Research article

Adapted block hybrid method for the numerical solution of Duffing equations and related problems

  • Received: 26 June 2021 Accepted: 21 September 2021 Published: 28 September 2021
  • MSC : 65L03, 65L05, 65L50

  • Problems of non-linear equations to model real-life phenomena have a long history in science and engineering. One of the popular of such non-linear equations is the Duffing equation. An adapted block hybrid numerical integrator that is dependent on a fixed frequency and fixed step length is proposed for the integration of Duffing equations. The stability and convergence of the method are demonstrated; its accuracy and efficiency are also established.

    Citation: Ridwanulahi Iyanda Abdulganiy, Shiping Wen, Yuming Feng, Wei Zhang, Ning Tang. Adapted block hybrid method for the numerical solution of Duffing equations and related problems[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2021, 6(12): 14013-14034. doi: 10.3934/math.2021810

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  • Problems of non-linear equations to model real-life phenomena have a long history in science and engineering. One of the popular of such non-linear equations is the Duffing equation. An adapted block hybrid numerical integrator that is dependent on a fixed frequency and fixed step length is proposed for the integration of Duffing equations. The stability and convergence of the method are demonstrated; its accuracy and efficiency are also established.


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