Policies concerning the sustainable tourism are fundamentally addressed to the environmental protection and to minimize the anthropogenic impact when exploiting beaches, archeological sites and other tourist attractions. In this paper, we propose a subjective measure, namely the Perceived factor, in order to take into account the more general dimension of the social factor in the assessment of the Tourism Carrying Capacity (TCC) measures. The analysis evaluates the employment impact of the perceived crowding by using data resulting from a survey conducted in the Asinara National Park. In this respect, a macroeconomic analysis is presented by using a SAM scheme developed at a local level, based on four municipalities representing a potential gravitational area of tourists visiting the Asinara National Park. Afterward, a SAM-based model combined with the sustainability measures is proposed to compute the employment loss due to the Perceived factor.
Citation: Andrea Karim El Meligi, Donatella Carboni, Giorgio Garau. Perceived crowding and physical distance rules: a national account perspective[J]. National Accounting Review, 2021, 3(3): 330-341. doi: 10.3934/NAR.2021017
Policies concerning the sustainable tourism are fundamentally addressed to the environmental protection and to minimize the anthropogenic impact when exploiting beaches, archeological sites and other tourist attractions. In this paper, we propose a subjective measure, namely the Perceived factor, in order to take into account the more general dimension of the social factor in the assessment of the Tourism Carrying Capacity (TCC) measures. The analysis evaluates the employment impact of the perceived crowding by using data resulting from a survey conducted in the Asinara National Park. In this respect, a macroeconomic analysis is presented by using a SAM scheme developed at a local level, based on four municipalities representing a potential gravitational area of tourists visiting the Asinara National Park. Afterward, a SAM-based model combined with the sustainability measures is proposed to compute the employment loss due to the Perceived factor.
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