
Increasing productivity and sustainability of corporate performance by using management control systems and intellectual capital accounting approach

  • Received: 11 November 2020 Accepted: 22 December 2020 Published: 24 December 2020
  • JEL Codes: L21, L25, M41, P47

  • The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of the literature covering the area of management control systems (MCS) and intellectual capital accounting approach in logistics and related these concepts to sustainability of corporate performance. Management control system (MCS) is system in companies which gathers and uses information to assess the performance of diverse company resources like human, physical, financial aspects of the companies. The application of a management control system in the field of quality management is found to be useful in explaining what changes are necessary to maintain high quality levels. The other useful method, for assessing the performance of diverse companies' resources like intangible assets is intellectual capital accounting approach. Intellectual capitals are intangible assets that create value for business units and are one of the main factors in creating competitive advantages for companies. Attention and focus on intellectual capitals in organizations and companies are one of the fundamental segments in value chain in the direction of value creation, and measurement and accurate disclosure of intellectual capital make managers and stakeholders successful in conducting the organization. The current study develops necessitates of using these methods for reach to corporate sustainability and sustainable development in companies.

    Citation: Leo-Paul DANA, Mohammad Mahdi Rounaghi, Gholamreza Enayati. Increasing productivity and sustainability of corporate performance by using management control systems and intellectual capital accounting approach[J]. Green Finance, 2021, 3(1): 1-14. doi: 10.3934/GF.2021001

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  • The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of the literature covering the area of management control systems (MCS) and intellectual capital accounting approach in logistics and related these concepts to sustainability of corporate performance. Management control system (MCS) is system in companies which gathers and uses information to assess the performance of diverse company resources like human, physical, financial aspects of the companies. The application of a management control system in the field of quality management is found to be useful in explaining what changes are necessary to maintain high quality levels. The other useful method, for assessing the performance of diverse companies' resources like intangible assets is intellectual capital accounting approach. Intellectual capitals are intangible assets that create value for business units and are one of the main factors in creating competitive advantages for companies. Attention and focus on intellectual capitals in organizations and companies are one of the fundamental segments in value chain in the direction of value creation, and measurement and accurate disclosure of intellectual capital make managers and stakeholders successful in conducting the organization. The current study develops necessitates of using these methods for reach to corporate sustainability and sustainable development in companies.


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