In this paper, we mainly study the influence of environmental pollution and bacterial hyper-infectivity on the spreading of diseases by considering a waterborne pathogen model with free boundaries. At first, the global existence and uniqueness of the solution to this problem is proved. Then, we analyze its longtime behavior, which is determined by a spreading-vanishing dichotomy. Furthermore, we obtain the criteria for spreading and vanishing. Our results indicate that environmental pollution and bacterial hyper-infectivity can increase the chance of epidemic spreading.
Citation: Meng Zhao, Jiancheng Liu, Yindi Zhang. Influence of environmental pollution and bacterial hyper-infectivity on dynamics of a waterborne pathogen model with free boundaries[J]. Networks and Heterogeneous Media, 2024, 19(3): 940-969. doi: 10.3934/nhm.2024042
In this paper, we mainly study the influence of environmental pollution and bacterial hyper-infectivity on the spreading of diseases by considering a waterborne pathogen model with free boundaries. At first, the global existence and uniqueness of the solution to this problem is proved. Then, we analyze its longtime behavior, which is determined by a spreading-vanishing dichotomy. Furthermore, we obtain the criteria for spreading and vanishing. Our results indicate that environmental pollution and bacterial hyper-infectivity can increase the chance of epidemic spreading.
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