Research article Special Issues

A new approach in handling one-dimensional time-fractional Schrödinger equations

  • Received: 22 November 2023 Revised: 01 February 2024 Accepted: 07 February 2024 Published: 18 March 2024
  • MSC : 32A05, 35R11, 41A58

  • Our aim of this paper was to present the accurate analytical approximate series solutions to the time-fractional Schrödinger equations via the Caputo fractional operator using the Laplace residual power series technique. Furthermore, three important and interesting applications were given, tested, and compared with four well-known methods (Adomian decomposition, homotopy perturbation, homotopy analysis, and variational iteration methods) to show that the proposed technique was simple, accurate, efficient, and applicable. When there was a pattern between the terms of the series, we could obtain the exact solutions; otherwise, we provided the approximate series solutions. Finally, graphical results were presented and analyzed. Mathematica software was used to calculate numerical and symbolic quantities.

    Citation: Ahmad El-Ajou, Rania Saadeh, Moawaih Akhu Dunia, Ahmad Qazza, Zeyad Al-Zhour. A new approach in handling one-dimensional time-fractional Schrödinger equations[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2024, 9(5): 10536-10560. doi: 10.3934/math.2024515

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  • Our aim of this paper was to present the accurate analytical approximate series solutions to the time-fractional Schrödinger equations via the Caputo fractional operator using the Laplace residual power series technique. Furthermore, three important and interesting applications were given, tested, and compared with four well-known methods (Adomian decomposition, homotopy perturbation, homotopy analysis, and variational iteration methods) to show that the proposed technique was simple, accurate, efficient, and applicable. When there was a pattern between the terms of the series, we could obtain the exact solutions; otherwise, we provided the approximate series solutions. Finally, graphical results were presented and analyzed. Mathematica software was used to calculate numerical and symbolic quantities.


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