Citation: Ritu Agarwal, Mahaveer Prasad Yadav, Dumitru Baleanu, S. D. Purohit. Existence and uniqueness of miscible flow equation through porous media with a non singular fractional derivative[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2020, 5(2): 1062-1073. doi: 10.3934/math.2020074
[1] | Shabir Ahmad, Aman Ullah, Ali Akgül, Manuel De la Sen . A study of fractional order Ambartsumian equation involving exponential decay kernel. AIMS Mathematics, 2021, 6(9): 9981-9997. doi: 10.3934/math.2021580 |
[2] | Murugesan Sivashankar, Sriramulu Sabarinathan, Vediyappan Govindan, Unai Fernandez-Gamiz, Samad Noeiaghdam . Stability analysis of COVID-19 outbreak using Caputo-Fabrizio fractional differential equation. AIMS Mathematics, 2023, 8(2): 2720-2735. doi: 10.3934/math.2023143 |
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[5] | Osama Moaaz, Ahmed E. Abouelregal . Multi-fractional-differential operators for a thermo-elastic magnetic response in an unbounded solid with a spherical hole via the DPL model. AIMS Mathematics, 2023, 8(3): 5588-5615. doi: 10.3934/math.2023282 |
[6] | Shabir Ahmad, Aman Ullah, Mohammad Partohaghighi, Sayed Saifullah, Ali Akgül, Fahd Jarad . Oscillatory and complex behaviour of Caputo-Fabrizio fractional order HIV-1 infection model. AIMS Mathematics, 2022, 7(3): 4778-4792. doi: 10.3934/math.2022265 |
[7] | Sajjad Ali Khan, Kamal Shah, Poom Kumam, Aly Seadawy, Gul Zaman, Zahir Shah . Study of mathematical model of Hepatitis B under Caputo-Fabrizo derivative. AIMS Mathematics, 2021, 6(1): 195-209. doi: 10.3934/math.2021013 |
[8] | Khalid K. Ali, K. R. Raslan, Amira Abd-Elall Ibrahim, Mohamed S. Mohamed . On study the fractional Caputo-Fabrizio integro differential equation including the fractional q-integral of the Riemann-Liouville type. AIMS Mathematics, 2023, 8(8): 18206-18222. doi: 10.3934/math.2023925 |
[9] | K. Pavani, K. Raghavendar . A novel method to study time fractional coupled systems of shallow water equations arising in ocean engineering. AIMS Mathematics, 2024, 9(1): 542-564. doi: 10.3934/math.2024029 |
[10] | Thanin Sitthiwirattham, Rozi Gul, Kamal Shah, Ibrahim Mahariq, Jarunee Soontharanon, Khursheed J. Ansari . Study of implicit-impulsive differential equations involving Caputo-Fabrizio fractional derivative. AIMS Mathematics, 2022, 7(3): 4017-4037. doi: 10.3934/math.2022222 |
Two fluids are defined as miscible if the molecules of the one fluid are free to mix with the molecules of the other fluid. There is no interface between two miscible fluids. A common example of two miscible fluids is water and ethanol. In any proportions it is possible to mix the water and ethanol together to form a single homogeneous phase. When two gases meet, they are always miscible; for example oxygen and nitrogen readily mix in air. Two fluids are defined as immiscible if the two fluids scarcely mix at all at the molecular level, and not at all at the macroscale. The two phases remain distinct and there is a well-defined interface between the two fluids. Common examples of two immiscible fluids are water and most vegetable oils.
The phenomenon of longitudinal dispersion is the process by which miscible fluids in the laminar flow mix in the direction of the flow. The hydrodynamic dispersion is the macroscopic outcome of the actual movements of individual tracer particles throughout the pores and various physical and chemical phenomenon that take place within the pores. This phenomenon simultaneously occurs due to molecular diffusion and convection and has great importance in sea water intrusion into lake and groundwater recharge by polluted water. Immiscible flooding, that is, the oil is displaced by one of the liquid petroleum gas products, Ethane, Propene or Butane. If the reservoir conditions are such that the liquid petroleum gas is in the liquid phase then it is miscible with the oil and theoretically all residual oil can be recovered. This problem has been discussed by several authors from different viewpoints in [10,14,16,17,24,25]. Many Important problems in water resources engineering involve the mass-transport of a miscible fluid in a flow. Agarwal et al. [2,3,4,5] and Yadav et al. [26] have discussed analytical and numerical solutions of various fractionalized groundwater flow problems. Recently, in [19,20] authors investigate a new fractional mathematical model involving a non–singular derivative operator to discuss the clinical implications of diabetes and tuberculosis coexistence and dengue fever outbreak based on a system of fractional differential equations.
A fluid is considered to be a continuous material and hence in addition to the velocity of a fluid element, the molecules in this element have random motion. As a result of the random motion, molecules of a certain material in high concentration at one point will spread with time. So the velocity considered here is time dependent. The net molecular motion from a point of higher concentration to one of lower concentration is called molecular diffusion. Fluid flows in nature are usually turbulent, but we have considered the porous medium through which the fluid flows, to be homogeneous and for this reason, in the direction of flow, we assume laminar flow in which miscible fluids mix.
Two fluids, which are contiguous, takes different paths at one moment in any medium. In [15,23], longitudinal dispersion term is described by the coefficient D for the isotropic media in different connected tubes. The equation of continuity for the mixture is given as [10]
∂ρ∂τ+▽.(ρˉv)=0, | (1.1) |
where ρ is the density for mixture and ˉv is the pore velocity. Without addition or subtraction of dispersive fluids the diffusion equation in homogeneous porous media is given as
∂c∂τ+▽.(cˉv)=▽.[ρˉD▽(cρ)], | (1.2) |
where c is the concentration of the fluid A in the host fluid B, ˉD is the tensor co-efficient of dispersion with nine components ˉDij. For homogeneous porous media at constant temperature, ρ may be considered as a constant and hence Eq (1.2) becomes
∂c∂τ+▽.(cˉv)=▽.[ˉD▽c], | (1.3) |
Along x-axis, D11=DL and other Dij are zero [22] hence
∂c(ξ,τ)∂τ=−u∂c(ξ,τ)∂ξ+DL∂2c(ξ,τ)∂ξ2, | (1.4) |
where u is the velocity component along x-axis.
We use Caputo-Fabrizio fractional derivative for the time variable and fractionalize Eq (1.4) as follows:
CF0Dςτc(ξ,τ)=−u∂c(ξ,τ)∂ξ+DL∂2c(ξ,τ)∂ξ2, | (1.5) |
subject to the initial condition c(ξ,0)=c0, 0<ς<1,τ>0 and ξ∈(0,L).
Caputo fractional derivative given by Caputo and Fabrizio [13] as
CFaDςtf(t)=B(ς)1−ς∫taf′(τ)exp(−ςt−τ1−ς)dτ,a<t<b, | (1.6) |
where f∈H′(a,b) is the Sobolev space, ς∈(0,1] and B(ς) is a normalized function such that B(0)=B(1)=1.
Remark 1.1. Usually normalized function means that some important property of the mathematical function takes value unity. The general idea, though, is to pick a particular element of a class of functions and reduce it to the "simplest" element in the class, so that you only need to deal with that simpler representative. Normalized function has many applications in science, mathematics and statistics, computer science and technology etc. At few places, the value of B(ς) is taken constant i.e. 1 (see, e.g [13,18]) and at some places it is defined as B(ς)=1+ς+ςΓ(ς), (see, e.g. [9]). In this paper, B(ς) is assumed constant and equal to 1.
The Caputo-Fabrizio integral of a function f(t) of fractional order ς is given by Nieto and Losada [21] as
CFaIςtf(t)=2(1−ς)(2−ς)M(ς)f(t)+2ς(2−ς)M(ς)∫taf(s)ds,t≥0, | (1.7) |
where M(ς)=22−ςB(ς).
Remark 1.2. Equation (1.7) can be written as average of the function f(t) and its integral as
2(1−ς)(2−ς)M(ς)+2ς(2−ς)M(ς)=1, | (1.8) |
which implies that M(ς)=22−ς. Nieto and Losada [21] gave Caputo-Fabrizio definition by using Eqs (1.7) and (1.8) as
CFaDςtf(t)=11−ς∫taf′(τ)exp(−ςt−τ1−α)dτ. | (1.9) |
Caputo-Fabrizio fractional derivative does not have singularity at t=τ in its kernel, therefore memory is described better by fractional order with non singular kernels compared to fractional order with singular kernels. Several studies based upon Caputo-Fabrizio fractional derivative operator were made [1,6,7,8]. Laplace transform of the Caputo-Fabrizio fractional derivative is given by Caputo and Fabrizio [13] as
L[CF0Dςtf(t);s]=B(ς)sF(s)−f(0)s+ς(1−s),0<ς≤1, | (1.10) |
If exists, The organization of this paper is as follows:
In section 2 we present existence and uniqueness of the solution by using fixed point theorem. In section 3 we derive approximation solution by employing the iterative method. Section 4 deals with applications of obtained iterative formula by taking different initial conditions. In section 5 we observe the effect of the fractional order derivative to the approximate solution and last section 6 contains the conclusion.
We use fixed point theorem to show the existence of the solution. We transform the Eq (1.5) by applying Caputo-Fabrizio fractional integral (1.7) to obtain
c(ξ,τ)−c(ξ,0)=CF0Iςτ(−u∂c(ξ,τ)∂ξ+DL∂2c(ξ,τ)∂ξ2). | (2.1) |
Now applying the definition given by Nieto and Losada [21] on equation (2.1) becomes
c(ξ,τ)−c(ξ,0)=2(1−ς)(2−ς)M(ς)(−u∂c(ξ,τ)∂ξ+DL∂2c(ξ,τ)∂ξ2)+2ς(2−ς)M(ς)∫τ0(−u∂c(ξ,τ)∂ξ+DL∂2c(ξ,τ)∂ξ2). | (2.2) |
Theorem 2.1. K(ξ,τ,c) satisfy the Lipschitz condition and is contraction if the following inequality holds
0<(uθ1+DLθ22)≤1, | (2.3) |
K(ξ,τ,c)=−u∂c(ξ,τ)∂ξ+DL∂2c(ξ,τ)∂ξ2. | (2.4) |
Proof. Let c and c1 are two functions then from Eq (2.4) we have
||K(ξ,τ,c)−K(ξ,τ,c1)||=‖−u∂{c(ξ,τ)−c1(ξ,τ)}∂ξ+DL∂2{c(ξ,τ)−c1(ξ,τ)})∂ξ2‖. | (2.5) |
Using the triangular inequality on Eq (2.5), we obtain
||K(ξ,τ,c)−K(ξ,τ,c1)||≤u‖−∂{c(ξ,τ)−c1(ξ,τ)}∂ξ‖+DL‖∂2{c(ξ,τ)−c1(ξ,τ)})∂ξ2‖. | (2.6) |
Since the derivatives satisfy the Lipschitz condition, we can find positive parameters θ1 and θ2, from Eq (2.6) as
u‖−∂{c(ξ,τ)−c1(ξ,τ)}∂ξ‖≤uθ1‖c(ξ,τ)−c1(ξ,τ)‖ | (2.7) |
DL‖∂2{c(ξ,τ)−c1(ξ,τ)})∂ξ2‖≤DLθ22‖c(ξ,τ)−c1(ξ,τ)‖. | (2.8) |
Using the inequalities (2.7) and (2.8) in Eq (2.6), we obtain
‖K(ξ,τ,c)−K(ξ,τ,c1)‖≤(uθ1+DLθ22)‖c(ξ,τ)−c1(ξ,τ)‖. | (2.9) |
Letting (uθ1+DLθ22)=R, we obtain
||K(ξ,τ,c)−K(ξ,τ,c1)||≤R||c(ξ,τ)−c1(ξ,τ)||. | (2.10) |
Therefore K(ξ,τ,c) satisfy the Lipschitz condition and if R≤1, then it is contraction.
By considering this kernel K(ξ,τ,c), equation (2.2) reduces as
c(ξ,τ)−c(ξ,0)=2(1−ς)(2−ς)M(ς)K(ξ,τ,c)+2ς(2−ς)M(ς)∫τ0K(ξ,y,c)dy. | (2.11) |
Now we consider following recursive formula
cn(ξ,τ)=2(1−ς)(2−ς)M(ς)K(ξ,τ,cn−1)+2ς(2−ς)M(ς)∫τ0K(ξ,y,cn−1)dy, | (2.12) |
with initial component c0(ξ,τ)=c(ξ,0) and the difference between two consecutive terms of the Eq (2.12) is denoted by Cn(ξ,τ), is given as
Cn(ξ,τ)=cn(ξ,τ)−cn−1(ξ,τ)=2(1−ς)(2−ς)M(ς)(K(ξ,τ,cn−1)−K(ξ,τ,cn−2))+2ς(2−ς)M(ς)∫τ0(K(ξ,y,cn−1)−K(ξ,y,cn−2))dy, | (2.13) |
and also cn(ξ,τ)=∑ni=0Ci(ξ,τ). Taking norm on both sides of Eq (2.13), we obtain
||Cn(ξ,τ)||=||cn(ξ,τ)−cn−1(ξ,τ)||=‖2(1−ς)(2−ς)M(ς)(K(ξ,τ,cn−1)−K(ξ,τ,cn−2)) +2ς(2−ς)M(ς)∫τ0(K(ξ,y,cn−1)−K(ξ,y,cn−2))dy‖. | (2.14) |
Using the triangular inequality, Eq (2.14) becomes
||cn(ξ,τ)−cn−1(ξ,τ)||≤2(1−ς)(2−ς)M(ς)||(K(ξ,τ,cn−1)−K(ξ,τ,cn−2))||+2ς(2−ς)M(ς)∫τ0||(K(ξ,y,cn−1)−K(ξ,y,cn−2))dy||. | (2.15) |
Since the kernel K(ξ,τ,c) satisfies the Lipschitz condition, we obtain
||cn(ξ,τ)−cn−1(ξ,τ)||≤2(1−ς)(2−ς)M(ς)R||cn−1(ξ,τ)−cn−2(ξ,τ)||+2ςR(2−ς)M(ς)∫τ0||cn−1(ξ,y)−cn−2(ξ,y)||dy. | (2.16) |
Solving further, we obtain
||Cn(ξ,τ)||≤2(1−ς)(2−ς)M(ς)R||cn−1(ξ,τ)||+2ςR(2−ς)M(ς)∫τ0||cn−1(ξ,y)||dy. | (2.17) |
We shall then state the following theorem:
Theorem 2.2. The fractional miscible flow Eq (1.5) through porous media has exact solution.
Proof. We have that c(ξ,τ) is bounded and kernel (1.5) satisfy the Lipschitz condition, then we obtain the following relation using the recursive relation
||Cn(ξ,τ)||≤||c(ξ,0)||(2(1−ς)R(2−ς)M(ς)+2ςRτ(2−ς)M(ς))n. | (2.18) |
Now, we prove that (2.18) is a solution, so we assume that
c(ξ,τ)−c(ξ,0)=cn(ξ,τ)−An(ξ,τ). | (2.19) |
Therefore, we have
||An(ξ,τ)||=‖2(1−ς)(2−ς)M(ς)(K(ξ,τ,cn)−K(ξ,τ,cn−1))+2ς(2−ς)M(ς)∫τ0(K(ξ,y,cn)−K(ξ,y,cn−1))dy‖, |
≤2(1−ς)(2−ς)M(ς)‖(K(ξ,τ,cn)−K(ξ,τ,cn−1))‖+2ς(2−ς)M(ς)∫τ0‖(K(ξ,y,cn)−K(ξ,y,cn−1))dy‖, |
≤2(1−ς)R(2−ς)M(ς)‖(cn−cn−1)‖+2ςRτ(2−ς)M(ς)∫τ0‖(cn−cn−1)dy‖. | (2.20) |
Repeating this process we obtain
||An(ξ,τ)||≤(2(1−ς)R(2−ς)M(ς)+2ςRτ(2−ς)M(ς))n+1Rn+1c0. | (2.21) |
At τ=τ0
||An(ξ,τ)||≤(2(1−ς)R(2−ς)M(ς)+2ςRτ0(2−ς)M(ς))n+1Rn+1c0. | (2.22) |
Now taking limn→∞||An(τ)||→0, hence existence of the solution is proved.
For the uniqueness of the solution, we let
c(ξ,τ)−c1(ξ,τ)=2(1−ς)(2−ς)M(ς)(K(ξ,τ,c)−K(ξ,τ,c1))+2ς(2−ς)M(ς)∫τ0(K(ξ,y,c)−K(ξ,y,c1))dy. | (2.23) |
and then
||c(ξ,τ)−c1(ξ,τ)||≤2(1−ς)(2−ς)M(ς)||(K(ξ,τ,c)−K(ξ,τ,c1))||+2ς(2−ς)M(ς)∫τ0||(K(ξ,y,c)−K(ξ,y,c1))||dy. | (2.24) |
Now making use of the Lipschitz condition on the kernel, we obtain
||c(ξ,τ)−c1(ξ,τ)||≤2(1−ς)(2−ς)M(ς)R||c(ξ,τ)−c1(ξ,τ)||+2ςRτ(2−ς)M(ς)||c(ξ,τ)−c1(ξ,τ)||. | (2.25) |
This leads to
||c(ξ,τ)−c1(ξ,τ)||(1−2(1−ς)(2−ς)M(ς)R+2ςR(2−ς)M(ς))≤0. | (2.26) |
(1−2(1−ς)(2−ς)M(ς)R+2ςR(2−ς)M(ς))>0 | (2.27) |
If the above condition holds
||c(ξ,τ)−c1(ξ,τ)||(1−2(1−ς)(2−ς)M(ς)R+2ςR(2−ς)M(ς))≤0. | (2.28) |
||c(ξ,τ)−c1(ξ,τ)||=0. | (2.29) |
In this section, we derive the solution by employing the iterative technique. Assume B(ς)=1 in (1.6). Laplace transform technique is used on Eq (1.5) to obtain
L{CF0Dςtc(ξ,τ)}=L(−u∂c(ξ,τ)∂ξ+DL∂2c(ξ,τ)∂ξ2)⟹sc(ξ,s)−c(ξ,0)s+ς(1−s)=L(−u∂c(ξ,τ)∂ξ+DL∂2c(ξ,τ)∂ξ2). | (3.1) |
Solving further, we obtain
c(ξ,s)=c(ξ,0)s+s+ς(1−s)sL(−u∂c(ξ,τ)∂ξ+DL∂2c(ξ,τ)∂ξ2). | (3.2) |
Now applying the inverse Laplace transform on Eq (3.2) we obtain
c(ξ,τ)=c(ξ,0)+L−1(s+ς(1−s)sL(−u∂c(ξ,τ)∂ξ+DL∂2c(ξ,τ)∂ξ2)). | (3.3) |
Let us assume the following recursive formula
cn+1(ξ,τ)=cn(ξ,τ)+L−1(s+ς(1−s)sL(−u∂cn(ξ,τ)∂ξ+DL∂2cn(ξ,τ)∂ξ2)). | (3.4) |
with the initial component c0(ξ,τ)=c(ξ,0). The solution is thus provided by c(ξ,τ)=limn→∞cn(ξ,τ).
Here, as applications, we have considered the different initial conditions c(ξ,0)=c0(ξ) in the Eq (1.5).
1. Consider c0(ξ,τ)=(1+ξ)−n,n∈R+, then from Eq (3.4) we have
c1(ξ,τ)=c0(ξ,τ)+L−1(s+ς(1−s)sL(−u∂c0(ξ,τ)∂ξ+DL∂2c0(ξ,τ)∂ξ2))=(1+ξ)−n+(nu(1+ξ)−n−1+n(n+1)DL(1+ξ)−n−2)L−1(s+ς(1−s)s)=(1+ξ)−n+(nu(1+ξ)−n−1+n(n+1)DL(1+ξ)−n−2)(1−ς+ςτ)c2(ξ,τ)=c1(ξ,τ)+L−1(s+ς(1−s)sL(−u∂c1(ξ,τ)∂ξ+DL∂2c1(ξ,τ)∂ξ2))=(1+ξ)−n+(nu(1+ξ)−n−1+n(n+1)DL(1+ξ)−n−2)(1−ς+ςτ)+(1−ξ+ξτ)(u2n(2n+1)(1+ξ)−2n−3)+(1−ς)(1−ς+ςτ)nuDL(n+1)(n+2)(1+ξ)+ς(1+ς)t+ςτ22. | (4.1) |
and so on. By means of these terms, the solution c(ξ,τ) is given by
c(ξ,τ)=c0(ξ,τ)+c1(ξ,τ)+c2(ξ,τ)+… | (4.2) |
2. Consider c0(ξ,τ)=e−ξ, then from Eq (3.4) we have
c1(ξ,τ)=c0(ξ,τ)+L−1(s+ς(1−s)sL(−u∂c0(ξ,τ)∂ξ+DL∂2c0(ξ,τ)∂ξ2))=e−ξ+L−1(s+ς(1−s)sL(−ue−ξ+DLe−ξ))=e−ξ−(ue−ξ−DLe−ξ)(1−ς+ςτ)c2(ξ,τ)=c1(ξ,τ)+L−1(s+ς(1−s)sL(−u∂c1(ξ,τ)∂ξ+DL∂2c1(ξ,τ)∂ξ2))=e−ξ−(ue−ξ−DLe−ξ)(1−ς+ςτ)+L−1(s+ς(1−s)sL(ue−ξ+ue−ξ(u+DL)(1−ς+ςτ)+DLe−ξ+DLe−ξ(u+DL)(1−ς+ςτ)))=e−ξ−(ue−ξ−e−ξDL)(1−ς+ςτ)+e−ξ(1−ς)(u+DL)(1+u−uς+DL−ςDL)+ς(1−ς)(u+DL)2e−ξτ+e−ξςτ(u+DL)(1+u−uς+DL−DLς)+12ς2e−ξτ2(u+DL)2, | (4.3) |
and so on. By means of these terms, the solution c(ξ,τ) is given by
c(ξ,τ)=c0(ξ,τ)+c1(ξ,τ)+c2(ξ,τ)… | (4.4) |
To obtain the effect of the fractional order derivatives to the approximation solution (3.4) of the governing differential Eq (1.5), we plotted graphs for various values of fractional order ς=0.50,0.70,0.80and0.99. We observe the behavior of the miscible flow with longitudinal dispersion with respect to time and space variables in Figure 1 (a) and (b) respectively and also plotted a 3-dimensional graph in Figure 2. The initial condition considered here is c(ξ,0)=e−ξ for fixed values of u=0.5 and DL=0.6.
The developed mathematical formulation is helpful in predicting the possible concentration of a given dissolved substance in homogeneous, isotropic porous media and vary exponentially with time in Figure 1 (a). In Figure 1 (b) the concentration is decreasing with respect to ξ for τ>0. The obtained concentration of dispersing element in Eq (3.4) can be helpful to the study of salinity intrusion in groundwater and to making the predictions of the possible contamination of groundwater flows.
● In this paper, the phenomenon of the longitudinal dispersion in the flow of two miscible fluids through porous media is investigated by applying Caputo-Fabrizio fractional derivative.
● Existence and uniqueness of the solution is proved by using fixed point theorem. Solution is obtained by using iterative method and some numerical simulations are performed.
● The results described in Figures shows the behaviours of the concentration with respect to time and space variables for different order and fixed values of the parameters.
● The obtained results of dispersing element can be used to analyzing the salinity intrusion in groundwater and to making the predictions of contamination in groundwater.
● The recent features of the Caputo–Fabrizio fractional derivative operator provide more realistic models, which help us to adjust better the dynamical behaviours of the real–world phenomena as discussed in [11,12].
The authors are grateful to the anonymous referees for their valuable comments and helpful suggestions, which have helped them to improve the presentation of this work significantly.
The authors declare no conflict of interest in this paper.
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2. | Agneta M. Balint, Stefan Balint, Mathematical Description of the Groundwater Flow and that of the Impurity Spread, which Use Temporal Caputo or Riemann–Liouville Fractional Partial Derivatives, Is Non-Objective, 2020, 4, 2504-3110, 36, 10.3390/fractalfract4030036 | |
3. | Kamlesh JANGİD, Sunil Dutt PROHİT, Kottakkaran Sooppy NİSAR, Thabet ABDELJAWAD, Certain Generalized Fractional Integral Inequalities, 2020, 2587-2648, 10.31197/atnaa.775089 | |
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6. | Gauhar Rahman, Kottakkaran Sooppy Nisar, Sami Ullah Khan, Dumitru Baleanu, V. Vijayakumar, On the weighted fractional integral inequalities for Chebyshev functionals, 2021, 2021, 1687-1847, 10.1186/s13662-020-03183-x | |
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9. | Wen Guan, Hua-Bo Zhang, Sign-changing solutions for Schrödinger–Kirchhoff-type fourth-order equation with potential vanishing at infinity, 2021, 2021, 1029-242X, 10.1186/s13660-021-02552-8 | |
10. | Ritu Agarwal, Mahaveer Prasad Yadav, Ravi P. Agarwal, Fractional flow equation in fractured aquifer using dual permeability model with non-singular kernel, 2020, 2193-5343, 10.1007/s40065-020-00293-y | |
11. | Muhammad Bilal Khan, Pshtiwan Othman Mohammed, Muhammad Aslam Noor, Y. S. Hamed, New Hermite–Hadamard Inequalities in Fuzzy-Interval Fractional Calculus and Related Inequalities, 2021, 13, 2073-8994, 673, 10.3390/sym13040673 | |
12. | Yu‐ming Chu, Saima Rashid, Jagdev Singh, A novel comprehensive analysis on generalized harmonically ψ ‐convex with respect to Raina's function on fractal set with applications , 2021, 0170-4214, 10.1002/mma.7346 | |
13. | Nurlana Alimbekova, Abdumauvlen Berdyshev, Dossan Baigereyev, A Priori Estimates for the Solution of an Initial Boundary Value Problem of Fluid Flow through Fractured Porous Media, 2022, 11, 2075-1680, 408, 10.3390/axioms11080408 | |
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15. | Kolade M. Owolabi, Analysis and numerical simulation of cross reaction–diffusion systems with the Caputo–Fabrizio and Riesz operators, 2021, 0749-159X, 10.1002/num.22794 | |
16. | Dossan Baigereyev, Dinara Omariyeva, Nurlan Temirbekov, Yerlan Yergaliyev, Kulzhamila Boranbek, Numerical Method for a Filtration Model Involving a Nonlinear Partial Integro-Differential Equation, 2022, 10, 2227-7390, 1319, 10.3390/math10081319 | |
17. | Muhammad Bilal Khan, Pshtiwan Othman Mohammed, Muhammad Aslam Noor, Dumitru Baleanu, Juan Luis García Guirao, Some New Fractional Estimates of Inequalities for LR-p-Convex Interval-Valued Functions by Means of Pseudo Order Relation, 2021, 10, 2075-1680, 175, 10.3390/axioms10030175 | |
18. | Radwan Abu-Gdairi, Shatha Hasan, Shrideh Al-Omari, Mohammad Al-Smadi, Shaher Momani, Attractive Multistep Reproducing Kernel Approach for Solving Stiffness Differential Systems of Ordinary Differential Equations and SomeError Analysis, 2022, 130, 1526-1506, 299, 10.32604/cmes.2022.017010 | |
19. | Agneta M. Balint, Stefan Balint, Adrian Neculae, On the objectivity of mathematical description of ion transport processes using general temporal Caputo and Riemann-Liouville fractional partial derivatives, 2022, 156, 09600779, 111802, 10.1016/j.chaos.2022.111802 | |
20. | Mahaveer Prasad Yadav, Ritu Agarwal, Sunil Dutt Purohit, Devendra Kumar, Daya Lal Suthar, Groundwater flow in karstic aquifer: analytic solution of dual-porosity fractional model to simulate groundwater flow, 2022, 30, 2769-0911, 598, 10.1080/27690911.2022.2117913 | |
21. | Dossan Baigereyev, Nurlana Alimbekova, Abdumauvlen Berdyshev, Muratkan Madiyarov, Convergence Analysis of a Numerical Method for a Fractional Model of Fluid Flow in Fractured Porous Media, 2021, 9, 2227-7390, 2179, 10.3390/math9182179 | |
22. | Hong-Hu Chu, Saima Rashid, Zakia Hammouch, Yu-Ming Chu, New fractional estimates for Hermite-Hadamard-Mercer’s type inequalities, 2020, 59, 11100168, 3079, 10.1016/j.aej.2020.06.040 | |
23. | Agneta M. BALINT, Stefan BALINT, The mathematical description of the bulk fluid flow and that of the content impurity dispersion, obtained by replacing integer order temporal derivatives with general temporal Caputo or general temporal Riemann-Liouville fractional order derivatives, are objective, 2021, 13, 22474528, 3, 10.13111/2066-8201.2021.13.4.1 | |
24. | Durmuş ALBAYRAK, Nese DERNEK, Some Relations for the Generalized G ̃n,P ̃n Integral Transforms and Riemann-Liouville, Weyl Integral Operators, 2023, 2147-1762, 1, 10.35378/gujs.813138 | |
25. | Dumitru Baleanu, Pshtiwan Othman Mohammed, Shengda Zeng, Inequalities of trapezoidal type involving generalized fractional integrals, 2020, 59, 11100168, 2975, 10.1016/j.aej.2020.03.039 | |
26. | Arvind Kumar Mishra, Sushil Kumar, Ajay Kumar Shukla, On fractional Pennes bio-heat equation using Legendre collocation method, 2024, 2661-3352, 10.1142/S2661335224500217 | |
27. | Ali Althobaiti, Saad Althobaiti, Miguel Vivas Cortez, The Estimation of Different Kinds of Integral Inequalities for a Generalized Class of Convex Mapping and a Harmonic Set via Fuzzy Inclusion Relations and Their Applications in Quadrature Theory, 2024, 13, 2075-1680, 344, 10.3390/axioms13060344 | |
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29. | Nurlana Alimbekova, Aibek Bakishev, Abdumauvlen Berdyshev, Numerical Method for the Variable-Order Fractional Filtration Equation in Heterogeneous Media, 2024, 8, 2504-3110, 640, 10.3390/fractalfract8110640 | |
30. | Abd-Allah Hyder, Areej A. Almoneef, Hüseyin Budak, Improvement in Some Inequalities via Jensen–Mercer Inequality and Fractional Extended Riemann–Liouville Integrals, 2023, 12, 2075-1680, 886, 10.3390/axioms12090886 | |
31. | Miguel Vivas-Cortez, Rana Safdar Ali, Humira Saif, Mdi Begum Jeelani, Gauhar Rahman, Yasser Elmasry, Certain Novel Fractional Integral Inequalities via Fuzzy Interval Valued Functions, 2023, 7, 2504-3110, 580, 10.3390/fractalfract7080580 | |
32. | Shivani Sharma, Ravi Shanker Dubey, Arun Chaudhary, Caputo fractional model for the predator–prey relation with sickness in prey and refuge to susceptible prey, 2024, 2661-3352, 10.1142/S266133522450014X | |
33. | Abdumauvlen Berdyshev, Dossan Baigereyev, Kulzhamila Boranbek, Numerical Method for Fractional-Order Generalization of the Stochastic Stokes–Darcy Model, 2023, 11, 2227-7390, 3763, 10.3390/math11173763 |