We assign a Riemannian metric to a system of nonlinear equations that describe the one-dimensional propagation of long magnetoacoustic waves (also called magnetosonic waves) in a cold plasma under the inference of a transverse magnetic field. The metric, which in general is expressed in terms of the density of the plasma and its speed across the magnetic field, when specialized to a particular solution of the nonlinear system (the Gurevich-Krylov (G-K) solution) is mapped explicitly to a Jackiw-Teitelboim (J-T) black hole metric, which is the main result. Dilaton fields, constructed from data involved in the G-K solution, are presented - which with the plasma metric provide for elliptic function solutions of the J-T equations of motion in 2d dilaton gravity. A correspondence between solutions of the nonlinear plasma system (whose Galilean invariance is also established) and certain solutions of a resonant nonlinear Schrödinger equation is set up, along with some other general background material to render an expository tone in the presentation.
Citation: Floyd L. Williams. From a magnetoacoustic system to a J-T black hole: A little trip down memory lane[J]. Communications in Analysis and Mechanics, 2023, 15(3): 342-361. doi: 10.3934/cam.2023017
We assign a Riemannian metric to a system of nonlinear equations that describe the one-dimensional propagation of long magnetoacoustic waves (also called magnetosonic waves) in a cold plasma under the inference of a transverse magnetic field. The metric, which in general is expressed in terms of the density of the plasma and its speed across the magnetic field, when specialized to a particular solution of the nonlinear system (the Gurevich-Krylov (G-K) solution) is mapped explicitly to a Jackiw-Teitelboim (J-T) black hole metric, which is the main result. Dilaton fields, constructed from data involved in the G-K solution, are presented - which with the plasma metric provide for elliptic function solutions of the J-T equations of motion in 2d dilaton gravity. A correspondence between solutions of the nonlinear plasma system (whose Galilean invariance is also established) and certain solutions of a resonant nonlinear Schrödinger equation is set up, along with some other general background material to render an expository tone in the presentation.
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