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Research article

Some remarks on recursive sequence of fibonacci type

  • Received: 08 June 2024 Revised: 20 August 2024 Accepted: 22 August 2024 Published: 05 September 2024
  • MSC : 11B39, 60G50, 28A80

  • This paper presents a detailed procedure for determining the probability of return for random walks on Z, whose increment is given by a generalization of a well-known Fibonacci sequence, namely the k-Fibonacci-like sequence (Gk,n)n. Also, we study the size of the set of these walks that return to the origin an infinite number of times, in term of fractal dimension. In addition, we investigate the limiting distribution of an adequate Markov chain that encapsulates the entire Tribonacci sequence (Tn) to provide the limiting behavior of this sequence.

    Citation: Najmeddine Attia. Some remarks on recursive sequence of fibonacci type[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2024, 9(9): 25834-25848. doi: 10.3934/math.20241262

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  • This paper presents a detailed procedure for determining the probability of return for random walks on Z, whose increment is given by a generalization of a well-known Fibonacci sequence, namely the k-Fibonacci-like sequence (Gk,n)n. Also, we study the size of the set of these walks that return to the origin an infinite number of times, in term of fractal dimension. In addition, we investigate the limiting distribution of an adequate Markov chain that encapsulates the entire Tribonacci sequence (Tn) to provide the limiting behavior of this sequence.

    A recursive or recurrence sequence is usually defined by a recurrence procedure; that is, any term is the sum of preceding terms. One of the most famous recurrence sequence is the Fibonacci sequence (Fn)n, denominated in honor of Leonardo Fibonacci. This sequence of integers constitutes a numerical progression with historical roots tracing back to the 13th century and defined as F0=F1=1 and Fn+2=Fn+1+Fn for all n0. Its significance transcends mere numerical abstraction, finding pervasive manifestation throughout natural phenomena. Scholarly inquiries spanning epochs have substantiated its remarkable attributes and multifaceted intersections with disparate domains of academic pursuit, notably encompassing Algebra, Geometry, and Number Theory, among others. In particular, when focusing on the combinatorial properties of words, one can identify Fibonacci strings as the words corresponding to the Fibonacci numbers obtained by fixing the first two initial letters [1]. Also, this concept may be applied to study some properties related the behavior of molecules in DNA [2].

    Many authors have studied some generalization of the Fibonacci sequence through either preserving the original recurrence relation while modifying the initial terms or by maintaining the initial terms while introducing slight modifications to the recursive relation. In [3,4,5], the authors studied the k-Jacobsthal-Lucas and (s, t)-Jacobthal-Lucas sequences. In the first part of this paper, we focus on the generalized k-Fibonacci-like sequence denoted as (Gk,n)n0, or simply (Gn)n in contexts where ambiguity is absent, where k represents a positive integer. This sequence, comprised of integer values, originates from initial terms a and b, and is defined as

    {Gk,n+1=kGk,n+Gk,n1,forn1,Gk,0=a,Gk,1=b. (1.1)

    where a,bN, the set of non-negative integers. In particular, we have

    (1) if a=0,b=1, then {Gk,n} is the k-Fibonacci sequence {Fk,n} [6];

    (2) if a=2, b=2, then {Gk,n} is the k-Fibonacci like sequence {Sk,n} [7];

    (3) if k=1,a=0,b=1, then {Gk,n} is the classical Fibonacci sequence {Fn};

    (4) if k=1,a=1,b=3, then {Gk,n} is the classical Lucas sequence {Ln};

    (5) if k=1,a=2,b=2, then {Gk,n} is the Fibonacci-like sequence {Sn} [8];

    (6) if k=2,a=2,b=1, then {Gk,n} is the sequence {Hn} defined in [9].

    The enduring intrigue surrounding the Fibonacci sequence (Fn) has engendered sustained scholarly exploration into its intrinsic properties and practical applications. Noteworthy among these investigations is the work by Mak [10], which elucidated the exponential growth of the Fibonacci sequence (Fn)n0 with respect to the index n, characterized by a growth rate defined by the golden ratio φ=(1+5)/2=1.61803398. A similar result is obtained when studying k-Fibonacci-like sequence. Indeed, a pivotal property of the k-Fibonacci-like sequence is encapsulated by Binet's formula, as expounded in [11, Theorem 2.4]

    Gk,n=bσnkφnkσkφk+aσn1kφn1kσkφk, (1.2)

    where σk=k+k2+42 is known as the k-metallic ratio and φk=kk2+42. That is, σk and φk are roots of the characteristic equation x2=kx+1 associated with the recurrence relation (1.1). In particular if a=0 and b=1 then

    Gk,n=1k2+4(σnkφnk),n0, (1.3)

    and if a=1 and b=k then

    Gk,n=1k2+4(σn1k(1+kσk)φn1k(1+kφk))=1k2+4(σn+1kφn+1k), (1.4)

    for all n0. We refer to [6,7,11,12,13,14] for more details about this sequence.

    Let (ωi)i1 be a sequence of independent, identically distributed random variables defined on the probability space (Ω,T,P) such that

    {ωi=±1if i is even,ωi=±kif i is odd.

    For an elementary event wT, we define the random walk whose increments are given by (Gk,n)n1, i.e.,


    In Section 2, we investigate the k-Fibonacci random walk and determine the probability of its return to the origin. More precisely, let


    where "C" denotes the cardinality of a given set C. We establish first a necessary and sufficient condition so that ˆGn reaches 0 at least once (Proposition 2.1). Furthermore, we are interested in the set N of walks returning infinitely many times to zero; that is, N={wT|G(w)=}. We will describe geometrically the size of this set by computing its Hausdorff and Packing dimensions denoted by dimH(N)=dimP(N), respectively (for further elaboration on this concept of dimension, we direct the reader to [15,16]). Our first main result is the following.

    Theorem 1.1. Assume that a=0 and b0; then, for iN, we have


    Moreover, dimH(N)=dimP(N)=13.

    Remark 1.1. (1) For k=1, the result may be found in [17,18].

    (2) Clearly P(N)=0, for this we will study the Haudsorff and packing dimension of N.

    One of the most general generalizations of the Fibonacci sequence is the Tribonacci sequence, originally studied by Feinberg in 1963 [19]. Since then, many generalizations have been studied, with many interesting properties including Binet formulas, generating functions and summation formulas [20,21,22,23,24,25]. This sequence is defined as


    When T0=0, T1=T2=1, then Tn is the standard Tribonacci sequence, whereas T0=3, T1=1 and T2=3 gives the Tribonacci-Lucas sequence [26]. In [27], the value of the Fibonacci sequence on the diagonal sums of Pascal's triangle was provided and the analog result for Tribonacci sequence with the initial numbers T0=T1=1 and T2=2 was proven. This explains why this special sequence, with the given initial numbers, obtains the status of "basic" series. Thus, the initial numbers of the Tribonacc-type series are crucial for establishing some properties of this sequence, such as the calculation of the general terms using Binet formulas.

    By recalling the formula (1.2), one can study the asymptotic behavior of the sequence (ξk,n)n by


    (see Figure 1 for different value of k,a and b). It is well know that [11, Corollary 2.13] we have limnξk,n=σk:=k+k2+42.

    In this paper, we will study the asymptotic behavior of the sequence (Tn+1Tn). In [26], the author gives a complete discussion, on Binet formula, with arbitrary initial numbers. They proved that


    where (T0,T1,T2)=(a,b,c), ϕ=1.839286 is the real solution of the equation x3x2x1=0, γπ=arccos((1ϕ)ϕ2)=124.688997, θ=5.470354, α=3.857689 and ω3 is the phase shift introduced in order to verify the initial conditions. In Section 3, we will investigate the Tribonacci sequence with a=b=c=1. We will first study the limiting behavior of the sequence (Tn)n0 through the limiting distribution of a Markov chain that encodes the entire sequence. More precisely, we will prove the following result.

    Figure 1.  ξk,n for different value of k,a and b.

    Theorem 1.2. Let (Tn) be the Tribonacci sequence with initial terms T0=T1=T2=1. Then


    where p is the unique solution of x+x(x+1)+1=0 on (0,1). In particular,


    In this section, we study the probability of return of the k-Fibonacci random walk to the origin. For a=0 and b0, we give a necessary and sufficient condition to obtain ni=1wiGi=0. For this, we consider, the finite sequences,

    v+=(+1,+k,1), and v=(1,k,+1).

    We will assume throughout this section that, if a=0, then (k,b)(1,1); otherwise, we get the trivial case Gi=1 for all i1.

    Proposition 2.1. Consider the k-Fibonacci-like sequence (Gi)i0 defined in (1.1) and assume that a=0 and b0. Let w=(wi)i0T, then ˆGn(w)=0 if and only if n=3m, for some integer m>0, and


    The "if" portion of the theorem is self-evident, thus we will solely demonstrate the "only if" part. To facilitate this, we require the subsequent lemma.

    Lemma 2.1. (1) For any n1, we have

    (a) |nj=0ωjGj|Gn+1k(Gn+1b) if n is even.

    (b) |nj=0ωjGj|Gn+1+1k(Gnb) if n is odd.

    (2) Let pN and assume that (ωp,ωp+1,ωp+2){v+,v}. Then

    (a) |p+2j=pωjGj|2Gp.

    (b) |ˆGp+2(w)|>1.

    Proof. (1) By definition, we have


    It follows that


    Similarly, we obtain that


    (a) Assume that n=2n1. In this case, we have


    (b) Assume that n=2n1+1. In this case, we have


    as required.

    (2) (a) Using (1.1), we have

    |p+2j=pωjGj|=|(ωp+ωp+2)Gp+(ωp+1+kωp+2)Gp+1|. (2.1)

    We suppose that ωp+2=1 (the case wp+2=1 is analogous). Considering all possible values of (ωp,ωp+1,ωp+2), the Eq (2.1) leads to


    (b) If p=1, then by using Lemma 2.1 (2), we obtain |ˆG3(w)|2G1>1. Otherwise,


    Now, using Lemma 2.1 (1) leads to

    ⅰ. If p1 is even, then p3. It follows that Gp>b and then


    ⅱ. If p1 is odd, then p2. It follows that Gp1b and then


    Returning to the proof of Proposition 2.1, we assume that the condition ˆGn(w)=0 holds. Initially, it is noted that, since b0, then n3 due to w1G1+w2G20. Consequently, by utilizing Lemma 2.1(2) (b), the result ensues through induction.

    For i1, the initial statement of this theorem implies that ˆGn returns the origin precisely i times if and only if n3i, where ˆG3i=0 and ˆG3(i+1)0. It follows that


    We consider the space of infinite sequences A={1,1}N. Let r and p be positive integers such that 1p2r. We consider the finite sequences


    where vi,j{1,1}, for all 1ip and 1jr, and vrivrt for all it.

    Lemma 2.2. Let C={vr1,vr2,,vrp}N. Then


    Proof. We consider the metric d, defined for any couple ((ui)i,(vi)i) of A×A, by


    Endowed with this metric, (A,d) becomes a compact metric space. Now, we consider for all i=1,,p the mappings Ti defined for any w=(wi)iA, by


    For i{1,2,,p} and for any (u,v)=((uj)j,(vj)j)A×A, we have


    This means that Ti is a contracting similarity in the metric space (A,d), with contraction rates


    Coming back to [28], one deduces the existence of a unique compact self-similar subset F of A, such that


    Furthermore, we have Ti(C)Tt(C)=, for any it. Hence, C is a self-similar set satisfying the open set condition in the compact metric space (A,d) (see, for instance, [16,28,29]). Then, one can deduce the fractal dimension in [15,Theorem 9.3] and


    Consider the event w=1,k,1,k, and define




    As a direct consequence of Proposition 2.1, we obtain that N={v+,v}N and then we may apply Lemma 2.2 when p=2 and r=3, which complete the proof of Theorem 1.1.

    A chain graph consists of the nodes {1,2,,n}; such that the only edges are of the form {i,i+1}. We define the set K in the graph such that we can not find i{1,2,,n1} with both (bi,bi+1){(1,1),(2,2),(1,2),(2,0)}. Let Ωn be the set of all 0,1,2 vectors of length n+1 such that b1=b2=b3=0 and let {4,,n} in K. Denote by #Ωn the number of elements in the set. It follows that Ω0={(0)}, Ω1={(0,0)}, Ω2={(0,0,0)} and Ω3={(0,0,0,0),(0,0,0,1),(0,0,0,2)}. It follows that


    More generally, let n1 and (b1,,bn)Ωn1. Assume there exists n1 elements with bn=0, n2 elements with bn=1, and n3 elements with bn=2. By definition of the set K, there exists

    (1) n1+n2 elements (b1,,bn+1)Ωn such that bn+1=0.

    (2) n1+n3 elements (b1,,bn+1)Ωn such that bn+1=1.

    (3) n1 elements (b1,,bn+1)Ωn such that bn+1=2.

    It follows that #Ωn=3n1+n2+n3. Similarly, one can obtain a description of each set Ωn,Ωn+1 and Ωn+2. This will be summarized in Table 1.

    Table 1.  Calculation of the cardinal of Ωn+2, Ωn+1, Ωn and Ωn1.
    #Ωn1 #Ωn #Ωn+1 #Ωn+2
    Last element =0 n1 n1+n2 2n1+n2+n3 4n1+2n2+n3
    Last element =1 n2 n1+n3 2n1+n2 3n1+2n2+n3
    Last element =2 n3 n1 n1+n2 2n1+n2+n3
    #Ωj n1+n2+n3 3n1+n2+n3 5n1+3n2+n3 9n1+5n2+3n3

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    A family (X0,X1,) of random variables is called a Markov chain if, for a given xn0, the variables (X0,X1,,Xn01) and (Xn0+1,,) are independent of each other. Therefore, the natural and easier way to describe a Markov chain is to specify, for each n, the distribution of Xn1 conditioned on the value of Xn. Consider the following Markov chain:

    (1) B1=B2=B3=0.

    (2) If Bi=0, then P(Bi+1=1)=p, P(Bi+1=2)=q and P(Bi+1=0)=1pq.

    (3) If Bi=1, then P(Bi+1=0)=1.

    (4) If Bi=2, then P(Bi+1=1)=1.

    In particular, we have the following transitive probabilities (see Table 2), which may be represented visually using a transition graph (Figure 2):

    Table 2.  Calculation of P(Bi=bi|Bi1=bi1).
    bi1 bi P(Bi=bi|Bi1=bi1)
    0 0 1pq
    0 1 p
    1 1 0
    1 2 0
    2 0 0
    2 1 1
    2 2 0

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    Figure 2.  Transition graph of probabilities.

    A Markov chain that is irreducible (so it can get from any state to any other state with positive probability) and aperiodic (as is any chain that contains a state with positive probability of moving back to itself) will have a limiting distribution. This means that limnP(Bn=0) and limnP(Bn=1) exist. Moreover, one has


    It follows that

    {P(Bn+1=1)=1(1p)P(Bn=0)P(Bn=1),P(Bn+1=0)=(1pq)P(Bn=0)+P(Bn=1). (3.1)

    Now, consider the event An={Bn+1=Bn+2=0} then


    Then, limnP(An) exists and depends of p and q. We denote limnP(Bn=0)=α0 and limnP(Bn=1)=α1; then using (3.1), we get

    {α1=1(1p)α0α1,α0=(1pq)α0+α1,and then{α0=12q+1+p,α1=1α0(q+1). (3.2)

    It follows that

    limnP(An)=(1pq)2α0+(1pq)α1,=(1pq)22q+p+1+1pq(1pq)(q+1)2q+p+1=1pq2q+p+1. (3.3)

    Example 3.1. Take p=0.25 and q=0.125 then


    In Table 3 we will calculate the first few probabilities of the event An.

    Table 3.  Calculation of P(An) for p=0.25 and q=0.125.
    n P(Bn=0) P(Bn=1) P(An)=0.39P(Bn=0)+0.625P(Bn=1)
    1 1 0 0.39
    2 1 0 0.39
    3 1 0 0.39
    4 0.625 0.25 0.4
    5 0.6406 0.2812 0.4255
    6 0.6815 0.2383 0.4147
    7 0.6642 0.2505 0.4256
    8 0.6656 0.2513 0.4166
    9 0.6673 0.2495 0.4161
    10 0.6665 0.25 0.4164
    11 0.6665 0.2501 0.4162
    12 0.6666 0.25 0.4162
    13 0.6666 0.25 0.4162

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    So, after only 11 steps in the chain, the probability P(An) does not change from step to step. However, one can compute this limit using the parameters p and q. Indeed, denote limnP(Bn=0)=α0 and limnP(Bn=1)=α1 then, using (3.2), we get

    {α0=12q+1+p=0.6666,α1=1α0(q+1)=0.25, (3.4)

    and then limnP(An)=0.39α0+0.625α1=0.4162.

    Remark 3.1. We have


    Hence, every time we see a 2 in the sequence b4,,bn, we have a probability factor of q, then the 1 that follows the 2 happens with probability one, and then the 0 that follows the 1 happens with probability one. If we see a 0 that follows a 0, we have a probability factor of 1pq.

    Let s2 and s1 be the number of 2's and 1's in (b4,,bn,0,0), respectively. Hence, the number of 0's is n+23(s1+s2). Moreover, using Remark 3.1 and the assumption of the event An:={Bn+1=Bn+2=0}, we have

    (1) the number of 1's preceded by a 2 is s2 and then the number of 1's preceded by a 0 is s1s2;

    (2) the number of 0's preceded by a 1 is s1 and then the number of 0's preceded by a 0 is n1(s1+s2)s1=ns22s11.

    In this section, we will study the distribution of (B1,B2,,Bn) conditioned on Bn+1=Bn+2=0. Observe, if b1=b2=b3=0, that

    P((B1,,Bn)=(b1,,bn)|An)=P((B1,,Bn+2)=(b1,,bn,0,0))P(An),=ni=4P(Bi=bi|Bi1=bi1)P(Bn+1=0|Bn=bn)P(Bn+2=0|Bn=0)P(An),=qs2ps1s2(1pq)n1s22s1P(An). (3.5)

    Lemma 3.1. Let p(0,1) the golden probability; that is, the unique solution of f(x)=x+x(x+1)1=0. For q=p3/2, we have

    P((B1,,Bn)=(b1,,bn)|An)=1Tn1, (3.6)

    and then


    Proof. First, observe that f(x)=x+x(x+1)1 has a unique solution in (0,1) (since f is a continuous and increasing function with f(0)f(1)<0). Now, using (3.5) and our choice of p and q, we get


    which does not depends of s1 and s2, since p=1pq. It follows that

    P((B1,,Bn)=(b1,,bn)|An)=(1pq)n1P(An), (3.7)

    and then each of the elements of Ωn1 is equally likely to appear. This implies that


    as required for the Eq (3.6). Now, using the Eq (3.7), we get


    Recall that P(An)=(1pq)2P(Bn=0)+(1pq)P(Bn=1). It follows from (3.3) that


    Using the fact that f(p)=p+p(p+1)1=0, we get 1pq=p and then


    The proof of Theorem 1.2 is a direct consequence of the Lemma and then, we get


    Remark 3.2. (1) Recall the Binet formula, with a=b=c=1, introduced in the introduction


    and then limnTnϕn+1=θ1. Now, observe that


    It follows that ϕ2(0,1) is a solution of f(x)=x+x(x+1)1=0 which implies that p=ϕ2=0.295597 and then q=0.160713.. It follows that


    where θ=5.470354.. From Theorem 1.2, we get limnTnϕn+1=θ1.

    (2) The technique used in this section cannot be applied to study the k-Fibonacci-like sequence. We ask how this method can be suitably modified in order to construct an adequate Markov chain encapsulating the entire k-Fibonacci-like sequence (Gk,n)n and then give the limiting behavior of this sequence.

    In this work, we studied the probability of return for random walks on Z, whose increment is given by the k-Fibonacci-like sequence (Gkn) (Theorem 1.1). In particular, we have P(N)=0, where N is the set of walks returning to zero infinitely many times. For this, we were interested to describing geometrically the set N by computing its fractal dimension. We studied, in Section 3, the Tribonacci sequence (Tn). We considered an irreducible and aperiodic Markov chain with finite state (Bn). We proved, conditional on Bn+1=Bn+2=0, that the values of (B1,,Bn) are uniform over a set Ωn1 with #Ωn1=Tn1. This forces the size of Ωn1 to grow at a precisely controlled rate and yields the limiting behavior of the sequence Tn.

    The authors extend their appreciation to the Deanship of Scientific Research, Vice Presidency for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research at King Faisal University, Saudi Arabia, for financial support under the annual funding track [KFU241631].

    The authors declare no conflit of interest.

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