Research article Special Issues

LX-BBSCA: Laplacian biogeography-based sine cosine algorithm for structural engineering design optimization

  • Received: 08 October 2023 Revised: 02 November 2023 Accepted: 07 November 2023 Published: 13 November 2023
  • MSC : 90C59

  • In this paper, an ensemble metaheuristic algorithm (denoted as LX-BBSCA) is introduced. It combines the strengths of Laplacian biogeography-based optimization (LX-BBO) and the sine cosine algorithm (SCA) to address structural engineering design optimization problems. Our primary objective is to mitigate the risk of getting stuck in local minima and accelerate the algorithm's convergence rate. We evaluate the proposed LX-BBSCA algorithm on a set of 23 benchmark functions, including both unimodal and multimodal problems of varying complexity and dimensions. Additionally, we apply LX-BBSCA to tackle five real-world structural engineering design problems, comparing the results with those obtained using other metaheuristics in terms of objective function values and convergence behavior. To ensure the statistical validity of our findings, we employ rigorous tests such as the t-test and the Wilcoxon rank test. The experimental outcomes consistently demonstrate that the ensemble LX-BBSCA algorithm outperforms not only the basic versions of BBO, SCA and LX-BBO but also other state-of-the-art metaheuristic algorithms.

    Citation: Vanita Garg, Kusum Deep, Khalid Abdulaziz Alnowibet, Ali Wagdy Mohamed, Mohammad Shokouhifar, Frank Werner. LX-BBSCA: Laplacian biogeography-based sine cosine algorithm for structural engineering design optimization[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2023, 8(12): 30610-30638. doi: 10.3934/math.20231565

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  • In this paper, an ensemble metaheuristic algorithm (denoted as LX-BBSCA) is introduced. It combines the strengths of Laplacian biogeography-based optimization (LX-BBO) and the sine cosine algorithm (SCA) to address structural engineering design optimization problems. Our primary objective is to mitigate the risk of getting stuck in local minima and accelerate the algorithm's convergence rate. We evaluate the proposed LX-BBSCA algorithm on a set of 23 benchmark functions, including both unimodal and multimodal problems of varying complexity and dimensions. Additionally, we apply LX-BBSCA to tackle five real-world structural engineering design problems, comparing the results with those obtained using other metaheuristics in terms of objective function values and convergence behavior. To ensure the statistical validity of our findings, we employ rigorous tests such as the t-test and the Wilcoxon rank test. The experimental outcomes consistently demonstrate that the ensemble LX-BBSCA algorithm outperforms not only the basic versions of BBO, SCA and LX-BBO but also other state-of-the-art metaheuristic algorithms.


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