Research article Special Issues

New soliton wave structure and modulation instability analysis for nonlinear Schrödinger equation with cubic, quintic, septic, and nonic nonlinearities

  • Received: 21 July 2024 Revised: 14 August 2024 Accepted: 30 August 2024 Published: 10 September 2024
  • MSC : 35B35, 35C07, 35C08, 35C09

  • We have introduced various novel soliton waves and other analytic wave solutions for nonlinear Schrödinger equation with cubic, quintic, septic, and nonic nonlinearities. The modified extended direct algebraic method governs the transmission of various solitons with different effects. The combination of this system enables the obtaining of analytical soliton solutions with some unique behaviors, including bright, dark, and mixed dark-bright soliton solutions; singular soliton solutions; singular periodic, exponential, rational wave solutions; and Jacobi elliptic function solutions. These results realize the stability of the nonlinear waves' propagation in a high-nonlinear-dispersion medium that is illustrated using 2D and 3D visuals and contour graphical diagrams of the output solutions. This research focused on determining exact soliton solutions under certain parameter conditions and evaluating the stability and reliability of the soliton solutions based on the used modified extended direct algebraic method. This will be useful for many various domains in technology and physics, such as biology, optics, and plasma physical science. At the end, we use modulation instability analysis to assess the stability of the wave solutions obtained.

    Citation: Abeer S. Khalifa, Hamdy M. Ahmed, Niveen M. Badra, Wafaa B. Rabie, Farah M. Al-Askar, Wael W. Mohammed. New soliton wave structure and modulation instability analysis for nonlinear Schrödinger equation with cubic, quintic, septic, and nonic nonlinearities[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2024, 9(9): 26166-26181. doi: 10.3934/math.20241278

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  • We have introduced various novel soliton waves and other analytic wave solutions for nonlinear Schrödinger equation with cubic, quintic, septic, and nonic nonlinearities. The modified extended direct algebraic method governs the transmission of various solitons with different effects. The combination of this system enables the obtaining of analytical soliton solutions with some unique behaviors, including bright, dark, and mixed dark-bright soliton solutions; singular soliton solutions; singular periodic, exponential, rational wave solutions; and Jacobi elliptic function solutions. These results realize the stability of the nonlinear waves' propagation in a high-nonlinear-dispersion medium that is illustrated using 2D and 3D visuals and contour graphical diagrams of the output solutions. This research focused on determining exact soliton solutions under certain parameter conditions and evaluating the stability and reliability of the soliton solutions based on the used modified extended direct algebraic method. This will be useful for many various domains in technology and physics, such as biology, optics, and plasma physical science. At the end, we use modulation instability analysis to assess the stability of the wave solutions obtained.


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