 100 mg/l. This range of values is similar to those inferred from the elasticity indices of R0.

    Table 4. Selected sensitivity indices of the total tumour equilibria, ΓU+Ip, in response to drug, q with the corresponding value of R0.
    q (mg/l) 5 10 15 35 50 100
    ΓU+Ip 8.3×105 2.5×105 1×105 6.1×105 9.6×106 2.4×106
    R0 51.0476 51.0473 51.0470 51.0459 51.0450 51.0421
     | Show Table
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    It is worth noting that when q becomes larger than 50 mg/l, the impact of chemotherapy on virotherapy (R0 and endemic equilibria) becomes less significant. This analysis, nonetheless, does not incorporate the cost for example monetary or treatments side effects. These results will further be confirmed using optimal control theory. In the next section, we set up an optimal control problem to explicitly determine the optimal virus and chemotherapeutic drug dosage combination necessary for tumour eradication in body tissue.

    5. Optimal control analysis

    In this section, we propose and analyze an optimal control problem applied to the chemovirotherapy model to determine the optimal dosage combination of chemotherapy and virotherapy for controlling the tumour. We set the control variables u1(t) and u2(t)g(t) to respectively be the supply of viruses from an external source of the drug dosage, which are then incorporated into the model system's equations (3) and (6) to obtain the following control system. For model tractability, we ignore the immune responses.

    dUdt=αU(1U+IK)βUVKu+UδUUCKc+CdIdt=βUVKu+UδIδIICKc+CdVdt=bδIβUVKu+UγV+u1(t)dCdt=u2(t)ψC (21)

    5.1. The optimal control problem

    We wish to determine the optimal combination of controls (u1(t),u2(t)) that will be adequate to minimize the total tumour density (U(t)+I(t)) together with the cost of the treatment and negative side effects over a fixed time period. The optimization problem under consideration is to minimise the objective functional:

    J(u1,u2)=Tf0[U(t)+I(t)+(A12u21(t)+A22u22(t))]dt (22)

    where Tf is the termination time of the treatment, subject to the control system (21). The two control functions u1(t) and u2(t) are assumed to be bounded and Lebesgue integrable. We thus seek an optimal control pair (u1,u2) such that:

    J(u1,u2)=min{J(u1,u2)|(u1,u2)Λ} (23)

    where Λ is the control set defined by:

    Λ={(u1,u2)|ui is measurable with 0ui(t)uMTDi, t[0,Tf], i=1,2}

    where uMTD1 is the maximum number of viruses body tissue can contain and uMTD2 is the maximum tolerated drug dose. These may as well be viewed as the maximum amounts a patient can financially afford. The lower bounds for u1 and u2 correspond to no treatment. Here, it is important to note that the balancing factors A1 and A2 in the objective functional (22) are the relative measures of both the cost required to implement each of the associated controls as well as the negative sides effects due to the treatment.

    5.2. Existence of an optimal control pair

    We examine sufficient conditions for the existence of a solution to the quadratic optimal control problem.

    Proposition 5. There exists an optimal control pair (u1,u2) with a corresponding solution (U, I, V, C) to the model system (21) that minimizes J(u1,u2) over Λ.

    Proof. The proof of Proposition 5 is based on Theorem 4.1 in Chapter Ⅲ of Fleming and Rishel [17]. The necessary conditions for existence are stated and verified as follows.

    (1) The set of all solutions to the control system (21) and its associated initial conditions and the corresponding control functions in Λ is non-empty.

    (2) The control system can be written as a linear function of the control variables with coefficients dependent on time and state variables.

    (3) The integrand in the objective functional in Equation (21) is convex on Λ.

    The right hand sides of the control system (21) are C1 and bounded below and above (see Appendix 7), thus the solutions to the state equations are bounded. It therefore follows from the Picard-Lindelöf theorem [44] that the system is Lipschitz with respect to the state variables. Thus, condition (1) holds. It can be seen from the control system (21) that the right hand sides are linearly dependent of u1 and u2. Thus, condition (2) also holds. To establish condition (3), we notice that the integrand L in the objective functional (21) is convex because it is quadratic in the controls.

    5.3. Optimal control characterization

    In this section, we characterize the optimal controls u=(u1,u2) which gives the optimal levels for the various control measures and the corresponding states (U, I, V, C). The necessary conditions for the optimal controls are obtained using the Pontryagin's Maximum Principle [41]. This principle converts the model system (21) into a problem of minimizing pointwise a Hamiltonian, H, with respect to u1 and u2 as detailed below.

    Proposition 6. Let T=(U,I,V,C) and u=(u1,u2). If (T(t),u(t)) is an optimal control pair, then there exists a non-trivial vector


    satisfying the following:

    λ1(t)=1λ1[α(12U+IK)βKuV(Ku+U)2δUCKc+C],λ2[βKuV(Ku+U)2]+λ3[βKuV(Ku+U)2],λ2(t)=1λ1[αUK]+λ2[δ+δICKc+C]λ3bδ,λ3(t)=λ1[βUKu+U]λ2[βUKu+U]+λ3[βUKu+U+γ],λ4(t)=λ1[KcδuU(Kc+C)2]+λ2[KcδII(Kc+C)2]+λ4ψ, (24)

    with transversality conditions

    λi(Tf)=0,i=1,2,4. (25)

    and optimal controls:

    u1=min[uMTD1,max(0,λ3A1)],u2=min[uMTD2,max(0,λ4A2)]. (26)

    Proof. The Lagrangian and Hamiltonian for the optimal control system (21) are respectively given by:

    L(U,I,V,C,u1,u2)=U+I+12[A1u21+A2u22] (27)


    H=U+I+12[A1u21+A2u22]+λ1[αU(1U+IK)βUVKu+UδUUCKc+C]+λ2[βUVKu+UδIδIICKc+C]+λ3[bδIβUVKu+UγV+u1]+λ4[u2ψC]. (28)

    We thus obtain Equation (24) using the Pontryagin's maximum principle from

    λ(t)=HT(t,T(t),u(t),λ(t)). (29)

    The transversality conditions are as given in Equation (25) since all states are free at Tf. The Hamiltonian is maximized with respect to the controls at the optimal control u=(u1,u2). Therefore H is differentiated with respect to u1 and u2 on Λ, respectively, to obtain


    Thus, solving for u1 and u2 on the interior sets gives


    By standard control arguments involving the bounds on the controls, 0u1(t)uMTD1,  0u2(t)uMTD2, we conclude that:

    u1=min[uMTD1,max(0,λ3A1)],u2=min[uMTD2,max(0,λ4A2)]. (30)

    5.4. The optimality system

    In summary, the optimality system consists of the control system (21) and the adjoint system (24) with its transversality conditions 25, coupled with the control characterizations (30). Next, we proceed to solve numerically the proposed model and the optimal control problem.

    6. Numerical simulations

    In this section, we discuss the numerical solutions of both the chemovirotherapy model equations (1)-(6) and the optimal control problem defined in Section 5.4. We also outline the parameter choices and the initial conditions. We use parameter values in Table 2 to solve model equations and the optimality system. The numerical solutions of the model equations are illustrated using MATLAB, while the optimality system was solved using a fourth order Runge-Kutta iterative method.

    6.1. Parameter values and initial conditions

    Some of the parameter values were obtained from fitted experimental data for untreated tumours and virotherapy in mice [4] and others from biological facts in the literature. A tumour nodule can contain about 105109 tumour cells [45]. The carrying capacity is therefore considered to be 106 cells per mm3. In vivo experiments estimate the intrinsic rate of growth to be 0.10.8 day1 [6]. We consider the number of viruses produced per day, b, to be in the range 01000 virions [11]. The amount of drug infused in body tissue, q, is considered to be 5 milligrams per day and the decay rate, ψ, to be 4.17 milligrams per day, values which conform to cancer pharmacokinetic studies [10,35]. Since infected tumour cells multiplication is enhanced by the oncolytic virus replication, the tumour cells lysis, δI, is considered to be greater than that for uninfected tumour cells δU (see Ref [39]). We considered a virus-specific immune response rate, ϕ, of 0.7 day1 [9]. Both virus and tumour specific immune decay rates are assumed to be 0.01 day1, given the fact that their lifespan is less than 100 days [27,32]. The tumour-specific production rate was estimated at 0.5 cells per mm3 per day [19,27]. In all our simulations, unless stated otherwise, we considered the initial concentrations U0=10000 cells per mm3, I0=100 cells per mm3, V0=500 virions per mm3, Ev0=100 cells per mm3, ET0=100 cells per mm3 and C0=100 g/ml with a high percentage of untreated tumour cell count to require treatment.

    6.2. Chemovirotherapy model

    Figures 3 (a) & (b) are respectively plots of the uninfected tumour density for different virus and drug doses. Both figures depict that an increase in the virus burst size (b) and drug dose (q) reduces the tumour density. In Figure 3 (a), without virotherapy, that is b=0 virions, the tumour is depleted in about 10 days whereas without chemotherapy, that is q=0 milligrams per day, it takes about 20 days.

    Figure 3. (a) Plots of uninfected cell density with constant drug infusion and for different virus burst sizes. The plot shows that an increase in the virus burst size reduces the tumour density. (b)Plots of uninfected cell density with constant drug infusion and for different drug infusion rates. The plot shows that an increase in the drug infusion rate reduces the tumour density by a relatively small magnitude.

    Figures 4 and 5 (a) & (b) respectively show the effect of virus burst size on the virus and infected tumour cell densities. Both figures show that the densities with increasing burst size and infection rate. From Figure, for example 4, an increase of b from 250 to 500 virions led to an increase of the virus number to about 700 virions from 500 virions, in the first 100 days.

    Figure 4. Plots of the virus and infected tumour densities for different virus burst size. The plots show that both densities increase with increasing virus burst size.
    Figure 5. (a) Plots of the virus density for different virus infection rate. The plots show the virus density reduces with increasing virus infection rates. (b) Plots of infected tumour density for different infection rates. The figure shows that the infected tumour density increases as the infection rate increases.

    Figure 5 (a) & (b) show that increasing virus infection rate, β, reduces the virus density and increases the infected tumour density. For example from Figure 5 (a), an increase in β from 0 to 1 cells per mm3 per day led to a reduction by about 100 viruses from 120 whereas it led to an increase by about 10 viruses in the first day, from 0 as seen in Figure 5 (b).

    6.3. Optimal control problem

    Figure 6 is a plot of total tumour density of the optimal control solution to the problem formulated in Section 5. It shows the tumour density being reduced by the combinational therapy treatment to a very low state in less than a week.

    Figure 6. Total tumour density with optimal control. The tumour density is reduced in a very short time period.

    Figures 7 (a) & (b) represent the optimal controls u1 and u2. The figures suggest that the optimal values of the number of viruses and drug concentration that yields efficient combination therapy are half their maximal dosages uMTD1 and uMTD2.

    Figure 7. Optimal control variable variables u1: The external supply of viruses and u2: Drug dosage. The Figures depict 500 virions as the optimal number of viruses and the optimal drug dosage to be 50 m/g per.

    7. Conclusion

    Successful cancer treatment often requires a combination of treatment regimens. Recently, combined oncolytic virotherapy and chemotherapy has been emerging as a promising, effective and synergetic cancer treatment. In this paper we consider a combination therapy with chemotherapy and virotherapy to investigate how virotherapy could enhance chemotherapy. To this end, we developed a mathematical model and an optimal control problem to determine the optimal chemo-virus combination to eradicate a tumour. We firstly validated the model's plausibility by proving existence, positivity and boundedness of the solutions. We analysed the model in four scenarios: without treatment, with chemotherapy, with oncolytic virotherapy alone, and with combined chemotherapeutic drug and virus therapy. A basic reproduction number for the infection of the tumour cells was calculated to analyse the model's tumour endemic equilibrium. Furthermore, sensitivity and elasticity indices of the basic reproduction number and tumour endemic equilibria with respect to drug infusion were calculated. The optimal control problem was solved using the Pontryagin's Maximum Principle. Numerical solutions to the proposed model were carried out to illustrate the analysis results. Similarly, numerical solutions to the optimal control problem were carried out to identify the optimal dosages for the minimization of the chemo-virus combination. Model analysis and simulations suggest the following results.

    The stability analysis showed that a tumour can grow to its maximum size in a case where there is no treatment. It also demonstrated that chemotherapy alone is capable of clearing tumour cells provided that the drug efficacy is greater than the intrinsic tumour growth rate. This can be evidenced in a study by Dasari and Tchounwou [14] and references therein. Furthermore, the result emphasised that if the chemotherapeutic drug's efficacy is high enough but with a toxic drug then the tumour cannot be eliminated. If, however, the drug is not toxic, then a dosage which is not larger than the maximum tolerated dose can be given while still allowing for a stability condition of the tumour free equilibrium, thus eliminating the tumour.

    In the case of virotherapy alone, stability analysis revealed that virotherapy on its own may not clear tumour cells but rather highly enhances chemotherapy in destroying tumour cells. Several clinical and experimental studies for example [36,8,21,42] confirm this result. In a review of clinical studies by Binz and Ulrich [8], it is stated that phase Ⅱ/Ⅲ clinical trials on combining adenovirus H101 with a chemotherapeutic drug, cisplatin and 5-fluorouracil, leads to a 40% improvement compared to chemotherapy alone for the treatment of patients with head and neck cancer. Adenovirus Ad-H101 was consequently approved for the treatment of head and neck cancers in China and recently in the United states after phase Ⅲ clinical trials showed a 72-79% response rate for the combination of the virus with 5-fluorouracil compared to a 40% with chemotherapy alone [20].

    Sensitivity analysis and elasticity indices of the basic reproduction ratio indicated that successful chemovirotherapy is highly dependent on the virus burst size and its infection rate as well as on the drug infusion and its decay rates. Larger virus burst size and higher replication rates lead to a lower tumour concentration. Whereas, low decay and high doses of the drug that the body can tolerate lead to better treatment results. Sensitivity analysis of both the basic reproduction ratio and model equilibria suggested the feasible drug infusion to be between 50 and 100 milligrams per litre. The effect of virus burst size and infection rates in determining the success of virotherapy have extensively been confirmed in recent mathematical studies (see for example [30,47,13]). Nonetheless, the right dose of chemotherapy treatment has always been a question and a concern to both clinicians and mathematicians alike [26,18]. In this study, optimal control results further indicated that 50% of the maximum drug and virus tolerated dosages (MTDs) optimize chemovirotherapy.

    In addition, numerical simulations suggested that with the use of both chemotherapy and virotherapy, a tumour may be eradicated in less than a month. We know that this is not realistic for human cancers and is strictly based on the experimental data used in the numerics. Simulations further showed that a successful combinational therapy of cancer drugs and viruses is mostly dependent on virus burst size, infection rate and the amount of drugs supplied into a patient's body which is in agreement with recent studies [30,47,13].

    The mathematical model we developed in this study is a simple one, for example, it considers the cell densities to only be time dependent. It is therefore imperative for further studies to incorporate more biological aspects like spatial variation of the cell concentrations. Another facet would be to investigate the effect of toxicity of both viruses and the drug on normal body tissue. The key to improving combined virotherapy and chemotherapy lies in quantifying the dependence of treatment outcome on immune stimulation. Another extension to this model, would be to include other subpopulations of the immune system. Nevertheless, the results here emphasise the treatment characteristics that are vital in combining drugs and viruses to treat cancer and an optimal drug and virus dosage is suggested.

    Appendix A

    A.1. Proof of Theorem 3.1(ⅰ) on the existence and uniqueness of model solutions

    Proof. The functions on the right hand side of Equations (1)-(6) are C1 on Rn. Thus, it follows from the Picard-Lindelöf theorem (see [44]) that (1)-(6) exhibit a unique solution.

    A.2. Proof of Theorem 3.1(ⅱ) & (ⅲ) on positivity and boundedness

    Proof. The solution to Equation (6) is given by


    Let the model equations (1)-(5) be written in the form x=F(t,x). The functions F(x,t) on the right hand side of Equations (1)-(5) have the property of

    F(U,I,V,EV,ET,t)0 whenever x[0,)n, xj=0, t0,

    where x=(U,I,V,EV,ET). Thus, it follows from Proposition A.1 in [46] that

    x(t)[0,)n for all tt00  whenever  x(t0)0

    and thus the model solutions x=(U,I,V,EV,ET) are positive and bounded for positive initial values x0.

    A.3. Proof of Theorem 3.1(ⅳ) on positive invariance

    Proof. The proof directly follows from proofs of Theorems 3.1 (ⅰ)-(ⅲ).

    Appendix B

    B.1. Proof of stability of tumour endemic state, X2, in Proposition 1.

    Proof. Denote U:=Up+Ur where


    The characteristic polynomial of the Jacobian matrix evaluated at X2 is given by

    P(x)=x2+P1x+P0 (31)

    where P0=P01U+P00 and P1=P11U+P10,


    Using Routh-Hurwitz criterion, the endemic steady state, X2, is locally asymptotically stable if P1>0 and P0>0.

    We notice that P01>0. This means that P0>0 if and only if U>P00/P01 which is equivalent to


    With the help of Maple, we find that


    Therefore P0>0.

    For P1, we discuss the following cases:

    (ⅰ) If P11>0 then P1>0.

    (ⅱ) If P11<0 then P1>0 if and only if U<P10/P11 which is equivalent to


    Using Maple, we find that


    This implies that P1>0.

    Therefore the endemic steady state, X2, is locally asymptotically stable.

    B.2. Proof of stability of endemic state, C2, in Proposition 2

    Proof. The characteristic polynomial, P(x), of the Jacobian evaluated at C2 is given by

    P(x)=x3+(2UαKα+δT+CδUC+Kc+UβTνU(U+κ)δT+ψ)x2 (32)
    +(2UαδTKαδT+CδTδUC+Kc+2UβTνUU+κU2βTνU(U+κ)2 (33)
    +2UαψKαψ+δTψ+CδUψC+Kc+UβTνUψ(U+κ)δT)x (34)
    +2UαδTψKαδTψ+CδTδUψC+Kc+2UβTνUψU+κU2βTνUψ(U+κ)2=0. (35)

    The conditions for stability of the endemic state, C2, therefore follow from the Routh-Hurwitz criterion and are stated as:

    a2:=2UαKα+δT+CδUC+Kc+UβTνU(U+κ)δT+ψ>0,a1:=2UαδTKαδT+CδTδUC+Kc+2UβTνUU+κU2βTνU(U+κ)2+2UαψKαψ+δTψ+CδUψC+Kc+UβTνUψ(U+κ)δT>0,a0:=2UαδTψKαδTψ+CδTδUψC+Kc+2UβTνUψU+κU2βTνUψ(U+κ)2>0and a2a1>a0. (36)

    Appendix C

    C.1. Proof of conditions A1A5 for the derivation of R0

    Proof. Denote x=(x1,x2,x5)T=(U,I,V,EV,ET)T with xi0 be the set of cell compartments divided into infected cells i=1,,m and uninfected cells i=m+1,,n. Define X0 to be the set of virus or infection free states:

    X0:={x0:xi0, for all i=1,,m}.

    Let Fi(t,x) be the input rate of newly infected cells in the ith compartment. Let V+i(t,x) and Vi(t,x) respectively be the input rate of cells by other means and rate of transfer of cells out of a compartment i. Thus the system of Equations (1)-(6) take the form


    We now proceed to prove the assumptions A1A5:

    A1: For each 1in, the functions Fi(t,x), V+i and Vi are non-negative and continuous on R×Rn+ and continuously differentiable with respect to x. From Equations (1)-(6)

    Fi=(βUVKu+U0),V+i=(δI+νIETI+δIICKc+Cγv),Vi=(τEVEVIbδ). (37)

    Clearly, Fi, V+i and Vi satisfy A1.

    A2: If xi=0, then Vi=0. Clearly, from (37), if the state variables are all equal to zero, then Vi=0.

    A3: Fi=0 for i>m. This can be seen from the compartments U, EV and ET.

    A4: If xX0, then Fi(x)=V+i(x)=0 for i=1,,m. At X0, V and I are zero, implying that Fi=V+i=0.

    A5: If Fi=0, then all the eigenvalues of DV(X0) have positive real parts. This can be ascertained from Equation (37).

    C.2. Proof of Theorem 4.1

    Proof. From Equation (37),



    R0=ρ(FV1)=bβδU(Kc+C)γ[(Kc+C)(νIET+δ)+δIC](Ku+U). (38)

    Appendix D

    D.1. Elasticity indices of R0

    eb=1eβ=1eγ=1eδ=Γ1(KKcαψ+KcKuαψ+Kαq+KuαqKδUq)(Kcδψ+δq+δIq)γ(Kcαψ+αqδUq)(Kcψ+q)Kbβeα=Γ2(KKcαψ+KcKuαψ+Kαq+KuαqKδUq)(Kcδψ+δq+δIq)αγ(Kcαψ+αqδUq)(Kcψ+q)KbβδeδU=Γ3(KKcαψ+KcKuαψ+Kαq+KuαqKδUq)(Kcδψ+δq+δIq)δUγ(Kcαψ+αqδUq)(Kcψ+q)KbβδeδI=δIqKcδψ+δq+δIqeKc=Γ4Kcψq(KKcαψ+KcKuαψ+Kαq+KuαqKδUq)(Kcαψ+αqδUq)(Kcδψ+δq+δIq)(Kcψ+q)eKu=(Kcψ+q)KuαKKcαψ+KcKuαψ+Kαq+KuαqKδUqeψ=Γ4Kcψq(KKcαψ+KcKuαψ+Kαq+KuαqKδUq)(Kcαψ+αqδUq)(Kcδψ+δq+δIq)(Kcψ+q)eq=Γ4Kcψq(KKcαψ+KcKuαψ+Kαq+KuαqKδUq)(Kcαψ+αqδUq)(Kcδψ+δq+δIq)(Kcψ+q), (39)



    D.2. Elasticity indices of endemic equilibrium.

    Consider a system of differential equations dependent on a parameter p

    x=f(x,p) (40)



    At equilibrium point x=x(p) satisfies f(x(p),p)=0. Differentiating with respect to p, one obtains


    This implies that


    Multiplying both sides with the diagonal matrix, diag(p/xi), matrix


    The sensitivity indices of the steady state variables at equilibrium xi with respect to a parameter p are therefore given by

    (Γx1pΓx2p...Γxnp)=KJ1fp(x(p),p). (41)


    Joseph Malinzi was jointly supported by the University of Pretoria and DST/NRF SARChI Chair in Mathematical Models and Methods in Bioengineering and Biosciences.

    Amina Eladdadi and K.A. Jane White would like to acknowledge and thank the UK-QSP Network (Grant-EP/N005481/1) for their financial support to attend the QSP-1st Problem Workshop and collaborate on this research.

    Torres was supported by FCT through CIDMA, project UID/MAT/04106/2013, and TOCCATA, project PTDC/EEI-AUT/2933/2014, funded by FEDER and\break COMPETE 2020.

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