Research article

Existence results of mild solutions for nonlocal fractional delay integro-differential evolution equations via Caputo conformable fractional derivative

  • Received: 07 February 2022 Revised: 15 March 2022 Accepted: 28 March 2022 Published: 14 April 2022
  • MSC : 34G10, 26A33

  • In this paper, we investigate the existence of mild solutions for nonlocal delay fractional Cauchy problem with Caputo conformable derivative in Banach spaces. We establish a representation of a mild solution using a fractional Laplace transform. The existence of such solutions is proved under certain conditions, using the Mönch fixed point theorem and a general version of Gronwall's inequality under weaker conditions in the sense of Kuratowski measure of non compactness. Applications illustrating our main abstract results and showing the applicability of the presented theory are also given.

    Citation: Lahcene Rabhi, Mohammed Al Horani, Roshdi Khalil. Existence results of mild solutions for nonlocal fractional delay integro-differential evolution equations via Caputo conformable fractional derivative[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2022, 7(7): 11614-11634. doi: 10.3934/math.2022647

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  • In this paper, we investigate the existence of mild solutions for nonlocal delay fractional Cauchy problem with Caputo conformable derivative in Banach spaces. We establish a representation of a mild solution using a fractional Laplace transform. The existence of such solutions is proved under certain conditions, using the Mönch fixed point theorem and a general version of Gronwall's inequality under weaker conditions in the sense of Kuratowski measure of non compactness. Applications illustrating our main abstract results and showing the applicability of the presented theory are also given.


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