Research article

Asymmetric effect of exchange rate volatility on trade balance in Nigeria

  • Received: 06 June 2021 Accepted: 13 September 2021 Published: 24 September 2021
  • JEL Codes: E58, C22, F14

  • The relationship between real exchange rate volatility and the trade balance has been a contentious issue since the fall of Bretton woods agreement of 1973, owing to the lack of unanimity on the effect. This article provides empirical evidence of the link between the real exchange rate volatility and the trade balance in the light of financial development, confirming the assertion that the effect is significantly dependent on the country's level of financial development. Due to Nigeria's relatively undeveloped financial system, its exchange rate dampens the country's exports. Rather than studying the relationship in isolation, we examine the moderating role of financial development on the link between export and the real exchange rate volatility in this paper. The empirical estimation is based on the Nigeria's data set spanning the years 1980–2019, and it employs threshold autoregressive non-linear co-integration and non-linear ARDL estimation techniques. According to the findings, financial development magnifies the beneficial benefits of the real exchange rate on Nigeria's foreign trade. It also states that the uncertainty in foreign capital flows has a negative impact on Nigeria's international trade. The findings have broad policy implications, implying that in order to diversify and improve the economy's future growth and associated international trade, Nigeria's policymakers should promote adequate financial sector development, as financial shocks are amplified by poorly implemented credit markets.

    Citation: Nuraddeen Umar Sambo, Ibrahim Sambo Farouq, Mukhtar Tijjani Isma'il. Asymmetric effect of exchange rate volatility on trade balance in Nigeria[J]. National Accounting Review, 2021, 3(3): 342-359. doi: 10.3934/NAR.2021018

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  • The relationship between real exchange rate volatility and the trade balance has been a contentious issue since the fall of Bretton woods agreement of 1973, owing to the lack of unanimity on the effect. This article provides empirical evidence of the link between the real exchange rate volatility and the trade balance in the light of financial development, confirming the assertion that the effect is significantly dependent on the country's level of financial development. Due to Nigeria's relatively undeveloped financial system, its exchange rate dampens the country's exports. Rather than studying the relationship in isolation, we examine the moderating role of financial development on the link between export and the real exchange rate volatility in this paper. The empirical estimation is based on the Nigeria's data set spanning the years 1980–2019, and it employs threshold autoregressive non-linear co-integration and non-linear ARDL estimation techniques. According to the findings, financial development magnifies the beneficial benefits of the real exchange rate on Nigeria's foreign trade. It also states that the uncertainty in foreign capital flows has a negative impact on Nigeria's international trade. The findings have broad policy implications, implying that in order to diversify and improve the economy's future growth and associated international trade, Nigeria's policymakers should promote adequate financial sector development, as financial shocks are amplified by poorly implemented credit markets.


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