Research article

Asymmetric interdependencies between cryptocurrency and commodity markets: the COVID-19 pandemic impact

  • Received: 29 January 2022 Revised: 15 March 2022 Accepted: 16 March 2022 Published: 18 March 2022
  • JEL Codes: C22, C51, F21, H12

  • Using NARDL methodology, this research investigates some asymmetric and non-linear interconnections between leading cryptocurrency and commodity returns. Thus, this study explores potential interconnections between these cryptocurrencies and commodity markets in the period between March 07, 2018, and March 26, 2021. This paper splits the entire sample period into two independent sub-periods in order to enhance robustness: pre-COVID and COVID, to examine the impact of the pandemic on these markets. Our results confirm that the most relevant interconnection (in terms of cointegration, short- and long- asymmetry, and the persistence of the lags) between cryptos and commodities is focused on COVID-19, the pandemic sub-period, in line with previous literature. Finally, the study reveals that some cryptocurrencies such as Tether could serve as a diversifying asset or even a safe haven, in certain scenarios, in investment strategies.

    Citation: Francisco Jareño, María De La O González, Pascual Belmonte. Asymmetric interdependencies between cryptocurrency and commodity markets: the COVID-19 pandemic impact[J]. Quantitative Finance and Economics, 2022, 6(1): 83-112. doi: 10.3934/QFE.2022004

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  • Using NARDL methodology, this research investigates some asymmetric and non-linear interconnections between leading cryptocurrency and commodity returns. Thus, this study explores potential interconnections between these cryptocurrencies and commodity markets in the period between March 07, 2018, and March 26, 2021. This paper splits the entire sample period into two independent sub-periods in order to enhance robustness: pre-COVID and COVID, to examine the impact of the pandemic on these markets. Our results confirm that the most relevant interconnection (in terms of cointegration, short- and long- asymmetry, and the persistence of the lags) between cryptos and commodities is focused on COVID-19, the pandemic sub-period, in line with previous literature. Finally, the study reveals that some cryptocurrencies such as Tether could serve as a diversifying asset or even a safe haven, in certain scenarios, in investment strategies.


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