Research article

Novel non-fragile extended dissipative synchronization of T-S fuzzy complex dynamical networks with interval hybrid coupling delays

  • Received: 08 August 2023 Revised: 11 September 2023 Accepted: 17 September 2023 Published: 20 October 2023
  • MSC : 34D06, 05C82, 93B52

  • This paper presents the first investigation of extended dissipative synchronization in a specific type of Takagi-Sugeno (T-S) fuzzy complex dynamical networks with interval hybrid coupling delays. First, the decoupling method is employed to reorganize the multiple communication dynamical system, which comprises discrete-time, partial and distributed coupling delays. Second, the non-fragile control, which allows for uncertainty management within predefined norm bounds, has been applied to networks. Moreover, it becomes possible to derive a less conservative condition by utilizing multiple integral Lyapunov functionals, a decoupling strategy, Jensen's inequality, Wirtinger's inequality, and mathematical inequality techniques. This condition ensures that the T-S fuzzy complex dynamical networks, with interval hybrid coupling delays, can attain asymptotic synchronization with the assistance of a non-fragile feedback controller. Additionally, we extended this system to the extended dissipativity analysis, including passivity, $ L_2-L_\infty, H_{\infty} $ and dissipativity performance in a unified formulation. A set of strict linear matrix inequalities (LMIs) conditions is a sufficient criterion. Finally, two simulation examples are proposed to verify the merit of the obtained results.

    Citation: Arthit Hongsri, Wajaree Weera, Thongchai Botmart, Prem Junsawang. Novel non-fragile extended dissipative synchronization of T-S fuzzy complex dynamical networks with interval hybrid coupling delays[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2023, 8(12): 28601-28627. doi: 10.3934/math.20231464

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  • This paper presents the first investigation of extended dissipative synchronization in a specific type of Takagi-Sugeno (T-S) fuzzy complex dynamical networks with interval hybrid coupling delays. First, the decoupling method is employed to reorganize the multiple communication dynamical system, which comprises discrete-time, partial and distributed coupling delays. Second, the non-fragile control, which allows for uncertainty management within predefined norm bounds, has been applied to networks. Moreover, it becomes possible to derive a less conservative condition by utilizing multiple integral Lyapunov functionals, a decoupling strategy, Jensen's inequality, Wirtinger's inequality, and mathematical inequality techniques. This condition ensures that the T-S fuzzy complex dynamical networks, with interval hybrid coupling delays, can attain asymptotic synchronization with the assistance of a non-fragile feedback controller. Additionally, we extended this system to the extended dissipativity analysis, including passivity, $ L_2-L_\infty, H_{\infty} $ and dissipativity performance in a unified formulation. A set of strict linear matrix inequalities (LMIs) conditions is a sufficient criterion. Finally, two simulation examples are proposed to verify the merit of the obtained results.


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