Pullback dynamics of a 3D modified Navier-Stokes equations with double delays

  • Received: 01 May 2021 Revised: 01 July 2021 Published: 08 October 2021
  • 35Q30, 35B40, 35B41, 76D03, 76D05

  • This paper is concerned with the tempered pullback dynamics for a 3D modified Navier-Stokes equations with double time-delays, which includes delays on external force and convective terms respectively. Based on the property of monotone operator and some suitable hypotheses on the external forces, the existence and uniqueness of weak solutions can be shown in an appropriate functional Banach space. By using the energy equation technique and weak convergence method to achieve asymptotic compactness for the process, the existence of minimal family of pullback attractors has also been derived.

    Citation: Pan Zhang, Lan Huang, Rui Lu, Xin-Guang Yang. Pullback dynamics of a 3D modified Navier-Stokes equations with double delays[J]. Electronic Research Archive, 2021, 29(6): 4137-4157. doi: 10.3934/era.2021076

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