Research article

IOOA: A multi-strategy fusion improved Osprey Optimization Algorithm for global optimization

  • † The authors contributed equally to this work.
  • Received: 27 December 2023 Revised: 23 February 2024 Accepted: 28 February 2024 Published: 07 March 2024
  • With the widespread application of metaheuristic algorithms in engineering and scientific research, finding algorithms with efficient global search capabilities and precise local search performance has become a hot topic in research. The osprey optimization algorithm (OOA) was first proposed in 2023, characterized by its simple structure and strong optimization capability. However, practical tests have revealed that the OOA algorithm inevitably encounters common issues faced by metaheuristic algorithms, such as the tendency to fall into local optima and reduced population diversity in the later stages of the algorithm's iterations. To address these issues, a multi-strategy fusion improved osprey optimization algorithm is proposed (IOOA). First, the characteristics of various chaotic mappings were thoroughly explored, and the adoption of Circle chaotic mapping to replace pseudo-random numbers for population initialization improvement was proposed, increasing initial population diversity and improving the quality of initial solutions. Second, a dynamically adjustable elite guidance mechanism was proposed to dynamically adjust the position updating method according to different stages of the algorithm's iteration, ensuring the algorithm maintains good global search capabilities while significantly increasing the convergence speed of the algorithm. Lastly, a dynamic chaotic weight factor was designed and applied in the development stage of the original algorithm to enhance the algorithm's local search capability and improve the convergence accuracy of the algorithm. To fully verify the effectiveness and practical engineering applicability of the IOOA algorithm, simulation experiments were conducted using 21 benchmark test functions and the CEC-2022 benchmark functions, and the IOOA algorithm was applied to the LSTM power load forecasting problem as well as two engineering design problems. The experimental results show that the IOOA algorithm possesses outstanding global optimization performance in handling complex optimization problems and broad applicability in practical engineering applications.

    Citation: Xiaodong Wen, Xiangdong Liu, Cunhui Yu, Haoning Gao, Jing Wang, Yongji Liang, Jiangli Yu, Yan Bai. IOOA: A multi-strategy fusion improved Osprey Optimization Algorithm for global optimization[J]. Electronic Research Archive, 2024, 32(3): 2033-2074. doi: 10.3934/era.2024093

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  • With the widespread application of metaheuristic algorithms in engineering and scientific research, finding algorithms with efficient global search capabilities and precise local search performance has become a hot topic in research. The osprey optimization algorithm (OOA) was first proposed in 2023, characterized by its simple structure and strong optimization capability. However, practical tests have revealed that the OOA algorithm inevitably encounters common issues faced by metaheuristic algorithms, such as the tendency to fall into local optima and reduced population diversity in the later stages of the algorithm's iterations. To address these issues, a multi-strategy fusion improved osprey optimization algorithm is proposed (IOOA). First, the characteristics of various chaotic mappings were thoroughly explored, and the adoption of Circle chaotic mapping to replace pseudo-random numbers for population initialization improvement was proposed, increasing initial population diversity and improving the quality of initial solutions. Second, a dynamically adjustable elite guidance mechanism was proposed to dynamically adjust the position updating method according to different stages of the algorithm's iteration, ensuring the algorithm maintains good global search capabilities while significantly increasing the convergence speed of the algorithm. Lastly, a dynamic chaotic weight factor was designed and applied in the development stage of the original algorithm to enhance the algorithm's local search capability and improve the convergence accuracy of the algorithm. To fully verify the effectiveness and practical engineering applicability of the IOOA algorithm, simulation experiments were conducted using 21 benchmark test functions and the CEC-2022 benchmark functions, and the IOOA algorithm was applied to the LSTM power load forecasting problem as well as two engineering design problems. The experimental results show that the IOOA algorithm possesses outstanding global optimization performance in handling complex optimization problems and broad applicability in practical engineering applications.


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