Review Special Issues

A scoping review on monitoring mental health using smart wearable devices

  • Academic editor: Hamid Reza Karimi
  • Received: 03 April 2022 Revised: 24 April 2022 Accepted: 25 April 2022 Published: 27 May 2022
  • With the continuous development of the times, social competition is becoming increasingly fierce, people are facing enormous pressure and mental health problems have become common. Long-term and persistent mental health problems can lead to severe mental disorders and even death in individuals. The real-time and accurate prediction of individual mental health has become an effective method to prevent the occurrence of mental health disorders. In recent years, smart wearable devices have been widely used for monitoring mental health and have played an important role. This paper provides a comprehensive review of the application fields, application mechanisms, common signals, common techniques and results of smart wearable devices for the detection of mental health problems, aiming to achieve more efficient and accurate prediction for individual mental health, and to achieve early identification, early prevention and early intervention to provide a reference for improving the level of individual mental health.

    Citation: Nannan Long, Yongxiang Lei, Lianhua Peng, Ping Xu, Ping Mao. A scoping review on monitoring mental health using smart wearable devices[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2022, 19(8): 7899-7919. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2022369

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  • With the continuous development of the times, social competition is becoming increasingly fierce, people are facing enormous pressure and mental health problems have become common. Long-term and persistent mental health problems can lead to severe mental disorders and even death in individuals. The real-time and accurate prediction of individual mental health has become an effective method to prevent the occurrence of mental health disorders. In recent years, smart wearable devices have been widely used for monitoring mental health and have played an important role. This paper provides a comprehensive review of the application fields, application mechanisms, common signals, common techniques and results of smart wearable devices for the detection of mental health problems, aiming to achieve more efficient and accurate prediction for individual mental health, and to achieve early identification, early prevention and early intervention to provide a reference for improving the level of individual mental health.


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