Research article Special Issues

Some new versions of Jensen, Schur and Hermite-Hadamard type inequalities for $ \left({p}, \mathfrak{J}\right) $-convex fuzzy-interval-valued functions

  • Received: 21 August 2022 Revised: 13 October 2022 Accepted: 17 October 2022 Published: 16 January 2023
  • MSC : 26A33, 26A51, 26D10

  • To create various kinds of inequalities, the idea of convexity is essential. Convexity and integral inequality hence have a significant link. This study's goals are to introduce a new class of generalized convex fuzzy-interval-valued functions (convex 𝘍𝘐𝘝𝘍s) which are known as $ \left(\mathfrak{p}, \mathfrak{J}\right) $-convex 𝘍𝘐𝘝𝘍s and to establish Jensen, Schur and Hermite-Hadamard type inequalities for $ \left(\mathfrak{p}, \mathfrak{J}\right) $-convex 𝘍𝘐𝘝𝘍s using fuzzy order relation. The Kulisch-Miranker order relation, which is based on interval space, is used to define this fuzzy order relation level-wise. Additionally, we have demonstrated that, as special examples, our conclusions encompass a sizable class of both new and well-known inequalities for $ \left(\mathfrak{p}, \mathfrak{J}\right) $-convex 𝘍𝘐𝘝𝘍s. We offer helpful examples that demonstrate the theory created in this study's application. These findings and various methods might point the way in new directions for modeling, interval-valued functions and fuzzy optimization issues.

    Citation: Muhammad Bilal Khan, Gustavo Santos-García, Hüseyin Budak, Savin Treanțǎ, Mohamed S. Soliman. Some new versions of Jensen, Schur and Hermite-Hadamard type inequalities for $ \left({p}, \mathfrak{J}\right) $-convex fuzzy-interval-valued functions[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2023, 8(3): 7437-7470. doi: 10.3934/math.2023374

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  • To create various kinds of inequalities, the idea of convexity is essential. Convexity and integral inequality hence have a significant link. This study's goals are to introduce a new class of generalized convex fuzzy-interval-valued functions (convex 𝘍𝘐𝘝𝘍s) which are known as $ \left(\mathfrak{p}, \mathfrak{J}\right) $-convex 𝘍𝘐𝘝𝘍s and to establish Jensen, Schur and Hermite-Hadamard type inequalities for $ \left(\mathfrak{p}, \mathfrak{J}\right) $-convex 𝘍𝘐𝘝𝘍s using fuzzy order relation. The Kulisch-Miranker order relation, which is based on interval space, is used to define this fuzzy order relation level-wise. Additionally, we have demonstrated that, as special examples, our conclusions encompass a sizable class of both new and well-known inequalities for $ \left(\mathfrak{p}, \mathfrak{J}\right) $-convex 𝘍𝘐𝘝𝘍s. We offer helpful examples that demonstrate the theory created in this study's application. These findings and various methods might point the way in new directions for modeling, interval-valued functions and fuzzy optimization issues.


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