Research article

Supervised neural learning for the predator-prey delay differential system of Holling form-III

  • Received: 05 July 2022 Revised: 22 August 2022 Accepted: 30 August 2022 Published: 13 September 2022
  • MSC : 92B20, 34A34

  • The purpose of this work is to present the stochastic computing study based on the artificial neural networks (ANNs) along with the scaled conjugate gradient (SCG), ANNs-SCG for solving the predator-prey delay differential system of Holling form-III. The mathematical form of the predator-prey delay differential system of Holling form-III is categorized into prey class, predator category and the recent past effects. Three variations of the predator-prey delay differential system of Holling form-III have been numerical stimulated by using the stochastic ANNs-SCG procedure. The selection of the data to solve the predator-prey delay differential system of Holling form-III is provided as 13%, 12% and 75% for testing, training, and substantiation together with 15 neurons. The correctness and exactness of the stochastic ANNs-SCG method is provided by using the comparison of the obtained and data-based reference solutions. The constancy, authentication, soundness, competence, and precision of the stochastic ANNs-SCG technique is performed through the analysis of the correlation measures, state transitions (STs), regression analysis, correlation, error histograms (EHs) and MSE.

    Citation: Naret Ruttanaprommarin, Zulqurnain Sabir, Salem Ben Said, Muhammad Asif Zahoor Raja, Saira Bhatti, Wajaree Weera, Thongchai Botmart. Supervised neural learning for the predator-prey delay differential system of Holling form-III[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2022, 7(11): 20126-20142. doi: 10.3934/math.20221101

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  • The purpose of this work is to present the stochastic computing study based on the artificial neural networks (ANNs) along with the scaled conjugate gradient (SCG), ANNs-SCG for solving the predator-prey delay differential system of Holling form-III. The mathematical form of the predator-prey delay differential system of Holling form-III is categorized into prey class, predator category and the recent past effects. Three variations of the predator-prey delay differential system of Holling form-III have been numerical stimulated by using the stochastic ANNs-SCG procedure. The selection of the data to solve the predator-prey delay differential system of Holling form-III is provided as 13%, 12% and 75% for testing, training, and substantiation together with 15 neurons. The correctness and exactness of the stochastic ANNs-SCG method is provided by using the comparison of the obtained and data-based reference solutions. The constancy, authentication, soundness, competence, and precision of the stochastic ANNs-SCG technique is performed through the analysis of the correlation measures, state transitions (STs), regression analysis, correlation, error histograms (EHs) and MSE.


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