Research article

MOEA with adaptive operator based on reinforcement learning for weapon target assignment

  • Received: 22 January 2024 Revised: 06 February 2024 Accepted: 07 February 2024 Published: 19 February 2024
  • Weapon target assignment (WTA) is a typical problem in the command and control of modern warfare. Despite the significance of the problem, traditional algorithms still have shortcomings in terms of efficiency, solution quality, and generalization. This paper presents a novel multi-objective evolutionary optimization algorithm (MOEA) that integrates a deep Q-network (DQN)-based adaptive mutation operator and a greedy-based crossover operator, designed to enhance the solution quality for the multi-objective WTA (MO-WTA). Our approach (NSGA-DRL) evolves NSGA-II by embedding these operators to strike a balance between exploration and exploitation. The DQN-based adaptive mutation operator is developed for predicting high-quality solutions, thereby improving the exploration process and maintaining diversity within the population. In parallel, the greedy-based crossover operator employs domain knowledge to minimize ineffective searches, focusing on exploitation and expediting convergence. Ablation studies revealed that our proposed operators significantly boost the algorithm performance. In particular, the DQN mutation operator shows its predictive effectiveness in identifying candidate solutions. The proposed NSGA-DRL outperforms state-and-art MOEAs in solving MO-WTA problems by generating high-quality solutions.

    Citation: Shiqi Zou, Xiaoping Shi, Shenmin Song. MOEA with adaptive operator based on reinforcement learning for weapon target assignment[J]. Electronic Research Archive, 2024, 32(3): 1498-1532. doi: 10.3934/era.2024069

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  • Weapon target assignment (WTA) is a typical problem in the command and control of modern warfare. Despite the significance of the problem, traditional algorithms still have shortcomings in terms of efficiency, solution quality, and generalization. This paper presents a novel multi-objective evolutionary optimization algorithm (MOEA) that integrates a deep Q-network (DQN)-based adaptive mutation operator and a greedy-based crossover operator, designed to enhance the solution quality for the multi-objective WTA (MO-WTA). Our approach (NSGA-DRL) evolves NSGA-II by embedding these operators to strike a balance between exploration and exploitation. The DQN-based adaptive mutation operator is developed for predicting high-quality solutions, thereby improving the exploration process and maintaining diversity within the population. In parallel, the greedy-based crossover operator employs domain knowledge to minimize ineffective searches, focusing on exploitation and expediting convergence. Ablation studies revealed that our proposed operators significantly boost the algorithm performance. In particular, the DQN mutation operator shows its predictive effectiveness in identifying candidate solutions. The proposed NSGA-DRL outperforms state-and-art MOEAs in solving MO-WTA problems by generating high-quality solutions.


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