Research article

Regularity results of solutions to elliptic equations involving mixed local and nonlocal operators

  • Received: 07 November 2021 Revised: 02 December 2021 Accepted: 06 December 2021 Published: 17 December 2021
  • MSC : 35J67, 35R11

  • In this paper, we study the summability of solutions to the following semilinear elliptic equations involving mixed local and nonlocal operators

    $ \left\{ \begin{matrix} - \Delta u(x)+{{(-\Delta )}^{s}}u(x)=f(x), & x\in \Omega , \\ u(x)\ge 0,~~~~~ & x\in \Omega , \\ u(x)=0,~~~~~ & x\in {{\mathbb{R}}^{N}}\setminus \Omega , \\ \end{matrix} \right. $

    where $ 0 < s < 1 $, $ \Omega\subset \mathbb{R}^N $ is a smooth bounded domain, $ (-\Delta)^s $ is the fractional Laplace operator, $ f $ is a measurable function.

    Citation: CaiDan LaMao, Shuibo Huang, Qiaoyu Tian, Canyun Huang. Regularity results of solutions to elliptic equations involving mixed local and nonlocal operators[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2022, 7(3): 4199-4210. doi: 10.3934/math.2022233

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  • In this paper, we study the summability of solutions to the following semilinear elliptic equations involving mixed local and nonlocal operators

    $ \left\{ \begin{matrix} - \Delta u(x)+{{(-\Delta )}^{s}}u(x)=f(x), & x\in \Omega , \\ u(x)\ge 0,~~~~~ & x\in \Omega , \\ u(x)=0,~~~~~ & x\in {{\mathbb{R}}^{N}}\setminus \Omega , \\ \end{matrix} \right. $

    where $ 0 < s < 1 $, $ \Omega\subset \mathbb{R}^N $ is a smooth bounded domain, $ (-\Delta)^s $ is the fractional Laplace operator, $ f $ is a measurable function.


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