Research article

Exponential synchronization analysis for complex dynamical networks with hybrid delays and uncertainties under given control parameters

  • Received: 29 August 2023 Revised: 03 October 2023 Accepted: 11 October 2023 Published: 25 October 2023
  • MSC : 93B20, 92D20

  • This paper addresses the problem of exponential synchronization in continuous-time complex dynamical networks with both time-delayed and non-delayed interactions. We employ a proportional integral derivative (PID) control strategy and a dynamic event-triggered approach to investigate this synchronization problem. Our approach begins with constructing a general model for complex dynamical networks that incorporate delays. We then derive synchronization criteria based on the PID control parameters, utilizing linear matrix inequality techniques in conjunction with a dynamic event-trigger mechanism. The application of Lyapunov stability theory and inequality techniques allows us to establish these criteria, considering the presence of hybrid delays. To illustrate the effectiveness of our proposed model, we provide two numerical examples showcasing synchronization dynamics. These examples demonstrate the successful theoretical results of a novel PID controller and dynamic event-trigger mechanism.

    Citation: Saravanan Shanmugam, Mohamed Rhaima, Hamza Ghoudi. Exponential synchronization analysis for complex dynamical networks with hybrid delays and uncertainties under given control parameters[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2023, 8(12): 28976-29007. doi: 10.3934/math.20231484

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  • This paper addresses the problem of exponential synchronization in continuous-time complex dynamical networks with both time-delayed and non-delayed interactions. We employ a proportional integral derivative (PID) control strategy and a dynamic event-triggered approach to investigate this synchronization problem. Our approach begins with constructing a general model for complex dynamical networks that incorporate delays. We then derive synchronization criteria based on the PID control parameters, utilizing linear matrix inequality techniques in conjunction with a dynamic event-trigger mechanism. The application of Lyapunov stability theory and inequality techniques allows us to establish these criteria, considering the presence of hybrid delays. To illustrate the effectiveness of our proposed model, we provide two numerical examples showcasing synchronization dynamics. These examples demonstrate the successful theoretical results of a novel PID controller and dynamic event-trigger mechanism.


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