Research article

A novel decision model with Einstein aggregation approach for garbage disposal plant site selection under $ q $-rung orthopair hesitant fuzzy rough information

  • Received: 15 January 2023 Revised: 08 May 2023 Accepted: 10 May 2023 Published: 18 July 2023
  • MSC : 03B52, 03E72

  • Environmental science and pollution research has benefits around the globe. Human activity produces more garbage throughout the day as the world's population and lifestyles rise. Choosing a garbage disposal site (GDS) is crucial to effective disposal. In illuminated of the advancements in society, decision-makers concede a significant challenge for assessing an appropriate location for a garbage disposal site. This research used a multi-attribute decision-making (MADM) approach based on $ q $-rung orthopair hesitant fuzzy rough ($ q $-ROHFR) Einstein aggregation information for evaluating GDS selection schemes and providing decision-making (DM) support to select a suitable waste disposal site. In this study, first, q-ROHFR Einstein average aggregation operators are integrated. Some intriguing characteristics of the suggested operators, such as monotonicity, idempotence and boundedness were also explored. Then, a MADM technique was established using the novel concept of $ q $-ROHFR aggregation operators under Einstein t-norm and t-conorm. In order to help the decision makers (DMs) make a final choice, this technique aims to rank and choose an alternative from a collection of feasible alternatives, as well as to propose a solution based on the ranking of alternatives for a problem with conflicting criteria. The model's adaptability and validity are then demonstrated by an analysis and solution of a numerical issue involving garbage disposal plant site selection. We performed a the sensitivity analysis of the proposed aggregation operators to determine the outcomes of the decision-making procedure. To highlight the potential of our new method, we performed a comparison study using the novel extended TOPSIS and VIKOR schemes based on $ q $-ROHFR information. Furthermore, we compared the results with those existing in the literature. The findings demonstrate that this methodology has a larger range of information representation, more flexibility in the assessment environment, and improved consistency in evaluation results.

    Citation: Attaullah, Asghar Khan, Noor Rehman, Fuad S. Al-Duais, Afrah Al-Bossly, Laila A. Al-Essa, Elsayed M Tag-eldin. A novel decision model with Einstein aggregation approach for garbage disposal plant site selection under $ q $-rung orthopair hesitant fuzzy rough information[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2023, 8(10): 22830-22874. doi: 10.3934/math.20231163

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  • Environmental science and pollution research has benefits around the globe. Human activity produces more garbage throughout the day as the world's population and lifestyles rise. Choosing a garbage disposal site (GDS) is crucial to effective disposal. In illuminated of the advancements in society, decision-makers concede a significant challenge for assessing an appropriate location for a garbage disposal site. This research used a multi-attribute decision-making (MADM) approach based on $ q $-rung orthopair hesitant fuzzy rough ($ q $-ROHFR) Einstein aggregation information for evaluating GDS selection schemes and providing decision-making (DM) support to select a suitable waste disposal site. In this study, first, q-ROHFR Einstein average aggregation operators are integrated. Some intriguing characteristics of the suggested operators, such as monotonicity, idempotence and boundedness were also explored. Then, a MADM technique was established using the novel concept of $ q $-ROHFR aggregation operators under Einstein t-norm and t-conorm. In order to help the decision makers (DMs) make a final choice, this technique aims to rank and choose an alternative from a collection of feasible alternatives, as well as to propose a solution based on the ranking of alternatives for a problem with conflicting criteria. The model's adaptability and validity are then demonstrated by an analysis and solution of a numerical issue involving garbage disposal plant site selection. We performed a the sensitivity analysis of the proposed aggregation operators to determine the outcomes of the decision-making procedure. To highlight the potential of our new method, we performed a comparison study using the novel extended TOPSIS and VIKOR schemes based on $ q $-ROHFR information. Furthermore, we compared the results with those existing in the literature. The findings demonstrate that this methodology has a larger range of information representation, more flexibility in the assessment environment, and improved consistency in evaluation results.


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