Research article Special Issues

Kink phenomena of the time-space fractional Oskolkov equation

  • Received: 14 September 2024 Revised: 20 October 2024 Accepted: 28 October 2024 Published: 01 November 2024
  • MSC : 32W50, 34A25, 83C15

  • In this study, we applied the Riccati-Bernoulli sub-ODE method and Bäcklund transformation to analyze the time-space fractional Oskolkov equation for kink solutions by matching the coefficients and optimal series parameters. The time-space fractional Oskolkov equation is used to analyze the behavior of solitons for different applications such as fluid dynamics and viscoelastic flow. The kink solutions derived have important consequences for stability analysis and interaction dynamic in these systems, and these are useful in controlling the physical behaviour of systems described by this equation. Such effects are illustrated by 2D and 3D plots, showing that the proposed model can handle both fractional and integer-order solitons with different but equally efficient outcomes. This research contributes to a valuable analytical method that can determine and manage processes in diversified systems based on fractional differential equations. This work provides a basis for subsequent analysis in other branches of science and technology in which the fractional Oskolkov model is used.

    Citation: M. Mossa Al-Sawalha, Humaira Yasmin, Ali M. Mahnashi. Kink phenomena of the time-space fractional Oskolkov equation[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2024, 9(11): 31163-31179. doi: 10.3934/math.20241502

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  • In this study, we applied the Riccati-Bernoulli sub-ODE method and Bäcklund transformation to analyze the time-space fractional Oskolkov equation for kink solutions by matching the coefficients and optimal series parameters. The time-space fractional Oskolkov equation is used to analyze the behavior of solitons for different applications such as fluid dynamics and viscoelastic flow. The kink solutions derived have important consequences for stability analysis and interaction dynamic in these systems, and these are useful in controlling the physical behaviour of systems described by this equation. Such effects are illustrated by 2D and 3D plots, showing that the proposed model can handle both fractional and integer-order solitons with different but equally efficient outcomes. This research contributes to a valuable analytical method that can determine and manage processes in diversified systems based on fractional differential equations. This work provides a basis for subsequent analysis in other branches of science and technology in which the fractional Oskolkov model is used.


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