Research article

Stability of intuitionistic fuzzy set-valued maps and solutions of integral inclusions

  • Received: 28 July 2021 Accepted: 08 October 2021 Published: 12 October 2021
  • MSC : 46S40, 47H10, 54H25

  • In this paper, new intuitionistic fuzzy fixed point results for sequence of intuitionistic fuzzy set-valued maps in the structure of $ b $-metric spaces are examined. A few nontrivial comparative examples are constructed to keep up the hypotheses and generality of our obtained results. Following the fact that most existing concepts of Ulam-Hyers type stabilities are concerned with crisp mappings, we introduce the notion of stability and well-posedness of functional inclusions involving intuitionistic fuzzy set-valued maps. It is a familiar fact that solution of every functional inclusion is a subset of an appropriate space. In this direction, intuitionistic fuzzy fixed point problem involving $ (\alpha, \beta) $-level set of an intuitionistic fuzzy set-valued map is initiated. Moreover, novel sufficient criteria for existence of solutions to an integral inclusion are investigated to indicate a possible application of the ideas presented herein.

    Citation: Maysaa Al-Qurashi, Mohammed Shehu Shagari, Saima Rashid, Y. S. Hamed, Mohamed S. Mohamed. Stability of intuitionistic fuzzy set-valued maps and solutions of integral inclusions[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2022, 7(1): 315-333. doi: 10.3934/math.2022022

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  • In this paper, new intuitionistic fuzzy fixed point results for sequence of intuitionistic fuzzy set-valued maps in the structure of $ b $-metric spaces are examined. A few nontrivial comparative examples are constructed to keep up the hypotheses and generality of our obtained results. Following the fact that most existing concepts of Ulam-Hyers type stabilities are concerned with crisp mappings, we introduce the notion of stability and well-posedness of functional inclusions involving intuitionistic fuzzy set-valued maps. It is a familiar fact that solution of every functional inclusion is a subset of an appropriate space. In this direction, intuitionistic fuzzy fixed point problem involving $ (\alpha, \beta) $-level set of an intuitionistic fuzzy set-valued map is initiated. Moreover, novel sufficient criteria for existence of solutions to an integral inclusion are investigated to indicate a possible application of the ideas presented herein.


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