Modules are instructional materials used in flexible STEM education. With this, the Plan-Do-Study-Act action research model was employed to design, implement, and evaluate a self-learning module on Assessment in Learning (ASL) 2 for preservice teachers. Three education experts validated the ASL 2 module during the design phase. The Math and Science preservice teachers (N = 95) used and rated the validated module utilizing a pretest/posttest exam, survey questionnaire, and open-ended questions. The findings revealed that ASL 2 adhered to the prescribed module structure, format, and relevant outcomes-based education (OBE), technological, pedagogical, and content knowledge (TPACK), universal design for learning (UDL), and inclusivity frameworks. The preservice teachers had significant learning gains in assessment in four ASL chapters and provided positive perceptions and feedback regarding the module. Hence, the ASL module is a valid, practical, and effective instructional tool, particularly in flexible STEM education. The second cycle of the PDSA model, considering other learning outcomes and specializations, is recommended to be implemented in other teacher education institutions.
Citation: Vincent Theodore M. Balo, Joje Mar P. Sanchez. Evaluation of educational assessment module for flexible STEM education[J]. STEM Education, 2025, 5(1): 130-151. doi: 10.3934/steme.2025007
Modules are instructional materials used in flexible STEM education. With this, the Plan-Do-Study-Act action research model was employed to design, implement, and evaluate a self-learning module on Assessment in Learning (ASL) 2 for preservice teachers. Three education experts validated the ASL 2 module during the design phase. The Math and Science preservice teachers (N = 95) used and rated the validated module utilizing a pretest/posttest exam, survey questionnaire, and open-ended questions. The findings revealed that ASL 2 adhered to the prescribed module structure, format, and relevant outcomes-based education (OBE), technological, pedagogical, and content knowledge (TPACK), universal design for learning (UDL), and inclusivity frameworks. The preservice teachers had significant learning gains in assessment in four ASL chapters and provided positive perceptions and feedback regarding the module. Hence, the ASL module is a valid, practical, and effective instructional tool, particularly in flexible STEM education. The second cycle of the PDSA model, considering other learning outcomes and specializations, is recommended to be implemented in other teacher education institutions.
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