Research article

Least energy sign-changing solution for a fractional $ p $-Laplacian problem with exponential critical growth

  • Received: 21 August 2022 Revised: 14 September 2022 Accepted: 21 September 2022 Published: 27 September 2022
  • MSC : 35J60, 35J92, 35R11

  • In this paper, we consider the following fractional $ p $-Laplacian equation involving Trudinger-Moser nonlinearity:

    $ (-\Delta)_{N/s}^{s} u+V(x)|u|^{\frac{N}{s}-2} u = f(u) \ \ {\rm { in }}\ \mathbb{R}^{N}, $

    where $ s \in(0, 1), 2 < \frac{N}{s} = p $. The nonlinear function $ f $ has exponential critical growth, and potential $ V $ is a continuous function. By using the constrained variational methods, quantitative Deformation Lemma and Brouwer degree theory, we prove the existence of least energy sign-changing solutions.

    Citation: Kun Cheng, Wentao Huang, Li Wang. Least energy sign-changing solution for a fractional $ p $-Laplacian problem with exponential critical growth[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2022, 7(12): 20797-20822. doi: 10.3934/math.20221140

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  • In this paper, we consider the following fractional $ p $-Laplacian equation involving Trudinger-Moser nonlinearity:

    $ (-\Delta)_{N/s}^{s} u+V(x)|u|^{\frac{N}{s}-2} u = f(u) \ \ {\rm { in }}\ \mathbb{R}^{N}, $

    where $ s \in(0, 1), 2 < \frac{N}{s} = p $. The nonlinear function $ f $ has exponential critical growth, and potential $ V $ is a continuous function. By using the constrained variational methods, quantitative Deformation Lemma and Brouwer degree theory, we prove the existence of least energy sign-changing solutions.


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