In this paper, we study the existence and uniqueness of common fixed point of αi,j-φEM,N-Geraghty contraction mappings and the existence of coincidence point of αi,j-φEN-Geraghty contraction mapping in the framework of b-metric spaces. We also give two examples to support our results.
Citation: Chen Lang, Hongyan Guan. Common fixed point and coincidence point results for generalized α-φE-Geraghty contraction mappings in b-metric spaces[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2022, 7(8): 14513-14531. doi: 10.3934/math.2022800
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In this paper, we study the existence and uniqueness of common fixed point of αi,j-φEM,N-Geraghty contraction mappings and the existence of coincidence point of αi,j-φEN-Geraghty contraction mapping in the framework of b-metric spaces. We also give two examples to support our results.
In 1973, Geraghty [1] generalized the Banach contraction principle in the setting of a complete metric space by considering an auxiliary function. This interesting result has attracted the attention of a great number of researchers. In 2012, Samet et al. [2] introduced the concept of α-admissible and α-ψ-contraction mappings and presented fixed point theorems for them. In 2013, Cho et al. [3] introduced the concept of α-Geraghty contraction mappings in metric spaces and proved some fixed point results of such mappings. Karapinar et al. [4] gave the notion of an α-ζ-E-Pata contraction and proved the existence and uniqueness of a fixed point of such mappings in the setting of a complete metric space. In [5], authors established that the main result via ψ-Geraghty type contraction is equivalent to an existing related result in the literature. In the framework of a complete b-metric space, Karapinar et al. [6] investigated the existence of fixed points for α-almost Istratesc contraction of type E and of type E∗. Alghamdi et al. [7] considered a common fixed point theorem via extended Z-contraction with respect to y-simulation function over an auxiliary function x. In [8], Afshari et al. obtained a fixed point result of generalized α-ψ-Geraghty contractive type mappings. Then, the notion of Geraghty contraction of type E was introduced by Fulga and Proca [9]. Recently, some new set-valued Meir-Keeler, Geraghty and Edelstein type fixed point theorems were presented in [10]. In 2019, Aydi [11] introduced the notion of α-βE-Geraghty contraction mappings on b-metric spaces and proved the existence and uniqueness of fixed point for such mappings. In the following year, Alqahtani [12] proved the existence and uniqueness of a common fixed point for the Geraghty contraction of type ES,T on complete metric spaces. In [13], Debnath et al. extended the notions of orbitally continuous and asymptotically regular mappings in the set-valued context. They introduced two new contractive inequalities one of which is of Geraghty-type and the other is of Boyd and Wong-type and proved two new existence of fixed point results corresponding to those inequalities. Okeke et al. [14] proved some theorems on the existence and uniqueness of fixed point for Reich-type contraction mappings and Geraghty-type mappings satisfying rational inequalities in modular metric spaces. For recent development on fixed point theory of Geraghty type contraction, we refer to [15,16,17] and the related references therein.
Czerwik [18] introduced the concept of b-metric space in 1993, which is a generalization of metric space and proved some fixed point theorems of contractive mappings in this space. Afterwards, some authors had studied the fixed point theorems of a various new type of contractive conditions in b-metric spaces (see [19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26]). Recently, Abbas et al. [27] studied the existence of fixed points of T-Ciric type mappings in the setup of partially ordered spaces. Roshan et al. [28] proved a common fixed point theorem for three mappings in Gb-metric space which is not continuous. Mustafa et al. [29] introduced the class of extended rectangular b-metric spaces as a generalization of both rectangular metric and rectangular b-metric spaces. In addition, some fixed point results connected with certain contractions are obtained. In [30], Mustafa et al. presented some coincidence point results for six mappings satisfying the generalized (ψ,φ)-weakly contractive condition in the framework of partially ordered G-metric spaces.
Throughout this paper, we aim to obtain common fixed point of αi,j-φEM,N-Geraghty contraction mappings and coincidence point of αi,j-φEN-Geraghty contraction mapping in the framework of b-metric space. Furthermore, we provide two examples that elaborate on the usability of our results.
There are some basic definitions and theorems that need to be used later. We state them as follows.
Definition 1.1. [18] Let X be a nonempty set and s≥1 be a given real number. A mapping d:X×X→[0,+∞) is said to be a b-metric if and only if, for all a,b,c∈X, the following conditions are satisfied:
(i) d(a,b)=0 if and only if a=b;
(ii) d(a,b)=d(b,a);
(iii) d(a,c)≤s[d(a,b)+d(b,c)].
In general, (X,d,s) is called a b-metric space with parameter s≥1.
It is obvious that the class of b-metric spaces is effectively larger than that of metric spaces since any metric space is a b-metric space with s=1. The following examples show that, in general, a b-metric space need not necessarily be a metric space.
Example 1.2. [31] Let X=R and let the mapping d:X×X→R+ be defined by
d(a,b)=|a−b|2 |
for all a,b∈X. Then (X,d,2) is a b-metric space with parameter s=2.
Example 1.3. [32] Let X={0,1,2} and d(2,0)=d(0,2)=m≥2, d(0,1)=d(1,2)=d(1,0)=d(2,1)=1, d(0,0)=d(1,1)=d(2,2)=0. Then
d(a,b)≤m2[d(a,c)+d(c,b)], |
for all a,b,c∈X. If m>2, the ordinary triangle inequality does not hold.
In [33], the authors showed the generality of Example 1.2.
Example 1.4. [33] Let (X,ρ) be a metric space, and d(a,b)=(ρ(a,b))p, where p>1 is a real number. Then (X,d,s) is a b-metric space with s=2p−1.
In general, a b-metric function d for s>1 is not jointly continuous in all of its two variables. Following is an example of a b-metric which is not continuous.
Example 1.5. [34] Let X=N∪{∞} and d:X×X→R+ be defined by
d(m,n)={0,if m=n,|1m−1n|, if m,n are even or mn=∞,5,if m and n are odd and m≠n,2,otherwise. |
Then it is easy to see that for all m,n,p∈X, we have
d(m,p)≤3(d(m,n)+d(n,p)). |
Thus, (X,d,3) is a b-metric space. If an=2n, for each n∈N, then
d(2n,+∞)=12n→0,as n→∞, |
that is, an→∞, but d(xn,1)=2↛d(∞,1), as n→∞.
Definition 1.6. [35] Let (X,d,s) be a b-metric space with parameter s≥1. Then a sequence {an} in X is said to be:
(i) b-convergent if and only if there exists a∈X such that d(an,a)→0 as n→∞;
(ii) a Cauchy sequence if and only if d(an,am)→0 when n,m→∞.
As usual, a b-metric space is called complete if and only if each Cauchy sequence in this space is b-convergent.
As b-metric is not continuous in general, so we need the following simple lemma about the b-convergent sequences.
Lemma 1.7. [33] Let (X,d,s) be a b-metric space with parameter s≥1. Assume that {an} and {bn} are b-convergent to a and b, respectively. Then we have
1s2d(a,b)≤lim infn→∞d(an,bn)≤lim supn→∞d(an,bn)≤s2d(a,b). |
In particular, if a=b, then we have limn→∞d(an,bn)=0. Moreover, for each c∈X, we have
1sd(a,c)≤lim infn→∞d(an,c)≤lim supn→∞d(an,c)≤sd(a,c). |
Definition 1.8. [36] Let M and N be two self-mappings on a nonempty set X. If a∗=Ma=Na, for some a∈X, then a is said to be the coincidence point of M and N, where a∗ is called the point of coincidence of M and N. Let C(M,N) denote the set of all coincidence points of M and N.
Definition 1.9. [36] Let M and N be two self-mappings defined on a nonempty set X. Then M and N are said to be weakly compatible if they commute at every coincidence point, that is, Ma=Na⇒MNa=NMa for every a∈C(M,N).
Inspired the concept α admissible mapping introduced by [2,32], Popescu [37] gave the following definition:
Definition 1.10. [37] Let M:X→X and α:X×X→R be given mappings. We say that M is α-orbital admissible if for all a∈X, we have
α(a,Ma)≥1⇒α(Ma,M2a)≥1. |
Definition 1.11. [37] Let M:X→X and α:X×X→R be given mappings. A mapping M is called a triangular α-orbital admissible mapping if
(i) M is α-orbital admissible;
(ii) α(a,b)≥1 and α(b,Mb)≥1⇒α(a,Mb)≥1,a,b∈X.
Definition 1.12. [1] Let (X,d) be a complete metric space. An operator M:X→X is called a Geraghty contraction if there exists a function φ:[0,∞)→[0,1) which satisfies the following condition
limn→∞φ(νn)=1 implies that limn→∞νn=0 | (1.1) |
such that
d(Ma,Nb)≤φ(d(a,b))d(a,b), for all a,b∈X. |
In the following, we denote the class of functions φ:[0,∞)→[0,1) which satisfies the condition (1.1) by Φ.
Definition 1.13. [12] Suppose that M and N are two self-mappings on a metric space (X,d). Suppose that there is a φ∈Φ such that the inequality
d(Ma,Nb)≤φ(EM,N(a,b))EM,N(a,b), for all a,b∈X, |
is satisfied, where
EM,N(a,b)=d(a,b)+|d(a,Ma)−d(b,Nb)|. |
Then, we say that the mappings M and N satisfy the Geraghty contraction of type EM,N.
Now, for s≥1, let Φs denotes the family of functions φ:[0,∞)→[0,1s) satisfying the condition:
limn→∞φ(νn)=1s implies that limn→∞νn=0. |
Definition 1.14. [11] Let (X,d) be a metric space and α:X×X→R be a function. A mapping M:X→X is said to be an α-φE-Geraghty contraction mapping if there exists φ∈Φs such that
α(a,b)≥1⇒d(Ma,Mb)≤φ(E(a,b))E(a,b) |
for all a,b∈X, where
E(a,b)=d(a,b)+|d(a,Ma)−d(b,Mb)|. |
In this section, we introduce some new definitions and concepts and prove some new common fixed point theorems and coincidence point theorems in a b-metric space which is not required the continuity of b-metric. Meanwhile, we provide two examples to support our results.
In the following, we assume that i,j are two arbitrary positive integers unless otherwise state.
Definition 2.1. Let (X,d,s) be a b-metric space with parameter s≥1 and αi,j:X×X→[0,∞) be a function. Two mappings M,N:X→X are called αi,j-φEM,N-Geraghty contraction mappings if there exists a function φ∈Φs such that
αi,j(a,b)≥sp⇒αi,j(a,b)d(Mia,Njb)≤φ(E(a,b))E(a,b),for all a,b∈X, | (2.1) |
E(a,b)=d(a,b)+|d(a,Mia)−d(b,Njb)| |
and p≥2 is a constant.
Remark 2.2.
(i) If s=1,αi,j(a,b)=1 and i=j=1, we can get the Geraghty contraction of type EM,N.
(ii) If M=N and i=j=1, we can get an α-φE-Geraghty contraction.
Definition 2.3. Let (X,d,s) be a b-metric space with parameter s≥1 and αi,j:X×X→[0,∞) be a function. The self-mappings M,N:X→X are said to be αi,j-orbital admissible, if the following conditions hold:
αi,j(a,Mia)≥sp⇒αi,j(Mia,NjMia)≥sp, |
αi,j(a,Nja)≥sp⇒αi,j(Nja,MiNja)≥sp, |
for a∈X, where p≥2 is a constant.
Definition 2.4. Let (X,d,s) be a b-metric space with parameter s≥1 and αi,j:X×X→[0,∞) be a function. Let M,N:X→X be two given self-mappings. The pair (M,N) is said to be triangular αi,j-orbital admissible, if
(i) M,N are αi,j-orbital admissible;
(ii) αi,j(a,b)≥sp,αi,j(b,Mib)≥sp and αi,j(b,Njb)≥sp implies αi,j(a,Mib)≥sp and αi,j(a,Njb)≥sp, where p≥2 is a constant.
Lemma 2.5. Let (X,d,s) be a complete b-metric space with parameter s≥1. Let M,N:X→X be two self-mappings such that the pair (M,N) is triangular αi,j-orbital admissible. Assume that there exists a0∈X such that αi,j(a0,Mia0)≥sp. Define a sequence {an} in X by a2n=Nja2n−1,a2n+1=Mia2n where n=0,1,2,⋯. Then for n,m∈N∪{0} with m>n, we have αi,j(an,am)≥sp.
Proof. Since αi,j(a0,Mia0)=αi,j(a0,a1)≥sp and (M,N) is triangular αi,j-orbital admissible, we obtain
αi,j(a0,Mia0)≥sp implies αi,j(Mia0,NjMia0)=αi,j(a1,Nja1)=αi,j(a1,a2)≥sp,αi,j(a1,Nja1)≥sp implies αi,j(Nja1,MiNja1)=αi,j(a2,Mia2)=αi,j(a2,a3)≥sp,αi,j(a2,Mia2)≥sp implies αi,j(Mia2,NjMia2)=αi,j(a3,Nja3)=αi,j(a3,a4)≥sp. |
Applying the above argument repeatedly, it follows that αi,j(an,an+1)≥sp for all n∈N∪{0}. Since (M,N) is triangular αi,j-orbital admissible, αi,j(an,am)≥sp for all n,m∈N∪{0} with m>n.
Theorem 2.6. Let (X,d,s) be a complete b-metric space with parameter s≥1, αi,j:X×X→[0,∞) be a symmetrical function and M,N:X→X be two given mappings. Suppose that the following conditions are satisfied:
(i) The pair (M,N) is triangular αi,j-orbital admissible;
(ii) M,N are αi,j-φEM,N-Geraghty contraction mappings;
(iii) there is a0∈X satisfying αi,j(a0,Mia0)≥sp;
(iv) if {an} is a sequence in X such that αi,j(an,an+1)≥sp for all n∈N and an→a as n→∞, then there exists a subsequence {ank} of {an} such that αi,j(ank,a)≥sp for all k∈N;
(v) for all a,b∈Fix(Mi) or Fix(Nj), we have αi,j(a,b)≥sp, where Fix(Mi) denotes the set of fixed points of Mi.
Then M and N have a unique common fixed point.
Proof. Let a0∈X satisfy αi,j(a0,Mia0)≥sp. Define a sequence {an} in X by a2n=Nja2n−1, a2n+1=Mia2n for n=0,1,2,⋯. Suppose there exists a n0∈N such that an0=an0+1. We consider two cases:
(i) n0 is odd. We have an0+1=Njan0=an0, that is, an0 is a fixed point of Nj. Next, we will prove that an0=an0+1=Njan0=Mian0+1. Considering Njan0≠Mian0+1 and according to Lemma 2.5, we get αi,j(an0,an0+1)=αi,j(an0+1,an0)≥sp and
d(Mian0+1,Njan0)≤αi,j(an0+1,an0)d(Mian0+1,Njan0)≤φ(E(an0+1,an0))E(an0+1,an0), |
E(an0+1,an0)=d(an0+1,an0)+|d(an0+1),Mian0+1)−d(an0,Njan0)=d(an0+1,Mian0+1). |
It follows that
d(Mian0+1,Njan0)≤φ(d(an0+1,Mian0+1))d(an0+1,Mian0+1)<1sd(Njan0,Mian0+1), |
which is a contradiction. Hence, d(Njan0,Mian0+1)=0 and an0=an0+1=Njan0=Mian0+1. Then an0 is a fixed point of Mi, that is, an0 is a common fixed point of Mi and Nj.
(ii) n0 is even. We have an0+1=Mian0=an0, that is, an0 is a fixed point of Mi. By the same way, we obtain that an0 is a common fixed point of Mi and Nj.
Consequently, throughout the proof, we assume an≠an+1 for all n≥0. We consider the following cases:
Case(1). In (2.1), let a=a2n and b=a2n−1. Then we have αi,j(a2n,a2n−1)≥sp. Hence, we get
d(a2n,a2n+1)=d(Nja2n−1,Mia2n)≤αi,j(a2n,a2n−1)d(Mia2n,Nja2n−1)≤φ(E(a2n,a2n−1))E(a2n,a2n−1), | (2.2) |
E(a2n,a2n−1)=d(a2n,a2n−1)+|d(a2n,Mia2n)−d(a2n−1,Nja2n−1)|=d(a2n,a2n−1)+|d(a2n,a2n+1)−d(a2n−1,a2n)|. | (2.3) |
If d(a2n,a2n+1)≥d(a2n−1,a2n), we have E(a2n,a2n−1)=d(a2n,a2n+1) and
d(a2n,a2n+1)≤φ(d(a2n,a2n+1))d(a2n,a2n+1)<1sd(a2n,a2n+1), |
which is a contradiction. Therefore, d(a2n,a2n+1)<d(a2n−1,a2n).
Case(2). In (2.1), let a=a2n and b=a2n+1. Then we get αi,j(a2n,a2n+1)≥sp. It follows that
d(a2n+1,a2n+2)=d(Mia2n,Nja2n+1)≤αi,j(a2n,a2n+1)d(Mia2n,Nja2n+1)≤φ(E(a2n,a2n+1))E(a2n,a2n+1), |
E(a2n,a2n+1)=d(a2n,a2n+1)+|d(a2n,Mia2n)−d(a2n+1,Nja2n+1)|=d(a2n,a2n+1)+|d(a2n,a2n+1)−d(a2n+1,a2n+2)|. |
If d(a2n+1,a2n+2)≥d(a2n,a2n+1), we have E(a2n,a2n+1)=d(a2n+1,a2n+2) and
d(a2n+1,a2n+2)≤φ(d(a2n+1,a2n+2))d(a2n+1,a2n+2)<1sd(a2n+1,a2n+2), |
which is a contradiction. Therefore, d(a2n+1,a2n+2)<d(a2n,a2n+1).
To sum up, {d(an,an+1)} is non-increasing. Thus, there exists a γ such that
limn→∞d(an,an+1)=γ. |
We claim that γ=0. In fact, by taking limits as n→∞ in (2.3), we get
limn→∞E(a2n,a2n−1)=limn→∞(2d(a2n,a2n−1)−d(a2n,a2n+1))=γ. |
Letting n→∞ in (2.2) and combining the above equality, we obtain
γs=1slimn→∞d(a2n,a2n+1)≤limn→∞d(a2n,a2n+1)≤limn→∞φ(E(a2n,a2n−1))E(a2n,a2n−1)≤limn→∞1sE(a2n,a2n−1)=γs. |
As a result, we get
limn→∞φ(E(a2n,a2n−1))E(a2n,a2n−1)=γs. |
It follows that
limn→∞φ(E(a2n,a2n−1))=1s |
which implies limn→∞E(a2n,a2n−1)=γ=0, that is,
limn→∞d(an,an+1)=0. |
Next, we shall prove that {an} is a Cauchy sequence in X. To verify this, it is sufficient to prove that {a2n} is Cauchy. Instead, we assume that there exists ℓ>0 for which one can find subsequences {a2mk} and {a2nk} of {a2n} satisfying mk is the smallest index for which mk>nk>k, and
d(a2mk,a2nk)≥ℓ and d(a2mk−2,a2nk)<ℓ. |
In view of the triangle inequality, one can deduce that
ℓ≤d(a2mk,a2nk)≤sd(a2mk,a2nk+1)+sd(a2nk+1,a2nk). |
So, we have
ℓs≤lim infk→∞d(a2mk,a2nk+1)≤lim supk→∞d(a2mk,a2nk+1). | (2.4) |
From Lemma 2.5, we have αi,j(a2mk−1,a2nk)≥sp and
d(a2mk,a2nk+1)≤αi,j(a2mk−1,a2nk)d(Mia2nk,Nja2mk−1)≤φ(E(a2nk,a2mk−1))E(a2nk,a2mk−1), | (2.5) |
E(a2nk,a2mk−1)=d(a2nk,a2mk−1)+|d(a2nk,Mia2nk)−d(a2mk−1,Nja2mk−1)|=d(a2nk,a2mk−1)+|d(a2nk,a2nk+1)−d(a2mk−1,a2mk)|. |
So there is
lim infk→∞E(a2nk,a2mk−1)=lim infk→∞d(a2mk−1,a2nk)≤lim infk→∞[sd(a2mk−1,a2mk−2)+sd(a2mk−2,a2nk)]≤sℓ. |
Taking k→∞ in inequality (2.5) and combining (2.4), we obtain
ℓ=s⋅ℓs≤slim infk→∞d(a2mk,a2nk+1)≤splim infk→∞d(a2mk,a2nk+1)≤αi,j(a2mk−1,a2nk)lim infk→∞d(Mia2nk,Nja2mk−1)≤lim infk→∞φ(E(a2nk,a2mk−1))E(a2nk,a2mk−1)≤lim infk→∞1s⋅sℓ=ℓ. |
At the same time, we get
ℓ≤αi,j(a2mk−1,a2nk)lim supk→∞d(Mia2nk,Nja2mk−1)≤lim supk→∞φ(E(a2nk,a2mk−1))E(a2nk,a2mk−1)=ℓ. |
limk→∞φ(E(a2nk,a2mk−1))E(a2nk,a2mk−1)=ℓ. | (2.6) |
Similarly, we have
sℓ=s2⋅ℓs≤s2lim infk→∞d(a2mk,a2nk+1)≤splim infk→∞d(a2mk,a2nk+1)≤αi,j(a2mk−1,a2nk)lim infk→∞d(Mia2nk,Nja2mk−1)≤lim infk→∞φ(E(a2nk,a2mk−1))E(a2nk,a2mk−1)≤lim infk→∞E(a2nk,a2mk−1)≤sℓ, |
sℓ≤αi,j(a2mk−1,a2nk)lim supk→∞d(Mia2nk,Nja2mk−1)≤lim supk→∞E(a2nk,a2mk−1)≤sℓ. |
It follows that
limk→∞E(a2nk,a2mk−1)=sℓ. | (2.7) |
Combining (2.6) and (2.7), we get
limk→∞φ(E(a2nk,a2mk−1))=1s and therefore limk→∞E(a2nk,a2mk−1)=0, |
which is a contradiction. Hence, {an} is a Cauchy sequence. The completeness of (X,d,s) ensures that there exists an a∗ in X such that
limn→∞an=a∗. |
Then from condition (iv), we can deduce that there exists a subsequence {a2nk} of {an} such that αi,j(a2nk,a∗)≥sp and
d(a2nk+1,Nja∗)≤αi,j(a2nk,a∗)d(Mia2nk,Nja∗)≤φ(E(a2nk,a∗))E(a2nk,a∗), | (2.8) |
E(a2nk,a∗)=d(a2nk,a∗)+|d(a2nk,Mia2nk)−d(a∗,Nja∗)|=d(a2nk,a∗)+|d(a2nk,a2nk+1)−d(a∗,Nja∗)| |
limk→∞E(a2nk,a∗)=d(a∗,Nja∗). |
In view of the triangle inequality, we have
1sd(a∗,Nja∗)−d(a∗,a2nk+1)≤d(a2nk+1,Nja∗). | (2.9) |
Combining (2.8) and (2.9) and letting k→∞, we conclude
1sd(a∗,Nja∗)≤limk→∞d(a2nk+1,Nja∗)≤limk→∞φ(E(a2nk,a∗))E(a2nk,a∗)≤1sd(a∗,Nja∗). |
Thus, we obtain
limk→∞φ(E(a2nk,a∗))=1s and therefore limk→∞E(a2nk,a∗)=0, |
that is,
d(a∗,Nja∗)=0. |
In the same method, we get d(a∗,Mia∗)=0. Therefore, a∗ is a common fixed point of Mi and Nj.
Next, we prove the uniqueness of the common fixed point. Suppose there exists another b∗∈X such that b∗=Mib∗. We have αi,j(b∗,a∗)≥sp by condition (v). Consequently, we get
d(b∗,a∗)≤αi,j(b∗,a∗)d(Mib∗,Nja∗)≤φ(E(b∗,a∗))E(b∗,a∗), |
E(b∗,a∗)=d(b∗,a∗)+|d(b∗,Mib∗)−d(a∗,Nja∗)|=d(b∗,a∗). |
Hence, we have d(b∗,a∗)<1sd(b∗,a∗) which is contradictory. Then, we can obtain a∗ which is a unique fixed point of Mi. By the similar method, one can obtain a∗ is a unique fixed point of Nj. Since
Ma∗=MMia∗=MiMa∗ and Na∗=NNja∗=NjNa∗, |
we find a∗ is a common fixed point of M and N because of the uniqueness. It's easy to prove that a∗ is a unique common fixed point of M and N.
Example 2.7. Let X=[0,1] and d:X×X→R+ be defined as d(a,b)=|a−b|2. It is clear that (X,d,s) forms a b-metric space with s=2. Put p=2,i=4,j=2 and
αi,j(a,b)={sp, a,b∈[0,1],0, others. |
Let M,N:X→X be defined by M(a)=a2,N(a)=a4 and take φ(t)=164 for all t>0. According to the definition of M and N, it is easy to get that the pair (M,N) is triangular αi,j-orbital admissible. Next, we prove that M,N are αi,j-φEM,N-Geraghty contraction mappings. Indeed, we have
αi,j(a,b)=4,d(Mi(a),Nj(b))=d(a16,b16)=1162|a−b|2, |
E(a,b)=d(a,b)+|d(a,Mia)−d(b,Njb)|=|a−b|2+||a−a16|2−|b−b16|2|=|a−b|2+|(1516a)2−(1516b)2|. |
Hence, we obtain
4⋅1162|a−b|2≤164[|a−b|2+|(1516a)2−(1516b)2|], |
which satisfies (2.1). In conclusion, for any a,b∈X, all the presumptions of Theorem 2.6 are satisfied. It follows that M and N have exactly one common fixed point in X. It is obvious that 0 is the unique common fixed point of M and N.
If (X,d) is a metric space and let p=1,i=j=1, and αi,j=sp=1 in Theorem 2.6, we obtain Theorem 5 in [12] immediately:
Corollary 2.8. Let (X,d) be a complete metric space, and M,N:X→X be two given mappings. If the pair (M,N) forms a Geraghty contraction of type EM,N, then the pair of mappings M,N has a unique common fixed point.
If p=1,M=N and i=j=1 in Theorem 2.6, we obtain Theorem 2.2 in [11] immediately :
Corollary 2.9. Let (X,d,s) be a complete b-metric space with parameter s≥1, α:X×X→[0,∞) be a function and M:X→X be a given mapping. Suppose that the following conditions are satisfied:
(i) M is triangular α−orbital admissible;
(ii) M is an α−φE−Geraghty contraction mapping;
(iii) there is a0∈X satisfying α(a0,Ma0)≥1;
(iv) if {an} is a sequence in X such that α(an,an+1)≥1 for all n∈N and an→a as n→∞, then there exists a subsequence {ank} of {an} such that α(ank,a)≥1 for all k∈N.
Then M has a fixed point a∗∈X.
Definition 2.10. Let M and N be two self-mappings defined on a nonempty set. Then, M and N are said to be (i,j)-weakly compatible if Mia=Nja⇒MNja=NMia for every a∈C(M,N).
Remark 2.11. For i=j=1, the definition reduces to the definition of weakly compatible.
Definition 2.12. Let (X,d,s) be a b−metric space with parameter s≥1, and let M,N:X→X and αi,j:X×X→[0,∞) be given mappings satisfying
αi,j(a,b)≥sp and αi,j(b,c)≥sp⇒αi,j(a,c)≥sp |
for all a,b,c∈X, where p≥1 is an arbitrary constant. The mapping M is said to be N-αi,j-admissible if, for all a,b∈X,
αi,j(Nja,Njb)≥sp implies αi,j(Mia,Mib)≥sp. |
Remark 2.13.
(i) For i=j=1, the definition reduces to an N-αsp-admissible mapping in a b-metric space.
(ii) For i=j=1 and N=I, the definition reduces to an αsp-admissible mapping in a b-metric space.
(iii) For s=p=i=j=1 and N=I, the definition reduces to the definition of an α-admissible mapping in a metric space.
Lemma 2.14. Let (X,d,s) be a b-metric space with parameter s≥1. Let M:X→X be a self-mapping such that M is N-αi.j-admissible. Assume that there exists a0∈X such that αi,j(Nja0,Mia0)≥sp. Define sequences {an} and {bn} in X by bn=Mian=Njan+1 where n=0,1,2,⋯. Then for n,m∈N∪{0} with m>n, we have αi,j(bn,bm)≥sp.
Proof. Since M is N-αi,j-admissible, then we have
αi,j(Nja0,Nja1)=αi,j(Nja0,Mia0)≥sp⇒αi,j(Nja1,Nja2)=αi,j(Mia0,Mia1)≥sp,αi,j(Nja1,Nja2)=αi,j(Mia0,Mia1)≥sp⇒αi,j(Nja2,Nja3)=αi,j(Mia1,Mia2)≥sp,⋯. |
Eventually, we get
αi,j(Njan,Njan+1)=αi,j(Mian−1,Mian)≥sp. |
Hence, we get αi,j(bn,bn+1)≥sp for all n∈N. Since αi,j(bn,bn+1)≥sp and αi,j(bn+1,bn+2)≥sp, we deduce αi,j(bn,bn+2)≥sp. It follows that one can get αi,j(bn,bm)≥sp for all n,m∈N∪{0} with m>n.
Definition 2.15. Let (X,d,s) be a b-metric space with parameter s≥1, and let M,N:X→X be two self-mappings and αi,j:X×X→[0,∞) be a function. A mapping M is called a αi,j-φEN-Geraghty contraction mapping, if there exists a function φ∈Φs satisfying the following:
αi,j(Nja,Njb)≥sp⇒αi,j(Nja,Njb)d(Mia,Mib)≤φ(E(a,b))E(a,b),for all a,b∈X, | (2.10) |
E(a,b)=d(Nja,Njb)+|d(Mia,Nja)−d(Mib,Njb)| and p≥1 is a constant. |
Theorem 2.16. Let (X,d,s) be a complete b-metric space with parameter s≥1 and αi,j:X×X→[0,∞) be a function. Let M,N:X→X be two given self-mappings satisfying Mi(X)⊂Nj(X) and Nj(X) is closed. Suppose that the following conditions are satisfied:
(i) M is N-αi,j-admissible;
(ii) M is a αi,j-φEN-Geraghty contraction mapping;
(iii) there is a0∈X satisfying αi,j(Nja0,Mia0)≥sp;
(iv) if {an} is a sequence in X such that Njan→Nja as n→∞, then there exists a subsequence {Njank} of {Njan} such that αi,j(Njank,Nja)≥sp for all k∈N;
(v) M and N are (i,j)-weakly compatible.
Then M and N have a coincidence point in X.
Proof. According to condition (iii), there exists an a0∈X such that αi,j(Nja0,Mia0)≥sp. Now, we define sequences {an} and {bn} in X by bn=Mian=Njan+1 for all n∈N. If bn=bn+1 for some n∈N, then we deduce Njan+1=bn=bn+1=Mian+1 and Mi and Nj have a coincidence point an+1. Since M and N are (i,j)-weakly compatible mappings, then we get
Mian+1=Njan+1⇒MNjan+1=NMian+1. |
Mbn=MMian+1=MNjan+1=NMian+1=Nbn, |
that is, bn is a coincidence point of M and N.
Without loss of generality, we assume that bn≠bn+1 for all n∈N. It follows from Lemma 2.14 that αi,j(bn−1,bn)=αi,j(Njan,Njan+1)≥sp. In light of condition (ii), we obtain
d(bn,bn+1)=d(Mian,Mian+1)≤spd(Mian,Mian+1)≤αi,j(Njan,Njan+1)d(Mian,Mian+1)≤φ(E(an,an+1))E(an,an+1), | (2.11) |
E(an,an+1)=d(Njan,Njan+1)+|d(Mian,Njan)−d(Mian+1,Njan+1)|=d(bn−1,bn)+|d(bn,bn−1)−d(bn+1,bn)|. | (2.12) |
If d(bn+1,bn)≥d(bn,bn−1), we have E(an,an+1)=d(bn,bn+1)>0, which means
d(bn,bn+1)≤φ(d(bn,bn+1))d(bn,bn+1)<1sd(bn,bn+1), |
a contradiction. Hence, d(bn+1,bn)<d(bn,bn−1), that is, {d(bn,bn+1)} is a non-increasing sequence and so there exists γ≥0 such that
limn→∞d(bn,bn+1)=γ. |
In view of (2.12), we obtain
E(an,an+1)=2d(bn,bn−1)−d(bn,bn+1) and limn→∞E(an,an+1)=γ. | (2.13) |
Substituting (2.13) into (2.11) and taking the limit as n→∞, we get
γs=1slimn→∞d(bn,bn+1)≤limn→∞d(bn,bn+1)≤limn→∞φ(E(an,an+1))E(an,an+1)≤limn→∞1sE(an,an+1)=γs. |
The above formula means
limn→∞φ(E(an,an+1))E(an,an+1)=γs and limn→∞φ(E(an,an+1))=1s. |
So there is
limn→∞E(an,an+1)=γ=limn→∞d(bn,bn+1)=0. |
Next, we aim to prove that {bn} is a Cauchy sequence. Suppose on the contrary, there exists ℓ>0 for which one can find sequences {bmk} and {bnk} of {bn} satisfying nk is the smallest index for which nk>mk>k, and
d(bnk,bmk)≥ℓ and d(bnk−1,bmk)<ℓ. |
Since αi,j(bnk−1,bmk−1)=αi,j(Njank,Njamk)≥sp, we have
ℓ≤d(bnk,bmk)=d(Miank,Miamk)≤spd(Miank,Miamk)≤αi,j(Njank,Njamk)d(Miank,Miamk)≤φ(E(ank,amk))E(ank,amk), | (2.14) |
E(ank,amk)=d(Njank,Njamk)+|d(Miank,Njank)−d(Miamk,Njamk)|=d(bnk−1,bmk−1)+|d(bnk,bnk−1)−d(bmk,bmk−1)|≤sd(bnk−1,bmk)+sd(bmk,bmk−1)+|d(bnk,bnk−1)−d(bmk,bmk−1)|<sℓ+sd(bmk,bmk−1)+|d(bnk,bnk−1)−d(bmk,bmk−1)|. |
Passing to the limit as k→∞ in the above inequality and (2.14), we obtain
limk→∞E(ank,amk)=sℓ |
ℓ≤limk→∞φ(E(ank,amk))E(ank,amk)≤1sE(ank,amk)≤1ssℓ=ℓ. |
We deduce
limk→∞φ(E(ank,amk))E(ank,amk)=ℓ. |
limk→∞φ(E(ank,amk))=1s and limk→∞E(ank,amk)=0, |
which is a contradiction. Hence, {bn} is a Cauchy sequence. The completeness of (X,d,s) ensures that there exists a b∗∈X such that bn→b∗ as n→∞, that is,
limn→∞d(bn,b∗)=limn→∞d(Mian,b∗)=limn→∞d(Njan+1,b∗)=0. |
Since Nj(A) is closed, we have b∗∈Nj(A). It follows that one can choose an a∗∈X such that b∗=Nja∗, and we can write
limn→∞d(bn,Nja∗)=limn→∞d(Mian,Nja∗)=limn→∞d(Njan+1,Nja∗)=0. |
By using the condition (iv), we get that there exists a subsequence {bnk} of {bn} so that αi,j(bnk−1,Nja∗)=αi,j(Njank,Nja∗)≥sp. Applying contractive condition (2.10), we have
d(Miank,Mia∗)≤αi,j(Njank,Nja∗)d(Miank,Mia∗)≤φ(E(ank,a∗))E(ank,a∗) |
E(ank,a∗)=d(Njank,Nja∗)+|d(Miank,Njank)−d(Mia∗,Nja∗)|=d(bnk−1,Nja∗)+|d(bnk,bnk−1)−d(Mia∗,Nja∗)| |
limk→∞E(ank,a∗)=d(Mia∗,Nja∗). |
Since d(Mia∗,Nja∗)≤sd(Mia∗,Miank)+sd(Miank,Nja∗), then
1sd(Mia∗,Nja∗)−d(Miank,Nja∗)≤d(Miank,Mia∗)≤φ(E(ank,a∗))E(ank,a∗). |
Taking the limit as k→∞ in the above inequality, we obtain
1sd(Mia∗,Nja∗)≤limk→∞φ(E(ank,a∗))E(ank,a∗)≤limk→∞1sE(ank,a∗)=1sd(Mia∗,Nja∗). |
As a result, we get
limk→∞φ(E(ank,a∗))=1s and limk→∞E(ank,a∗)=d(Mia∗,Nja∗)=0. |
Thus, b∗=Mia∗=Nja∗ is a point of coincidence for Mi and Nj. Since M and N are (i,j)-weakly compatible mappings, then we get
Mia∗=Nja∗⇒MNja∗=NMia∗. |
Mb∗=MMia∗=MNja∗=NMia∗=Nb∗, |
that is, b∗ is a coincidence point of M and N.
Example 2.17. Let X={0,1,2} and defined d:X×X→R by d(a,b)=|a−b|2 for all a,b∈X. Therefore, (X,d,s) is a b-metric space with s=2. Put p=2,i=2,j=3 and
αi,j(a,b)={sp, a,b∈X,0,otherwise. |
Let M,N:X→X be two mappings defined by M(0)=1,M(1)=1,M(2)=0, N(0)=2,N(1)=1, and N(2)=0. Take φ(t)=12s for all t≥0.
It is obvious that M is N-αsp-admissible. Meanwhile, M is a αi,j-φEN-Geraghty contraction mapping. Indeed, for a=b, we get αi,j(Nja,Njb)d(Mia,Mib)≤φ(E(a,b))E(a,b). On the other hand, we have
E(0,1)=d(2,1)+|d(1,0)−d(1,1)|=2, |
E(0,2)=d(2,0)+|d(1,2)−d(1,0)|=4, |
E(1,2)=d(1,0)+|d(1,1)−d(1,0)|=2. |
So, we obtain the following cases:
(a) a=0 and b=1. Then,
αi,j(Nja,Njb)d(Mia,Mib)=4d(1,1)=0≤12sE(0,1)=12. |
(b) a=0 and b=2. Then,
αi,j(Nja,Njb)d(Mia,Mib)=4d(1,1)=0≤12sE(0,2)=1. |
(c) a=1 and b=2. Then,
αi,j(Nja,Njb)d(Mia,Mib)=4d(1,1)=0≤12sE(1,2)=12. |
Considering the symmetry of d, we have (3.10) is true for all a,b∈X and
Mi(1)=Nj(1)⇒NMi(1)=MNj(1), |
which means M and N are (i,j)-weakly compatible. All hypotheses of Theorem 2.16 are satisfied. So, M and N have a coincidence point in X. Obviously, 1 is the coincidence point of M and N.
If (X,d) is a metric space and let i=j=1,p=1,N=I in Theorem 2.16, we obtain the following result immediately:
Corollary 2.18. Let (X,d) be a complete metric space and α:X×X→[0,∞) be a function. Let M:X→X be a given self-mapping. Suppose that the following conditions are satisfied:
(i) M is α-admissible;
(ii) M is a α-φEN-Geraghty contraction mapping;
(iii) there is a0∈X with satisfying α(Na0,Ma0)≥1;
(iv) if {an} is a sequence in X such that an→a as n→∞, then there exists a subsequence {ank} of {an} such that α(ank,a)≥1 for all k∈N;
Then M has a fixed point in X.
If i=j=1 in Theorem 2.16, we have the following result:
Corollary 2.19. Let (X,d,s) be a complete b-metric space with parameter s≥1 and α:X×X→[0,∞) be a function. Let M,N:X→X be two given self-mappings satisfying M(X)⊂N(X) and N(X) is closed. Suppose that the following conditions are satisfied:
(i) M is N-αsp-admissible;
(ii) M is a α-φEN-Geraghty contraction mapping;
(iii) there is a0∈X satisfying α(Na0,Ma0)≥sp;
(iv) if {an} is a sequence in X such that Nan→Na as n→∞, then there exists a subsequence {Nank} of {Nan} such that α(Nank,Na)≥sp for all k∈N;
(v) M and N are weakly compatible.
Then M and N have a coincidence point in X.
In this manuscript, we introduced two new classes of Geraghty contraction mappings and established common fixed point and coincidence point results involving these new classes of mappings in the framework of b-metric spaces. Further, we provided two examples that elaborated on the usability of our results.
This work was financially supported by the Science and Research Project Foundation of Liaoning Province Education Department (No:LJC202003).
The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest regarding the publication of this paper.
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1. | Senthil Kumar Prakasam, Arul Joseph Gnanaprakasam, Gunaseelan Mani, Fahd Jarad, Solving an integral equation via orthogonal generalized $ {\boldsymbol{\alpha}} $-$ {\boldsymbol{\psi}} $-Geraghty contractions, 2022, 8, 2473-6988, 5899, 10.3934/math.2023297 | |
2. | Leyla Sağ Dönmez, Abdurrahman Büyükkaya, Mahpeyker Öztürk, Fixed-point results via $ \alpha_{i}^{j} $-$ \left({\bf D}_{{\mathscr{C}}}\left(\mathfrak{P}_{\hat E}\right)\right) $-contractions in partial $ \flat $-metric spaces, 2023, 8, 2473-6988, 23674, 10.3934/math.20231204 | |
3. | Common fixed point theorem for pair of quasi triangular α-orbital admissible mappings in complete metric space with application, 2023, 11, 2321-5666, 167, 10.26637/mjm1102/006 | |
4. | Hongyan Guan, Chen Lang, Yan Hao, Cristian Chifu, Sehgal-Guseman-Type Fixed Point Theorems in Rectangular b -Metric Spaces and Solvability of Nonlinear Integral Equation, 2023, 2023, 2314-8888, 1, 10.1155/2023/2877019 | |
5. | Christopher Middlebrook, Wenying Feng, Integral Operators in b-Metric and Generalized b-Metric Spaces and Boundary Value Problems, 2024, 8, 2504-3110, 674, 10.3390/fractalfract8110674 |