The discrete element is an important tool for vibration compaction simulation from the microscopic viewpoint. The irregular particle model was established by the disc filling method, and the linear contact model with anti-rolling was selected to reflect the contact characteristics between the particles, so as to establish the simulation model of subgrade vibratory compaction. Based on this model, the stress characteristics of the area below the center of the vibrating wheel and the surface area of the soil were studied, and the principle of vibratory compaction was discussed. The results show that the distribution of vertical stresses below the center of drum basically presents a decreasing trend in the depth range during vibration, with the stress amplitude of the lower structure increasing and the stress magnitude of the upper structure decreasing. The distribution of horizontal stresses in the area below the center of the vibrating wheel is similar to the stress distribution in the splitting test. The soil at the surface has an obvious pushing and squeezing effect, and the transmission distance of horizontal stresses is larger than that of vertical stresses. The soil at the surface is pushed and the horizontal stresses are transmitted at a greater distance than the vertical stresses, which, together with a certain degree of shear effect, causes a certain uplift deformation of the soil around the vibrating wheel. In general, the vibration compaction process is relatively consistent with the theory of repeated loading and the theory of alternating shear strain.
Citation: Xin Gao, Hao Liu, Zhou Fang, Yang Zhang. Microscopic mechanism of subgrade vibration compaction based on discrete element method[J]. Electronic Research Archive, 2023, 31(11): 7061-7077. doi: 10.3934/era.2023358
The discrete element is an important tool for vibration compaction simulation from the microscopic viewpoint. The irregular particle model was established by the disc filling method, and the linear contact model with anti-rolling was selected to reflect the contact characteristics between the particles, so as to establish the simulation model of subgrade vibratory compaction. Based on this model, the stress characteristics of the area below the center of the vibrating wheel and the surface area of the soil were studied, and the principle of vibratory compaction was discussed. The results show that the distribution of vertical stresses below the center of drum basically presents a decreasing trend in the depth range during vibration, with the stress amplitude of the lower structure increasing and the stress magnitude of the upper structure decreasing. The distribution of horizontal stresses in the area below the center of the vibrating wheel is similar to the stress distribution in the splitting test. The soil at the surface has an obvious pushing and squeezing effect, and the transmission distance of horizontal stresses is larger than that of vertical stresses. The soil at the surface is pushed and the horizontal stresses are transmitted at a greater distance than the vertical stresses, which, together with a certain degree of shear effect, causes a certain uplift deformation of the soil around the vibrating wheel. In general, the vibration compaction process is relatively consistent with the theory of repeated loading and the theory of alternating shear strain.
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