Research article

Linguistics complex intuitionistic fuzzy aggregation operators and their applications to plastic waste management approach selection

  • Received: 25 July 2024 Revised: 04 October 2024 Accepted: 10 October 2024 Published: 23 October 2024
  • MSC : 03E72, 47S40

  • Linguistic complex intuitionistic fuzzy aggregation operators are a novel idea for the description of intuitionistic fuzzy information, where linguistic complex concepts are used to describe membership and non-membership. This can convey the hazy information more clearly, and some findings on linguistic complex intuitionistic fuzzy aggregation operators have been attained. Nonetheless, several linguistic complex intuitionistic fuzzy aggregation operators in the literature are founded on conventional operational principles, which have certain limitations when used to multi-attribute group decision-making (MAGDM). In this study, we presented some improved operating rules based on linguistic complex intuitionistic fuzzy variables (LCIFVs) and changed their features to address these issues. Next, we created a few aggregation operators, such as the enhanced linguistic complex intuitionistic fuzzy weighted average (LCIFWA) and the linguistic complex intuitionistic fuzzy ordered weighted averaging (LCIFOWA) operator, to fuse the decision information represented by LCIFVs. We also demonstrated that they had a few favorable qualities. We introduced many novel approaches to address the MAGDM issues in the context of the linguistic complex intuitionistic fuzzy environment, based on the LCIFOWA and linguistic complex intuitionistic fuzzy ordered weighted geometric (LCIFOWG) operators. In short, we employed few real-world scenarios to demonstrate the viability and soundness of the suggested techniques through comparison with other approaches. This unique technique has been applied to plastic waste management selection, and the results are more accurate than the previously used materials and methods.

    Citation: Sumaira Yasmin, Muhammad Qiyas, Lazim Abdullah, Muhammad Naeem. Linguistics complex intuitionistic fuzzy aggregation operators and their applications to plastic waste management approach selection[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2024, 9(11): 30122-30152. doi: 10.3934/math.20241455

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  • Linguistic complex intuitionistic fuzzy aggregation operators are a novel idea for the description of intuitionistic fuzzy information, where linguistic complex concepts are used to describe membership and non-membership. This can convey the hazy information more clearly, and some findings on linguistic complex intuitionistic fuzzy aggregation operators have been attained. Nonetheless, several linguistic complex intuitionistic fuzzy aggregation operators in the literature are founded on conventional operational principles, which have certain limitations when used to multi-attribute group decision-making (MAGDM). In this study, we presented some improved operating rules based on linguistic complex intuitionistic fuzzy variables (LCIFVs) and changed their features to address these issues. Next, we created a few aggregation operators, such as the enhanced linguistic complex intuitionistic fuzzy weighted average (LCIFWA) and the linguistic complex intuitionistic fuzzy ordered weighted averaging (LCIFOWA) operator, to fuse the decision information represented by LCIFVs. We also demonstrated that they had a few favorable qualities. We introduced many novel approaches to address the MAGDM issues in the context of the linguistic complex intuitionistic fuzzy environment, based on the LCIFOWA and linguistic complex intuitionistic fuzzy ordered weighted geometric (LCIFOWG) operators. In short, we employed few real-world scenarios to demonstrate the viability and soundness of the suggested techniques through comparison with other approaches. This unique technique has been applied to plastic waste management selection, and the results are more accurate than the previously used materials and methods.


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