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Numerical simulation analysis for the effect of water content on the intelligent compaction quality of roadbed

  • Received: 07 April 2023 Revised: 15 May 2023 Accepted: 23 May 2023 Published: 13 July 2023
  • In the process of intelligent compaction of roadbeds, the water content of the roadbed is one of the important influencing factors of compaction quality. In order to analyze the effect of water content on the compaction quality of roadbeds, this paper is developed by secondary development of Abaqus finite element numerical simulation software. At the same time, the artificial viscous boundary was set to eliminate the influence of boundary conditions on the results in the finite element modeling process, so that the numerical simulation can be refined to model. On this basis, the dynamic response analysis of the roadbed compaction process is performed on the finite element numerical simulation results. This paper established the correlation between compaction degree and intelligent compaction index CMV (Compaction Meter Value) and then analyzed the effect of water content on the compaction quality for the roadbed. The results of this paper show that the amplitude of the vertical acceleration is almost independent of the moisture content, and the vertical displacement mainly occurs in the static compaction stage. The vertical displacement changes sharply in the first 0.5 s when the vibrating wheel is in contact with the roadbed. The main stage of roadbed compaction quality increase is before the end of the first compaction. At the end of the first compaction, the roadbed compaction degree increased rapidly from 80% to 91.68%, 95.34% and 97.41%, respectively. With the increase in water content, the CMV gradually increased. At the end of the second compaction, CMV increased slightly compared with that at the end of the first compaction and stabilized at the end of the second compaction. The water content of the roadbed should be considered to be set slightly higher than the optimal water content of the roadbed by about 1% during the construction of the roadbed within the assumptions of this paper.

    Citation: Yuan Ma, Yingcheng Luan, Shuangquan Jiang, Jianming Zhang, Chuanle Wang. Numerical simulation analysis for the effect of water content on the intelligent compaction quality of roadbed[J]. Electronic Research Archive, 2023, 31(8): 4968-4984. doi: 10.3934/era.2023254

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  • In the process of intelligent compaction of roadbeds, the water content of the roadbed is one of the important influencing factors of compaction quality. In order to analyze the effect of water content on the compaction quality of roadbeds, this paper is developed by secondary development of Abaqus finite element numerical simulation software. At the same time, the artificial viscous boundary was set to eliminate the influence of boundary conditions on the results in the finite element modeling process, so that the numerical simulation can be refined to model. On this basis, the dynamic response analysis of the roadbed compaction process is performed on the finite element numerical simulation results. This paper established the correlation between compaction degree and intelligent compaction index CMV (Compaction Meter Value) and then analyzed the effect of water content on the compaction quality for the roadbed. The results of this paper show that the amplitude of the vertical acceleration is almost independent of the moisture content, and the vertical displacement mainly occurs in the static compaction stage. The vertical displacement changes sharply in the first 0.5 s when the vibrating wheel is in contact with the roadbed. The main stage of roadbed compaction quality increase is before the end of the first compaction. At the end of the first compaction, the roadbed compaction degree increased rapidly from 80% to 91.68%, 95.34% and 97.41%, respectively. With the increase in water content, the CMV gradually increased. At the end of the second compaction, CMV increased slightly compared with that at the end of the first compaction and stabilized at the end of the second compaction. The water content of the roadbed should be considered to be set slightly higher than the optimal water content of the roadbed by about 1% during the construction of the roadbed within the assumptions of this paper.


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